Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 344: : 1 road is good to go!

Chapter 344: All the way!

The commander’s mind is very clear. In the mech world, there is no entry point for the Xunlong base. That is to say, as long as they are still at the Xunlong base, there is no way to leave the virtual world, let alone report to the military. It seems that the real intention of the other party is not to block their reports, but to kill them all.

"You are too embarrassed." The commander replied with a grin, and he knew that this time it was really fierce, and only hoped that the other party’s imaginary ability was only this one...

Reiter heard that he was not annoyed. They originally wanted to turn up China’s sky. He still missed the secret base. After all, it’s already time for the virus outbreak, but he hasn’t found any abnormality. Anxious, so I don't want to talk to the federal commander, run the virtual power, madly pour out, pounce on the other side...

Seeing the situation was not good, the commander and a very ordinary warrior quickly looked at each other, then jumped up, a side whirlwind kick, an air chain kick, even kicked everyone who surrounded them Go out. In the next second, they came to a record all the way, and there seemed to be no violent clerk around them, protecting them from left to right.

In a world that ordinary people cannot see, the two powerful energies collided violently, and the bodies of Leiter and the clerk were shocked.

Reiter’s face suddenly changed: “The imaginary ability.” I didn’t expect Huaxia to lurk a person with a virtual ability. If he had arrived in time, I am afraid that these ambushes are dangerous.

The clerk did not speak, just looked at the other person coldly, and did not make a sound, because once regret, let him understand that the other party's virtual ability is likely to strengthen him. In his eyes, he quickly flashed a confession. If he knew that the other party had virtual power, he would wipe them out when he was surrounded. In order to find out the origin of the other party, they chose to be patient for the time being. Now it seems that it is too bad.

In this mission, in order to ensure that nothing is lost, the military has secretly sent two imaginary powers to come over. The imaginary powers on the bright side are the imaginary, while the imaginary powers in the dark are him, posing as clerk to join the investigation team. Except that the commander and the adjutant know his bottom, even the earth is not clear.

The reason why he is made dark is that his virtual ability is quite unique. As long as he does not use virtual power, his whole person's breath is just like ordinary people, and he will not be noticed abnormal. It is necessary to know that the imaginary powers are more or less dangerous, and those who are imaginary are extremely sensitive to this, so once they have virtual abilities, they can be quickly detected as the same kind. His particularity has allowed him to act as a sham for many times in his mission, and this time the same.

Therefore, when he learned that the other party has a virtual ability, the commander and the adjutant rushed to his side. Indeed, his virtual ability is not bad, but his skill is the same as other virtual abilities.

"I just want to know, how are our people at the door?" The clerk asked for the blood in his chest, and asked dumbly. Seeing the other party coming from the outside, he felt a little faint, and it was very likely that something went wrong, but he still hoped that the land would be safe and sound, and that he would not die in battle.

Leiter heard a smile and said: "Since I am down, you said that some of your comrades will be the result?"

The clerk looked down and said: "The land is empty, he is very strong." Means, you want to lie to me, no way.

"Oh? Was it called vain?" Reiter’s mouth showed a mockery. "He refused to say his codename and said he could not humiliate his country..."

"You are nonsense, the earth can't die." The clerk excitedly retorted that the earth's imaginary is one of the top ten imaginary powers of the federation, how could it be easily folded here?

Ling Lan saw it and moved his mind. He asked: "Small four, can you simulate the energy of other virtual abilities?" The virtual ability of each virtual abilities has a unique atmosphere, which is easily recognized by familiar people. There will be no accidental accidents.

"Of course." Xiaosi snorted and thought that the boss asked this question, it was too small to see him young.

"That's good, wait a minute, after hearing my order, I immediately simulated the energy of the earth, and took the opportunity to obliterate Caesar's hackers." Ling Lan's eyes lit up, she had an idea in her heart, "of course, to show The same is true."

Xiaosi heard the words, his eyes lit up, he had never played this game. He nodded quickly and said that he listened to the boss.

And there, Leite saw the opponent's emotional instability, his eyes flashed, and decided to continue to stimulate the other side, because the loss of calm and virtual ability is the most vulnerable loopholes...

"He is a very strong person, but we don't just come to me with such a virtual ability." Leite smiled calmly, and the clerk heard a change in his face. He was most afraid of this possibility, only a virtual ability in front of him. There is absolutely no way to defeat the imaginary.

