Chapter 378: Victory belongs!

Ling Lan’s choice was only made in an instant, and the light sword of the super-class mech was fiercely stabbed to Li Lanfeng’s control cabin. Every mech controller knows that once the opponent's control cabin is destroyed, it represents the end of the battle and the final victory.


"Be careful!"


The other members of the Linglan team who watched the battle saw this dangerous scene and could only scream helplessly. Qi Long and Luo Lang are not good at long-range attacks, they can only stay on the ground and watch the danger appear, and they are helpless.

Because they like melee, the skills of the two are also biased towards melee, and they don't pay much attention to the long-range attack technology. At this time, the two of them regretted it, and finally understood why Lan’s boss inadvertently reminded them that even if they were proficient in melee skills, they could not completely abandon those words of long-range attacks...

It turns out that when a partner encounters a life crisis, it is very likely that he will be able to turn things around and save his partner... just as now, if they are proficient in long-range attacks, they should shoot crazy and help Li Lanfeng to block the enemy.

Li Yuyu, Han Jijun, and Lin Zhongqing also feel their incompetence at this time. If their ability to control the armor is higher, they will not be able to be pulled down so far. Also, they also felt that the cooperation between the players was very problematic. For example, now they chase Li Lanfeng, but they can't think of the three people to be dispersed. The result of squeezing together is their shooting route, which was blocked by Li Lanfeng...

That is to say, they have the ability to shoot remotely, and they don't dare to shoot at this time, because they can't guarantee that they will shoot the more advanced Li Lanfeng before shooting to the special mech.

Everyone can only watch the light sword stabbing Li Lanfeng's control cabin...

"Hey!" This is the voice of the lightsaber piercing the mech, followed by Li Lanyu behind Li Lanfeng, seeing a light sword suddenly appearing through the body of Li Lanfeng, appearing behind him, invariably, everyone is desperate Is that gentle, always smiling old man who is here?

Only Ling Lan, who stood on the ground watching the battle, calmly put down the right hand of the high armor, slowly control the mech to hang the beam of light gun back to his waist.

Ling Lan just finished this action, in midair, two stationary mechs, suddenly moved. Seeing Li Lanfeng’s mech suddenly raised his leg and slammed the special mech that was tightly attached to his mech.

The special mech was because of Li Lanfeng's foot. The whole mech was lying in the air, but there was no resistance. A person with a sharp eye can see that there is a handle with a hilt on his control cabin. At the back of the mech, there is a flash of light that is flickering...

The super-class mechs flying in the air did not have any resistance action. After receiving the gravity of the new planet, the whole mech began to fall to the ground at high speed. At this time, on his control cabin, the raised hilt object suddenly fell, and the flashing light behind him stopped.

Without the cover of the handle, the armor control cabin reveals a dark round hole, straight through the opposite side...

The loud bang of the "嘭", the heavy armor fell heavily on the ground, splashing countless dust. Perhaps because the special armor itself is extremely strong, there is no scene of falling apart.

At this time, everyone in the stagnation suddenly realized that the winner of this battle was actually their partner Li Lanfeng, not the enemy they thought, the special mech.

I was desperately rushing to Li Lanfeng, who refused to give up, and wanted to take one of the hopes of one-tenth of a million, Li Yuyu, seeing it, and suddenly felt ecstatic. When they just wanted to fly and congratulate Li Lanfeng, they saw Li Lanfeng, who was flying in the air, and suddenly the whole armor was out of control, and suddenly fell down.

This unexpected scene made the original surprise team members change their faces again and again, and the armor was rushed up and down... The hope of the air could pull the falling mech, and the hope on the ground could fall in the mech. Take it in front of you...

But there is no doubt that they are far away from each other. It is almost impossible to accomplish this goal. Even so, they still have not given up, and they still turn their engine power to the limit...

Ling Lan, who was prepared in the heart, at the moment when Li Lanfeng’s mechs lost control, her mech suddenly flashed and disappeared on the ground that stood on her... and the next second, she appeared below Li Lanfeng’s fall. The whole mech was vigorously jumped and flew over a dozen meters in the air, just to drop the Li Lanfeng mech that had fallen down and hugged the whole waist...

The other members of the Linglan team saw this scene, and their hearts suddenly slammed. They even forgot that there was a guardian of Lan’s boss. Everyone stopped the mech.

Only four people, seeing this picture, the whole person is crazy: What is this? Heroes save the United States? Save the hero? Or is it a hero to save the hero? Or should it be said that the beauty saves the beauty... Ah, his chip is running soon!

