From the discovery of the air strikes to the present, two hours passed quietly, the night is still very dark, the enemy still did not break the defensive front of the ground forces, and the new enemy, also under the resistance of all the special mechs, and Without much success, the war once again fell into a stalemate.

The commander of the ground command faced the incident of casualties and felt numb. He had been heartbroken from the beginning, and he was indifferent because he himself did not know whether he would sacrifice this same as these fighters. On the planet...

"Look, what's above..." Suddenly a staff officer screamed. He was responsible for monitoring the entire battlefield and staring at the big screen on the wall of the command post.

When the commander heard this exclamation, he quickly looked up from a large piece of information and saw the sky above the accommodation area. There were two dazzling mechadies that almost flashed his eyes. The familiar shape made him lose control. : "tmd, they dare to destroy the joint declaration!"

At this time, on the battlefield, almost everyone found the two mechs that were suspended at first sight, because the shape of the mech was too large and too dazzling, and it was impossible to ignore it. The fierce battlefield suddenly seemed to be pressed by the pause button, and both the enemy and the enemy accepted the hand. Enemy personnel saw the labels of their chests acting at this time, and they immediately made an earth-shattering cheer. And the garrison on the new planet, all the soldiers of the Chinese Federation, including the mentor of the military school, fell into a kind of desperate mind.

Tang Hao just defeated a trump card. I heard the sound of the pumping from the instructors, and the next battle, the whole battlefield suddenly fell into a cold silence. He suddenly looked up and saw the two mechs hanging in the air, his eyes slammed sharply, and the hand that had originally manipulated the armor suddenly became stiff...

Tang Yan glanced at the accommodation area in a reflective manner, and he seemed to have seen what the final fate of everyone staying at this time was. Suddenly he thought of something and quickly checked the position of his proud disciple Chaucer. However, he found that the other party had left the area of ​​the accommodation area and lurked to the depths of the military academy.

Tang Yan was shocked and delighted in his heart. It was shocked that Chaucer did not obey his orders. Private action, out of his protection, if something happens, he can not rush to protect. The good news is that Qiao’s mistakes are wrong. At this time, leaving the accommodation area, you may still find a chance. Tang Hao, who had no back road, had a cold eyes. He suddenly made a decision in his heart, that is, led all the instructors to drag the two Imperial Mechs as far as possible. Give Joe a chance to fight for more escapes.

Two emperor mechs were seen because of their appearance. Let the battle on the entire battlefield pause for a few seconds, become cold and lonely, and feel very proud and satisfied. They looked down at the cold, and looked at the ground forces in China, like their ants, and their ace.

At this time, one of the emperor's mechs asked coldly another emperor's mech: "What did you search?"

"I saw two batches of kitten fish, on the way to the confluence, huh, huh..." Another emperor's mech suddenly laughed.

"Is the target person?" The royal machine that asked the question couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect them to be so lucky. When they came up, they found the target of their trip.

"*Not far from ten, those kitten fish are the internships of the military academy, two of which are the trump card internships, which should be the two mission targets given to us by the commander. Parker, I will hand it over to you, I To solve the kitten fish, after we complete the task, we can go back." Another emperor mech can't help but lick his lips and start to get excited, compared to being a humanoid with no technical content. The barrel, he still prefers to play with the kitten fish, play it.

"Don't play too much." The relationship between the two Emperor's mechs seems to be very good. The Emperor's mech from the beginning of the speech could not help but remind.

"An Anan, what time did I not complete the task?" Another emperor mech was responsively responding, and the next second was to control the mech to disappear into the night sky...

Tang Yan, who has been paying close attention to the two Emperor's mechs, saw a sudden news of one of the Emperor's mechs, and suddenly he was shocked: "Where did he go?"

Before he searched for the other side's trace, he saw the remaining Aegis mech, and suddenly took out a giant cylinder weapon of almost the height of the organic armor from the back. Tang Yan saw it and his face changed greatly. Shouted: "Flash!"

As an elite trump card, Tang Yan knows very well about the next-level mechs that they will advance to. The weapon that the other party has taken out is the most powerful and the most horrible beam energy weapon in the Imperial Mechs - the line of death! As long as it is shot, even the same level of the Aegis armor, can only survive by using the full shield of the King of the shield, lower than the armor of the Imperial class, it is impossible to survive this attack. The only way to escape is to get out of the shooting track range of the line of death, which is why Tang Yin directly shouted.

