Chapter 379: A glimpse of the poor picture!

Ling Lan, who opened the mech, quickly contacted the rest of the team and made the next move. Ling Lan feels that it is too dangerous to stay in place. After all, the two groups of enemies are flapping here. If there are still a group of enemies coming, they will definitely not be a trump card. It is likely to come to two teams or even three teams. Ace column.

Ling Lan has the confidence to fight against a ace master, but there is one more, Ling Lan has no bottom, and it is not only her who is staying here, but also other members of the team, Ling Lan must Responsible for the safety of the players. Under careful consideration, Ling Lan decided to take the team to retreat and temporarily avoid the edge!

At this time, in the general command of the Starship Fleet suspended in the starry sky, two battlefield reports were sent to their commanders...

"You said that there are soldiers in both locations who reported that Chaucer appeared?" The chief commander looked at the two points that were tens of kilometers apart and couldn't help but frown.

"Yes, the general commander, one is the news sent by the M team. The preliminary speculation is that the ace elite Tang Yan with Chaucer, only two people, can be sure now, one of them is the military school's ace internship machine ... and The other is the accommodation area. Our army's mechs found that there were a number of military school internships in the ground forces of the accommodation area. Most of them were super-class mechs, one of which was the trump card...” the adjutant received The news thoroughly understood the situation and heard the commander's question and explained it.

"There were two ace internships at the same time. Did the first men's military school in China actually have two ace masters?" The chief commander looked at the two reports, and the brow wrinkled even tighter.

"Unclear, the Chinese people have always been very embarrassed. They may be smoke bombs. They are disguised by the mentor. It is also possible that two students have successfully advanced, but they have been deliberately concealed." The adjutant told his guess. commander.

"It seems that we can't miss these two points. Whether it is true or not, these internships must be cleaned up." The chief commander’s eyes flashed, he did not forget what the ultimate purpose of the operation was. .

"M squad that point, if two people, then send two ace columns in the past..." The commander first issued the order.

The adjutant seemed to think of something, and he was busy reminding: "The commander, before I reported, has sent an ace column to go."

"What is the situation now?" the general commander browed and asked.

The adjutant's face is not very good-looking: "I haven't got the exact news yet."

“How long has the order been issued since now?” The chief commander’s face was dignified.

"It has been ten minutes." The adjutant also felt that after so long, there was no news, and things were not good.

"It seems that they are fierce, and that point..." The chief commander blinked. "It is probably a trap... but even if it is a trap, I have to make this trap our record, that point. Add two ace columns in the past, be sure to give me a thorough clean up of those who set up."

"Yes, the chief commander!" The adjutant immediately took the order.

After the commander issued the order, he went to the front of the strategic map display, and the adjutant quickly followed.

The chief commander took a serious look at the hottest point of the war. He thought about it: "The accommodation area... is the most resistant, and our troops, including the Allies, are blocked here... Adj. Is the battle still deadlocked?"

"Yes, the commander, the new planet's defense forces, have understood what our goal is, so all the force is placed in the accommodation area here, our first few air strikes of the mechs, because the other party is prepared, so The casualties were heavy, the staff was greatly reduced, and the other side was in the strength. Although there were many strong attacks, they were resisted by the other side.” The adjutant reported the deadlock in the ground accommodation area to his chief commander.

The general commander picked up the latest report from the staff officer, and the brow wrinkled again: "The ground fire is too dense, and the points we landed are too concentrated... Can we not be scattered to other locations?"

The adjutant smiled back and said: "Because the only safe place for the new planet is the first men's military school, other undeveloped primitive places are dangerous. This is specially marked by the intelligence bureau when we gave us the news. Don't exceed the scope of the first men's military academy, otherwise our soldiers will be in danger..."

The chief commander has not spoken yet, and the adjutant continues to add: "The facts prove that the information given to us by the Intelligence Bureau is accurate. A group of allied armies have temporarily changed the landing site and crossed the ground in order to avoid the dense ground fire. The safe areas we have set...and those people, until now, have no information, after repeated investigations and deductions, the final conclusion is that the whole army is annihilated..."

The adjutant’s words made the general commander’s face change slightly. When the adjutant said these words, his face became very ugly. He paused and said: “I just studied the intelligence sent by the intelligence bureau and found out. Those places are Jedi, which is used by Chinese people to break through the ace of the ace."

