Chapter 306: Mech Warehouse!

The departure of Joe's adjutant, let the big school's mouth twitch, and a flash of sarcasm in the eyes, the generals said this order, this Joe adjutant still does not know the current affairs, it seems that after returning, Joe adjutant should be laid off. He went to the position and looked at the guidance work. The generals quickly drove the warships, such as a streamer, instantly smashing the stars and flying to the new planet. In a few seconds, they completely lost their sight...

On the screen, only the dejected Joe adjutant was left behind.

"University, what should we do now?" As a general, the highest rank of him, originally a true head of the assessment team, other officers inevitably have to ask his opinions.

"What to do? Of course, follow the generals to the new planet, and, to the federal host brain, send a report that the new planet is in danger." The university said. Can not let the generals fight alone, must let the main brain to deploy a strong fleet as soon as possible to help the generals, although he has confidence in the generals, but the insurance points are always good.

The words of the university allowed the other officers on the warship to agree, so the warship quickly sent a report to the federal brain, and at the same time turned the direction, followed by the squadron, and quickly flew to the new planet...

Ling Lan took a group of more than 100 members of the new regiment and finally arrived at the first men’s military school’s mech warehouse after ten minutes of rushing. The warehouse stores a variety of mechs of various grades. It is used for real-time control exercises of military school middle school students. The usual time has been blocked in the warehouse, and students are not allowed to touch easily.

"Boss, the warehouse door has been destroyed and opened, and some people have advanced more than us." As a striker squad, Qi Long led the other members of the Linglan squad, took the lead and gave the new group a front. They were the first to contact the armor warehouse door and immediately found the door that should have been closed. The door lock failed. In the middle of a half cover. Upon seeing it, Qi Long rushed back to Ling Lan, who was sitting in the midfield, and told her about the situation.

Ling Lan heard a word, his brow slightly wrinkled. Mind: Does anyone choose the same approach as her?

The reason why Linglan guessed this is because the mech in the mech warehouse is the student's internship armor. It is not a formal armor. The weapons inside are only the most conventional ones. The power is much smaller than the official armor. Generally, regular soldiers will not choose the mechs in the military school warehouse to fight. The tutors of the school have their own mechs, and it is impossible to come here to pick them up. The only one who can come here to choose the mech is the students in the military academy.

Ling Lan was so curious about this student who chose her the same, and did not know where the other party is. If you can make a relationship, Ling Lan does not mind knowing this like-minded classmate.

Because I don't know the situation inside the warehouse, I am afraid that the person who entered the front will misunderstand. Ling Lan asked the captains to go on, when they entered the warehouse. Try to be quiet, don't be embarrassed.

The warehouse door was pushed open by several people, and the new group began to enter the system in an orderly manner. As soon as you entered the warehouse, you saw countless tall and mighty steel armor standing in front of them. Everyone couldn't help but feel excited. They could immediately touch and control these powerful combat weapons.

Ling Lan glanced at the foremost armor of the warehouse and found that they were all three types of internships. In addition to the necessary cold weapons, the internships were not equipped with hot weapons for long-range attacks. Ling Lanuo gave up these mechs. This is obviously the internship of the target machine. She signaled that the freshman group followed her to move on.

Ling Lan was very clear because he had done the investigation beforehand. What is the level of mech manipulation in the virtual world with the freshmen who came with her. Those internships and low-level mechs have been removed from her, leaving behind the intermediate level.

It is not Ling Lan who looks down on those students with low grades, but because of the low-level mechs, in actual combat, the combat ability is too weak. The casualty rate has reached 80%. Although it can survive 20%, it may become a strong player in the future, but it must survive.

Ling Lan believes that unnecessary sacrifices are not advisable. When these students take a higher level of control, they will fight again, and the number of people who survive will be more and the future will be very good.

Therefore, for their safety, Ling Languo cut off these low-level mechs, leaving only the members of the intermediate-level armor, which is why the new group suddenly removed more than 200 people. Being able to enter the intermediate machine in a short period of time is inevitably a person with outstanding heart and outstanding ability. As long as there is a baptism of war, these people will grow faster!

The armor warehouse was dark and silent, and did not see the figure coming in front. When the first person stepped into the mech warehouse, the sensor light automatically illuminates, and the original dark armor warehouse suddenly became bright.

