Chapter 382: Dad is here!

The three words of General Ling are like a thunderstorm that blew the entire battlefield and made everyone shocked. The enemy and the enemy, who were still in the battle, stopped the battle in unison and looked up at the sudden mech in the air.

This mech is much more powerful than the Imperial Mech. It is a squad that is bigger than the ordinary mech. Compared with the other, it is like a petite girl, so it seems so weak. It has a quaint shape that is different from other mechas, the flaming phoenix totem in the chest, and the five-star symbol of the country on the right arm, which is deeply reflected in everyone's eyes.

All of this made everyone on the battlefield shake. The difference was that the soldiers of the Chinese Federation shouted excitedly. The voice of General Ling became unified from clutter, and finally there was only one voice... they were so happy and even a lot The soldier shouted and shed tears.

The enemy, originally arrogant because of the assistance of the imperial master, suddenly fell down, and even some mech fighters were afraid to make a retreating action, showing how the armor is so shocking to them. It is.

If the two mech-class mechs appeared, let the battlefield fall into a few seconds of silence, then the appearance of this mech, let the entire battlefield directly stop the war, especially the enemy, do not dare to move.

Because everyone knows that this plane suddenly came to the battlefield, and the one who shot the most terrible long-range artillery fire of the Imperial Mech is who he is. He is one of the 12th-level priests of the Federation and is regarded as the most in the future. A powerful god-level sergeant, one of the top ten leaders of the Chinese Federation!

The reputation of Ling Xiao. Not only the name of the whole China, but the entire human world. The same is the look of fear. The enemy is very clear, as long as you have a slight change. Ling Xiao can definitely clean them up in an instant. In the face of this irresistible ultimate weapon, they have no chance of winning.

In the ground command, when Ling Xiao suddenly appeared, the commander slammed himself in the first time. The severe pain made him wake up. The whole person laughed wildly, but his eyes began to redden. He said to himself. Authentic: "It’s really a big general. He came, he came, and victory must belong to our Chinese Federation." In the last sentence, he shouted out, showing how hard he struggled in this war. At this time, you can finally vent it.

His voice also awakened all the commanders in the command, and they jumped and shouted in ecstasy, from despair to hope. In just a few minutes, they had a round of rotation. There were several officers who were not strong enough, and they sat on the ground. The crying and laughing sound could not climb together for a while.

Ling Xiao, who has already arrived at the scene, the first point of sight is the place where Ling Lan lives. When he sees the smoke in the residential area. With a mess, his eyes slammed cold. I know that I am still a step late.

Ling Xiao’s heart is annoyed and anxious. He doesn’t know if his baby daughter will have something. He has always been calm, and he finally can't bear the murder of his heart. He did not hesitate to raise his guns and aimed at the imperial mech of this scene.

He will never allow this empire-level mech that might hurt his baby daughter to flee his palm, and he will surely let him pay the price of blood!

"Ling Wei, you can't do this." There was a strong sense of crisis in the hearts of the emperors. He knew that the other party had already murdered. Once you enter the realm of the emperor, you can feel the killing of the other party.

The Emperor is very clear that he is definitely not an opponent of a god-level sergeant. He is a god-level sergeant. Unless he is an opponent of the same level, he or she will rely on a considerable number of princes who are not afraid of death. The possibility of hurting the other party... Seeing clearly, it is a wound, not a wreck. At their level, there will never be a miracle of a leapfrog.

"If you kill me, you will violate the World Common Declaration." The Emperor was very vocal.

"When you choose to shoot, you are not qualified to say this to me." Ling Xiao replied coldly, dare to move his daughter, there must be a dead consciousness.

The trigger in the hands of Ling Xiao did not hesitate to buckle down, a light blue beam was ejected from the muzzle and directed at the opponent's mech.

The Emperor was the first time to control the mech to dodge. In the blink of an eye, the Emperor's mech was nearly a few hundred meters away from the original place. Everyone on the ground saw that the beam from Ling Xiao was shunned by the Emperor's Mech. Just as the federal soldiers couldn't help but sigh, when the enemy cheered, the next second, everyone looked at it with horror. The Emperor's Mech, no sound can be made anymore.

It turned out that the emperor's armor, which was evaded to a hundred meters away, was destroyed. The huge line of death that was originally placed on his right arm was dropped directly to the ground because of lack of strength. Knocked down and made a loud noise.

How is this going? Soon, the quick-responding mechs understood that the right arm of the imperial armor was absolutely the light beam emitted by Ling Xiao. Can it be clearly evaded by the past beam, why can it hit the other's right arm?

Almost everyone can't understand, they can't figure it out, because they don't believe that they will be wrong. Only Tang Yan, his eyes flashed, and there was a confusion between the eyebrows. It seemed that he realized something, but he couldn't say a word. So come.