The chief commander slammed his eyes: "It’s really hard for Chinese people to find such a good place. It’s no wonder that every time, there are top strategists, and with these Jedi, the planet is guarded, only the first man. This place in the military academy is really a labor-saving and resource-saving."

For the good fortune of the Chinese people, the commander’s heart was really envious and hateful. He was silent for a few seconds and finally made a decision: “Weir adjutant, the notice goes on, and the ultimate means is started.”

The adjutant looked up in horror, and his face was unbelievable. The ultimate means was that it was allowed to start when the fleet was completely annihilated. I didn’t expect the general commander to violate this order, but it was launched at the time of the attack. The outside world knows that the commander will inevitably be fully accused and even sent to the military court.

"Time is very urgent, don't forget what our goal is." The general commander is not surprised by his assistant's appearance. If he can, he does not want to use this ultimate means, but people are not as good as days. The foolproof sneak attack was discovered by the ground forces, causing them to suffer heavy casualties now, and the entire battle situation was deadlocked.

The chief commander is well aware that the longer the battle time, the more unfavorable they are. The satellite signal shields their current technology for only four hours. Once the shield is over, they will face support troops from all sides...

Around the starry sky, the commander knew that there were four powerful Huaxia fleets, and they were able to stay here because the other party did not know that the new planet was attacked. If the screening time is over, the local forces will successfully contact the satellite and send a distress signal. The four fleets will definitely come to the rescue as quickly as possible. At that time, if they wanted to escape, they had to pay a heavy price to kill a **** road. This is what the chief commander did not want to see.

"And, I know that the outside allies have begun to feel distrustful to us." The chief commander’s eyes flashed a bit of anger. "In order to save this, and to appease their emotions, we must use Thunder. Tell them that everything is in our hands!" Besides, he does not want to return without success. He is a loyal empire of hegemonic hegemony. Even if he is sent to a military court, he will complete this task for the empire.

The adjutant heard the words of the chief commander, and his temper was serious. He also knew that the words from the outside allies were not very good. It seemed that they were arguing that they intended to make the Allied soldiers a victim. The commander did so. The extent is to wash this charge.

The adjutant who figured it out, quickly stood up and said: "Yes, commander, I will inform you immediately!"

The general commander waved his hand and looked at the green planet below. He was already poor, and hoped that he would get his satisfaction.

As the General Command followed an order, countless starships once again sent countless armor, in which, at the same time, there was a secret weapon that the Chief Commander said as the ultimate means...

The commander of the ground forces, when the commander received a report that found countless enemy planes in the sky, his face changed greatly: "The order goes down, and I have to withstand it anyway." He hated to tear his army. The cap, the back of the military uniform, has been wet with sweat, showing that the operational arrangements during this time have already made him exhausted.

“Don't contact the fleet in other areas?” Watching his orders was conveyed by the deputy chief of staff around He couldn't help but look at the communicationsmen who had never stopped contacting other fleets.

"Our information here can't be sent out, and we can only passively accept information from satellites." The communications force, like the commander, has been so nervous and anxious to let his military uniform soak the sweat.

"It seems that the other party has used signal shielding. The only thing that is fortunate is that they can only shield the outside world, not both inside and outside." The commander actually had this judgment in his heart, just holding a little hope. Do not believe it. He thought that if the other party's shielding ability is stronger, the military uniform that had been soaked in sweat was once again soaked by the sweat that burst out of fear. The commander is very clear, if this is the case, they are now dead and dead, and there is no counterattack.

"Commander, the latest battle report from the front line, said that the armor, most of them are ace mechs and stunt mechs." Did not wait for the commander to finish, the latest news sent by the commander, let the commander slammed sink.

The commanders are very clear that the reason why they can support this for a long time is because the enemy aircraft of the previous batches of air strikes are mostly medium and high-level mechs, and only a few teams of trump card mechs are under pressure...

"It seems that the enemy has already shown a poor picture." The commander silver teeth bite and ordered, "Let the armored stunt team, all the stunts above the stunts."

The acemaster, he is still too few here... Now it is only possible to rely on the special strategist to use it. I hope that I will not wait until the whole army is over, to wait until the reinforcements. The commander had a flash of pain in his eyes, and he had to make this choice in order to protect the students behind him. RS

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