The small four suddenly stuck, and the whole person stayed for a while. However, he subconsciously took this picture and directly collected it in his own database. He was ready to wait until his chip returned to normal before continuing to study the problem.

"Leopard, how do you feel?" Ling Lan cleanly convinced Li Lanfeng's mech, and controlled his armor to land gently, with almost no vibration. Standing firmly, she quickly connected to Li Lanfeng's call channel and asked with concern.

Although Ling Lan's tone is still as cold as usual, Li Lanfeng still hears the deep concern of Ling Lan.

Li Lanfeng laughed involuntarily, his heart was warm and swaying, and his rabbit really cared about him, otherwise he would not save him in time when he fell off the ground...

Because of the fierce battle, the half-metal mask that Li Lanfeng had been covering all the time has fallen off. If anyone sees this bright smile from the heart, the resistance is lower, and both men and women will be tempted.

"I'm fine!" Li Lanfeng said with a smile, his eyes felt a little hot. He tried to lift his hand and wiped the sweat flowing into his eyes. He did such a simple movement. Li Lanfeng also did very difficult. He felt his double at this time. The arm is no longer his own.

"Your mech has no energy to fight again." Ling Lan quickly checked Li Lanfeng's mech, without any gray cover of energy, which made her frown. In this dangerous battlefield, there is no mech protection. Dangerous... Ling Lan made the decision instantly, "Wait for you to sit in my mech."

"Ah, oh, good~!"; Ling Lan's words made Li Lanfeng stunned at once, and he quickly returned, ecstatically returning. Does this prove that his performance this time has allowed the rabbit to recognize it? Thinking of this, Li Lanfeng was so excited that the whole body could not move the body, and it seems that there is new power.

He put the metal mask off the side and put it on. When Ling Lan put his mech on the ground, he opened the control cabin and climbed out. Of course, his current actions are not as neat as usual, and even the performance is very embarrassing, because he is half-climbed and fell.

Climb up from the ground, and then step by step to the foot of Ling Lan's mech, which usually looks extremely simple. At this time, Li Lanfeng is able to do it with a lot of effort.

Li Lanfeng just walked to the foot of Ling Lan's machine armor. The elevator platform that entered the armor came to the ground almost at the same time. Li Lanfeng smiled bitterly. It seems that the rabbit is very clear about his situation and almost counts the time he reached. Although Li Lanfeng was somewhat annoyed and shy, she was so excited that she quickly rushed these complicated minds... He took a heavy breath and firmly lifted his legs and stepped on.

The lifting platform slowly climbed, and it was not yet in the control cabin. Li Lanfeng saw that Ling Lan was standing outside the control cabin. At this time, he was reaching out...

Li Lanfeng's mouth was slightly tilted, and he put his hand decisively in Ling Lan's hand. Ling Lan’s fingers are a little cold, but the palms are very warm. This warmth makes his heart beat fiercely. The person who was originally trusted by him will hold it tightly and feel so safe...

Just as Li Lanfeng was filled with emotions, a strong force was uploaded from Ling Lan’s hand. In the next second, his entire body was broken into the control cabin by the other party and broke into the vice seat...

"Sit well!" Ling Lan directly ordered, cold eyes faintly sweeping Li Lanfeng, seems to be very dissatisfied with Li Lanfeng's practice of dragging This eye makes Li Lanfeng shake the whole person, the brain suddenly Clearly, the boring feelings in my heart are swept away. He did not dare to hesitate, and quickly fixed himself in the sub-seat with a seat belt.

Hey, he doesn't want the rabbit to think he is tired! ! ! Some of the fearful Li Lanfeng, at this time, did not feel the body's various soreness and discomfort. When doing these actions, it was obviously much more sensitive than at the beginning. Sure enough, when people's attention is dispersed, there is an analgesic effect.

Seeing Li Lanfeng's action, he was able to close the control cabin and open the mech. Just looking at the slow action of the leopard, she was really upset. Sure enough, she was an anxious person... It seems that I really want to find a way to help the leopard solve the physical problems thoroughly. Ling Lan thought.

Because there are no other enemies around, Ling Lan did not let Xiao 4 do an emergency start, but chose to start normally. After two minutes, the normal start of the mech was completed.

This is already the result of the slowdown of the small four. Otherwise, even if it is started normally, the light brain optimized by Xiaosi can definitely complete the startup process within one minute. But this time is really shocking, even if the Imperial Mech, it can not be completed within one minute. Although Ling Lan trusts the leopard, but the existence of the small four is too strange, in order to avoid trouble, but also to protect the small four, Ling Lan still choose to cover up.

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