Only the Imperial Master of the Guns himself understands why he was shot, because when he shot, he used the highest shooting skill time!

Time illusion is actually an illusion, that is, the beam and speed that the attacker sees are actually fake. That is to say, when shooting, they give each other an illusion. This ability is only The god-level master can only have it. The reason why the master is understood is that he has received the guidance of a god-level teacher in his own country. Emperor Shishi believes that he may have been recruited before he evaded, only to wait until he evaded before discovering it.

This is a god-level teacher, there is no room for resistance! The Emperor finally felt the sense of powerlessness of the ACE Master when he faced him... Before he could react, a shadow had already appeared in front of him.

Hey! Four consecutive cold flashes flashed instantly. In the next second, the arms of the Emperor's mech and the remaining left arm were directly cut by the cold light. The last sword ruthlessly penetrated the opponent's control cabin. In fact, according to the strength of Ling Xiao, you can completely defeat the enemy, just use a move to solve the opponent, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred of the heart...

Originally, Yaowu Yangwei, the imperial mech of the entire battlefield, was solved so cleanly and neatly, and everyone on the scene was scared by this scene. Although it has always been clear that the god-level mech is the ultimate weapon of the human world, it is only a legend after all. Many warriors cannot see the battle of the god-level masters in their lifetime, and they cannot understand the meaning of this sentence. At this point, I really saw the power of the god-level division, and finally understood why only the god-level mech was called the ultimate weapon of the human world... the frightened mech-class mech, in front of the god-level mech, with Like other mechs, nothing is the existence of ants.

Ling Xiao’s anger was not satisfied because he solved a Royal Mech. In the next second, he had already appeared in the armored forces.

"The system of divine punishment is open!" His own baby daughter was born and died because of these intruders. Ling Xiao’s heart was murderous, and he did not hesitate to release the most terrible weapon of God-level mechs.

"Accept the command, God's punishment is open!" Less than a second, twelve beautiful wings suddenly emerged behind the god-level mech, and the wings quickly absorbed energy, and the blink of an eye reached the top.

"Launch!" Ling Xiao said this sentence coldly, and at the same time ruthlessly pressed the trigger in his hand, he saw twelve beams of light sweeping toward the enemy aircraft array blocked by the armored forces, instantly let everyone's sight There are a few seconds of blind spots... When the light disappears, when everyone’s line of sight returns to normal, they see the entire ground, and 12 blanks have been cleared. In the blank, no ruins of any mech can be seen, just like being The same is true for instant hair extensions.

This horrible firepower once again makes everyone understand why God-level mechs will be called the ultimate weapon of the human world, and nothing can stop this horrible firepower.

Once a divine punishment, almost all of the enemy planes were cleared, and the entire enemy camp was suddenly empty. Ling Xiao’s anger was relieved. He stopped his teleport and returned to the air again. He decisively connected to the entire military channel and issued an order: “Comprehensive attack, clean up the battlefield!” Since you dare to invade, you must die. Enlightenment, Ling Xiao did not even think about letting these enemies go back alive.

"Yes, General!" Hearing the command of Ling Xiao, all the Chinese soldiers on the battlefield returned with excitement. They saw the fruits of victory in the first few minutes, from despair to hope, and they were full of energy. The feeling of grievance that was originally pressed by the other party finally disappeared, and all the fighters broke out, like a hungry wolf, rushing to the remaining mechs...

Everyone rushed to the remaining enemies. Only Tang Yan chose to fly to Ling Xiao and shouted: "Ling General, there is also a Royal Mech, which has already sneaked into the military school..."

Ling Xiao originally wanted to go to the accommodation area to check the situation of When I heard Tang’s words, my heart was suddenly shocked. Another emperor’s mech abandoned the battle that was about to be reached here, quietly lurking into the military school. What do you want to do?

Like Ling Lan, the first thing that comes to mind is, is it that his daughter’s work at the Xunlong base was discovered? However, Ling Xiao quickly ruled out this possibility. Although he was in the military school during this time, he knew everything outside, but he did not find any signs of discovery in the Caesar Empire...

At this moment, Ling Xiao's face changed slightly, and he disappeared into Tang Yin's sight in the next second. He only left his answer in the air: "Give it to me!"

Ling Xiao did not hesitate to consume the energy of the mech using the Kamikaze system, because just now, he received the news of his daughter, only one coordinate, and only two big characters: life-saving!

Ling Xiao is anxious and angry. He can almost be sure that the **** Emperor's mech is definitely at that coordinate.

"Laner, insist on five seconds, Dad is coming soon!" Ling Xiao confident, with the **** wind system, after five seconds, he will be able to rush to the scene. But he also knows that in the face of the Imperial Mech, five seconds is likely to have decided the life and death of his daughter... (to be continued...) ()

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