Chapter 359: Help!

"It's not clear now. In short, I have already determined that the ground forces below are ready... I am afraid our sneak attack plan has been broken." The adjutant around me couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat on his forehead and reminded the commander. Road.

The general commander took a few breaths and he pressed down the anger. He knew that the regeneration gas would not help. Since it was determined that the sneak attack failed, it would only be able to attack. If he had a decision, he directly ordered: "The notice goes on, let all the meches open in advance, breaking the shell and attacking!"

His orders were transmitted to the egg-shaped metal. Many of the egg-shaped metal that had not entered the range of the artillery attack suddenly burst open, and quickly dropped the opened mech from the inside and quickly fell to the ground.

"Damn, these gunfires can't hurt the mech that has opened the light shield." The commander of the infrared telescope, standing on the watchtower to see this scene, couldn't help but be annoyed, he still wanted to take the opportunity to defeat Some egg-shaped metal, the smaller the number of enemy planes landing on the ground, the better. It seems that it is not so easy. The enemy is very alert. If the sneak attack is not successful, it will be directly attacked.

With the appearance of the mech, the original silent radar suddenly rang out, and countless enemy mechs appeared on the radar. At this time, everyone understood that the egg-shaped metal had the function of shielding the radar. The commander clearly observed the fall, and saw that he broke the radar and used the infrared telescope directly. Although the searchable range was nearly seven or eight times less, at the very least, he did not become a blind man and successfully found the enemy of the attack...

The original enemy planes are almost approaching the ground. Just as they fortunately broke through the artillery attack, they were followed by a number of beams. There were several unprepared enemy planes that directly smashed and died. The mech column, see the enemy plane coming. They fired beam guns to meet these enemy planes.

Soon the ground armored units began to fight with the enemy planes descending from the sky, and the war quickly spread to the ground, when a streamer who did not know who launched it fell into the first men’s military school accommodation area. The area that was originally awakened has instantly opened the regional light shield... The people inside can't get out, and the people outside can't get in. Unless the military school executives use the authority to shut down the main brain, or the external force is violently destroyed, if this is the case, it is basically proved that the battle, the federal defeat, and the end result is that the students in the accommodation area have no hope of living... ...

The ground commander saw a dazzling light shield area suddenly behind the troops, and he couldn't help but be annoyed. Isn't this a bright target? Tell all the enemies, come and attack here... I don't know which stupid design procedure, although it is a good intention, can be left in the dark, facing this complex chaos. This is definitely a foolish act.

The commander began to worry and couldn't help but yell at the officers around him: "Damn, let the frontline fighters withstand the attack, and definitely not let the enemy attack the military school's accommodation area..."

It is the seed of the future hope of the federation. To know that the students who can enter the first men's military school are the top geniuses of the federation, and each one is the pride of the heavens. They can't afford it.

At this time, Xiaosi is trying to contact the major satellites that have lost contact. Unfortunately, he still has not found a little signal from the major satellites, which makes him a little discouraged. He understood that once he left his virtual world, he was blocked by the enemy. He is nothing...

Fortunately, he perfectly completed the task of his own boss, the picture of the attack on the World of Warcraft six years ago, successfully faked the attack screen tonight, pretending to send the satellite to the intelligence department of the ground forces. Let the ground forces have time to prepare for the battle. Seeing those enemies who fell from the sky were caught off guard by the ground forces. While being excited, Xiao 4 was even more admired by his own boss. He even thought that his boss was a **** and could successfully guess the enemies that came!

In fact, Xiaosi thought more, Ling Lan just hoped that the ground forces would be prepared, and the attack of World of Warcraft six years ago, which happened to be an air raid, was very suitable for the situation tonight, so Ling Lan borrowed it temporarily. In fact, Ling Lan is not sure who the enemy is attacking tonight. It should be said that Ling Lan is very lucky, so that the picture transmitted by Xiao Si coincides with the facts. It is very lucky to cover up her handwriting skillfully. After the post-war analysis, both the federal and Caesar judges have the same judgment. It is believed that the satellite shielding technology is not yet mature, so that a satellite successfully passed the screen of their sneak attack... but the federal secretly rejoices this, and Caesar is annoyed. There are flaws in the key moments of technology.

However, as the war progressed, the enemy responded promptly, and the war began to reveal his uncertainty. The war quickly spread to the ground, and the ground forces began to show huge numbers of casualties, while the airborne, but the constant flow of armor Falling from the sky, this makes the little four not calm.