In this case, although some students who were not psychologically prepared were shocked, they kept in mind the instructions of Lan’s boss and did not make any panic, and then they saw that the students around them were still calm and quickly returned to normal. The wide mech warehouse, only heard the neat and orderly footsteps of the new group.

Ling Lan took the lead and walked for three minutes. All the way through the low-level mech area, and soon reached the intermediate mech area. After seeing a few more powerful long-range and melee weapons than other mechs, Ling Lan finally stopped with satisfaction.

"The mech world has reached the classmates of the intermediate machine, please choose the mech that you are familiar with." Ling Lan looked at the timetable on the contact, and then ordered: "Remember, you only have ten minutes of familiarity." Mech time, when the time is up, will be led by your own captain, or that sentence, to see the enemy, to remain calm, to pay attention to coordination, do not impulsively rushed up. Also, try to come back to see me!"

"Yes, the head!" Ling Lan's words appeared extra loud and powerful in the quiet warehouse, so that nearly 80 students were very excited, they shouted.

In the right hand of Ling Lan, these people quickly boarded the armor they aimed at, that is, they have been handling the familiar mechs in the mech world. Of course, the mechs and real machines in the mech world must have some The difference, but it is still the same. It is not difficult to be familiar with it. This is why Ling Lan is familiar with them for ten minutes.

Of course, no one chooses the kind of unfamiliar positive. Everyone understands that even if it is better than the armor he controls, they will not choose, because only the mech that he is familiar with can make the mech combat. Full play, and this will be the key to their ability to survive on the battlefield.

The students who can enter the Scouting Center College are originally outstanding. The one that can consider the first men’s military academy is the most outstanding part. They are not lacking in reason and calmness, so they know what they should do.

Seeing that these people began to get busy with their own mechs, Ling Lan nodded secretly. She turned her head and glanced at the classmates left behind, only thirty-five. In addition to the seven players in her team, there are twenty-eight. Twenty-one of them are captains of various teams of the new group.

Sure enough, to be the captain of a small team, they are the most outstanding ones. The new team has twenty-seven teams, and only six team captains have not reached this level. The remaining six senior machine divisions, four are members of the Wuyi team, including Ye Xu, and the other three are Li Yingjie's team. There is no doubt that the strength of Wu Hao and Li Yingjie team members is obviously higher than that. The other teams came stronger.

Ling Lan secretly recognized the strength of the Wu Hao and Li Yingjie squad, but did not know, in the eyes of the members of the Wushu squad and Li Yingjie squad, Ling Lan squad is too strong.

When they saw the seven people behind Ling Lan, and went to the high-level mech area, their faces could not help but change slightly, and there was a look of horror and admiration in their eyes. Of course, they were shocked that the members of the Linglan team had reached the rank of senior mechs (the newly joined three people, they still don’t know, think that the Linglan team is still the original six), and they are also convinced, Linglan boss Sure enough, I don’t think it’s Ling Lan’s boss, and the players are too strong. I can understand and understand that Ling Lan boss is so strong, if the team members are weak, what qualifications are there to follow him?

In this way, Ling Lan took the thirty-five students into the senior mech area, and the time passed two minutes. Ling Lan let the remaining members hurry to board the mech, and their time to become familiar with the mech became It took eight minutes. Because they want to meet with the players in the middle area, the familiar time is wasted 2 minutes ~ ~ can only be reduced accordingly. But the ability to advance to the advanced mechs is a talented genius in the armor control, and eight minutes to get familiar with the real machine, there will be no problem.

After explaining all this, Ling Lan ordered Xiao Si to contact Wu Hao and Li Yingjie, telling them the area to be sent, and sending the coordinates in the warehouse to the other party to avoid wasting their time. After all, they should also be familiar with the mech. You can get a chance to live more than a second.

Fortunately, the direction of the air defense site is roughly the same as the direction of the armor warehouse. It only took a turn. Wu Hao and Li Yingjie did not slow down because of the first step. According to them, they just arrived at the warehouse, and they drove as fast as they could, and they should be able to arrive in three minutes.

Ling Lan calculated that, according to the ability of Wu Hao and Li Yingjie, the remaining five minutes is enough to familiarize them with the advanced mechs. When she thought of it, she let go of her heart and talked to the people in her team. I was going to go to a secret space that Xiaosi found. The place is still inside. In the innermost part of the advanced mech area, it seems to have been outside. In the end, but in fact, behind the wall, there is no hole in the sky.


This is the first and the second should be updated before 12 o'clock! Also, everyone is happy! ()

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