"Oh!", the cylinder in the hands of the Emperor's mech suddenly ejected a purple-black beam. Even if it was as powerful as the Imperial Mech, the balance of the mech could not be guaranteed. Flying out, it can be seen how strong the backrest of this cannon is.

Because of Tang Yin’s reminder, in the air, all the federal mechs quickly flew away from the beam’s shooting range, but even so, there were several mechadies that were not sensitive enough, but were wiped by the purple-black beam. However, the energy that can be contained still causes these mechs to explode, instantly becoming ruins, then evaporating and disappearing, and there is no trace.

The gun of the Imperial Mechs, the target of choice was to resist the ground armored forces of the enemy planes. Once the guns were down, the armored units of the original rectangular square array, in the center, suddenly appeared a circular black open space, originally in the Among them, the armored forces became a group of black, and disappeared without a trace...

"This is too horrible, we can't resist it." The ground commander saw this scene. A staff officer who could not withstand the pressure suddenly fell down and cried, the Imperial Mech, although not like a god-level mech, decided a battlefield. The victory of the ownership, but the federal ground forces that were originally in the downwind, suffered a devastating blow from the Imperial Mech, and there was no spare force to resist those mechs.

The weak behavior of the former staff officer was scorned by others, but everyone in the command department was stunned by this attack. For a moment, it became silent and a desperate silence spread silently in the headquarters.

When the Emperor's mech saw a shot, he destroyed the opponent's ground armored forces by almost one-sixth. He nodded with satisfaction: "It is a force, this is the value of our imperial division..."

After all, the Emperor of the Emperor balanced his armor and set up the cylinder again. This time, his goal was to open a few miles behind the armored forces. At this time, there was a dazzling residential area...

"It's a good target!" The imperial master smashed his lips with excitement. As long as it was completely destroyed, it was half of their mission. The ridiculous Chinese people, self-telling and clever, made such a regional light. Shield, do not have to worry about him, they found the target they want to strike, too tmd worry and effort.

Tang Hao, who just led the leaders to flash the beam orbit, saw the direction of the cylinder alignment, and could not help but sorrow: "Stop! Bastard!" He manipulated the mech, attempting to fly over and intercept, but it was already late, the other side The trigger was pulled down, and another purple-black beam was ejected from the cylinder...

"Oh!", the purple-black light beam hit the light shield of the accommodation area mercilessly. The light shield was broken instantly, and the light beam did not weaken much. In a blink of an eye, it hit the inside of the accommodation area and saw many buildings. The purple-black light beam was swallowed up in an instant, and the beautiful and quiet residential area was swallowed up by one tenth.

When Tang Yan saw it, the tiger eyes were tearful. He seemed to see the moment when the light beam hit. The cadet inside the scene followed the scene of the gray smoke, and his heart was severely painful.

"The place is quite big..." The Emperor's mech spit a bit, once again set up the cylinder, aimed at the accommodation area, ready to launch the second line of death.

"Damn, give me a hand!" Tang Hao was crazy. He did not hesitate to control the mech to the Emperor's mech. Even if he knew that he was sent to death, he could not watch the children die here...

"It's really looking for death!" The Emperor's mech saw an ace mech that was not afraid of death. He tried to stop his line of death. He sneered to pull the trigger, and another purple-black beam was launched from the muzzle. Tang Zhen’s mechs went down...

"Mr. Tang Yan..." All the instructors shouted in Everyone knows that once they are shot by the line of death, Tang Yan is absolutely difficult to escape, seeing the purple-black beam will be Tang Yan When the whole armor is swallowed...

"Oh!", the purple-black beam was suddenly blocked by a powerful energy, and then quickly dissipated. Tang’s mech was once again in front of everyone, and his mech was unscathed. What is the matter? ?

Even if the party Tang Yan, the same stunned, originally rushed to prepare to sacrifice himself, hoping to consume the energy of the death line as much as possible, so that the following accommodation area can reduce the damage, unexpectedly, at the moment when he was hit, the sudden shot in the distance A light blue light beam intercepted the line of death and saved him.

He subconsciously looked at the light beam that was emitted from the light blue, and saw that a mech was flying fast over the night sky. After a few seconds, the whole mech was presented to everyone...

When Tang Hao saw the mech, his eyes suddenly became wet. He seemed to be a bullied child. He finally saw the object he could rely on and couldn’t help but shouted: "Ling General!"

Tang Yan used the sound-amplifying equipment, and his voice made everyone on the battlefield understand clearly!

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