I don’t know what to do. I have to go back and ask my boss’s opinions and report the current situation to my boss. In fact, Linglan saw the accommodation area suddenly become a bright and swaying part of the road. He felt that the battle situation may be unfavorable to the Federation. Now he heard the report of Xiaosi. If the satellite has been blocked, it is not possible to apply for reinforcements in time. The strength of the ground forces alone, I am afraid it is difficult to support for a long time. Ling Lan is very clear that the power of the mech, even if it is an ordinary low-level mech, wants to kill it, no suicide attack by a row of fighters can not be completed.

The news that was attacked here must be transmitted as soon as possible. Ling Lan immediately decided to activate the emergency help method given before the father left. Ling Lan and Ling Xiao are both disciples of God's control, and the martial art, which is mainly cultivated by the spirit, naturally has a way of asking for help without high-tech signals.

Before Ling Xiao left the military school, because he was not at ease, he deposited his mental strength in Ling Lan’s brain. If Ling Lan is in danger, as long as the mental vibration of Ling Xiao is detonated, even if the distance is far away, Ling Xiao’s mental strength will be affected. Although the exact details cannot be known, this abnormality is enough to know that Ling Lan has Dangerous.

Ling Lan decisively detonated Ling Xiao's mental vibration, her body jerked and her face paled. The mental power of detonating the deposit is also traumatic to his own mental strength. This is why Ling Xiao emphasizes that it can only be used when the premonition is very critical... Ling Lan’s abnormality, several small partners around him feel it, Qi Long Quietly asked: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, we are not allowed to speed up, time is not enough." Ling Lan forced the mental discomfort to resist, calmly said to the partners, then her speed accelerated again.

Seeing that Ling Lan had nothing to speed up, the partners could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, let go of their hearts, and followed Ling Lan to speed up. Only Li Lanfeng looked at Linglan’s unrecovered face, his brow wrinkled slightly, and his eyes flashed a whim.

At this time, on the 23rd Army's assessment warship, sitting in the captain's seat, closing his eyes, Ling Xiao, suddenly opened his eyes, he slammed straight, the original gentle breath suddenly became cold, Let the officers who were chatting casually around, suddenly snoring, looking at the general general who had always been gentle.

At this time, Ling Xiao had no intention to maintain his image, because he felt that his spiritual body had been suddenly pulled a bit, which proves that his spiritual body registered in Ling Lan’s brain domain was broken.

"I will contact the first men's military school immediately and ask about the situation there..." Ling Xiaohan screamed and screamed, and Ling Xiao, who had no smile, was very similar to Ling Lan's expression, and she did not deserve to be a father and a daughter.

“The contact was successful, the feedback from the other party was obtained, and everything was normal.” The operator responsible for contacting the external communication quickly returned.

Ling Xiao heard a brow, and Ling Lan detonated his mental strength, which means that she must have something that she could not solve... He immediately connected Ling Lan’s contact, and was told that the contact signal was busy. Information.

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed coldly, and the next second was directly contacted by the old principal of the first men’s military academy, but he still got the information that the contact person was busy.

Ling Xiao’s eyes have become extremely deep at this time. He looked up and ordered again: “Request the other party and say that we will arrive at the new planet tomorrow. Please give permission.”

The controller heard a glimpse, but he quickly transmitted the words of Ling Xiao to the other party. After a few seconds, the other party gave a reply, and the controller immediately reported: "General, the other party answers, the new planet is currently banned from peers, opening hours After three days, I hope that we can cooperate with the diversion, or wait for the opening hours."

"Sure enough." Ling Xiao at this time, what is unclear His request is only a temptation. He just came out of the new planet. Of course he knows that the new planet has no so-called forbidden orders.

"Open the ejection port right away, I have to control to rush to the new planet." Ling Xiao suddenly stood up and anxiously went to the door of the cabin. His daughter was in danger of life. How can he sit here as a father? He must rush over as soon as possible, the speed of the god-level mech is four times faster than the speed of the warship, and seven times as much as the speed.

"General, this is too dangerous." Hearing the arrangement of Ling Xiao, Joe's adjutant was panicked. He quickly followed the past and stopped.

Ling Xiao suddenly turned his head, his eyes fixed on Joe's adjutant, let Joe's adjutant slammed his body: "This is the order!" Ling Xiao dropped these four words and disappeared into the doorway...

"Domain-level..." The top school with the highest rank in the cabin awoke the people who were being stunned. Joe’s adjutant looked at the big school and looked at the crowd. He went straight to the top and chased it again as a general. Adjutant, he must stop the general from committing a crime.


The last day of September, I wish you all a happy National Day! We will see you in October! ()

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