After the opponent has not calmed down, Leiter insidiously sneaked out of the virtual ability to attack the opponent again, but Reiter was disappointed, because the clerk does not seem to be running the virtual ability, in fact, has been secretly prepared, feel the opponent's virtual ability to attack, think I don't want to welcome it.

The clerk knows that such a hard regret, the result is unfavorable to them. When he was holding on to the other side's imaginary power, he lost a look to the commander around him and signaled that he would immediately find a chance to escape...

Two attacks, let Leiter roughly understand the strength of the opponent, weaker than him, but to erase the other party, you must first consume the other's virtual ability, this is a protracted war. Thinking of this, Leite regretted that he should not send Wit back to the secret base so soon...

There is no news from the secret base until now (Rett does not know that d1 and others who have been liaisons have been killed by Xiao Si), and Leite began to feel anxious. He knows very well what their purpose is here, if secret There was something happening at the base. Even if he wiped out all the people here, he could not make up for this loss.

Leite was thinking of a move, he never wastes time. Mature and experienced imaginary abilities have their own cards, such as the opponent's emptiness in the last battle, and the final blow is the opponent's card. Similarly, as the captain of the imaginary power of this action, he also has it.

So the virtual ability that was originally higher than the opponent's line suddenly became stronger several times, which made the clerk who was playing against it insufficiently prepared. Wow, a spurt of blood, a face became pale as white paper, this Let the commander's face change, he threw a look at the adjutant, and then saw the adjutant grabbed the civilian officer, flew generally out of the encirclement, followed by the commander.

At the same time, several other players suddenly broke through the shackles of the enemy and madly attacked them. This move caused the encircled people to get up and down, fearing that they were accidentally hacked and killed them. On the ground of the Xunlong base, there is a lot of trouble.

Rett saw it: "Looking for death!" The overwhelming imaginary power directly crushed the federal soldiers who tried to make the final struggle.

The clerk bites silver teeth and uses the final virtual power to open a protective shield to protect these **** comrades.

The energy of the two sides collided again and again, and the clerk could not control the mouth to spit blood again. He had already felt that his protective shield had to be crushed by the other party's energy, and at that time, it was time for all of them to die. He is still too weak...

The clerk’s heart raised a strong unwillingness. If he could be as strong as the emptiness, perhaps he would protect these people from living. He seems to have heard his own protective shield begin to make a broken sound, just as he is about to despair, waiting for the arrival of death...

"Small four, shot!" Ling Lan saw, decisive command.

A powerful virtual power suddenly appeared, intercepting the powerful virtual power of the other party, and the clerk’s eyes jerked brightly, which was the emptiness!

The imaginary success succeeded in intercepting the opponent. Leiter felt this familiar energy, his face changed suddenly, and his heart screamed, which is impossible.

Yes, he clearly saw that the other party turned into a white point to dissipate in the virtual world, and determined that the other party's consciousness was wiped out by him and Wit, but why did this time appear to be the virtual energy of the earth? He was puzzled, he was frightened, but he did not have the opportunity to re-export the inquiry, because the energy intercepted him while attacking, and actually counterattacked.

The power of counterattack didn't feel so strong, but Reiter found that his virtual ability was disappearing quickly. He was defeated at the end of the day, and finally he was crushed by counter-production...

This unscientific! This is the last thought of this change only happens in the blink of an eye, Reiter has not responded, and it is obliterated by this seemingly ineffective virtual power...

All the people present only saw that the original Leite suddenly blew up and turned into a white point and quickly disappeared. Caesar's face changed, and Leite suddenly died, letting them know that things are not good, and the soldiers of the Chinese Federation, seeing like a shot of a cardiotonic agent, broke out more than a few times the fighting power...

Only the clerk had a sad look on his face. He felt that while his opponent's virtual ability dissipated, the virtual power of the earth also began to dissipate.

The clerk seemed to feel the deep reluctance of the imaginary power that was not completely dissipated in the air, and the comfort of their innocence. The clerk is very clear that the reason why the earth is sacrificed is because the blow was just the last card of the earth. The imaginary power of the federation, the cards are basically chosen to be the same means, which is related to the unyielding character of the Chinese people. The emptiness of the earth should be a series of battles, and it has reached the point where the lights are dry, but it is still coming. Save them, and finally save them and sacrifice.

The earth is empty, all the way to go! The clerk closed his eyes in a wet manner and pressed down the sorrow. Rs()

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