Chapter 343: Use!

Maybe Xiaosi is very happy with today's harvest. Maybe Xiaosi wants to go back to help the boss early. In short, he did not seriously check the scene and hurriedly left the scene. He did not find a hidden secret command was successfully sent out.

At this time, Ling Lan had already arrived at the door of the warehouse. On the way, according to the route arranged by the small four-person, all the way to the destination unimpeded.

"There are still several traps below, but the federal investigation team that went in and out of the investigation has all been destroyed. We can go ahead at full speed. Another point is that an enemy with a virtual ability is close to the federal investigation team." The coordinates and the reality of the small four are suddenly more words.

Ling Lan calmly raised his eyebrows: "Small four, come back?"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the expression of Xiaowu’s original machinery suddenly fell. He was depressed and said: “Boss, how do you know?”

Xiaosi quietly came back and deliberately did not talk to his boss. He wanted to see when the boss would find him back. I didn’t expect him to be seen when he opened his mouth. This made Xiaosi very hurt.

"Your avatar will not talk nonsense." Ling Lan replied calmly. Although there are many avatars in Xiaosi, his avatars are very rigid, just like the procedures that have been set up, and his mission is meticulously completed. Only the real body of Xiaosi will have strong emotions, and the performance in the tone of speech is extremely obvious.

Ling Lan’s words made the small four times hit. It turns out that his avatar is so inferior. If you change your mind, you must improve your brains...

"Those people have done it?" Ling Lan accelerated as he walked, and asked about the situation at the fourth.

Xiaoyiyi listened, suddenly resurrected with blood. He held up the v-shaped gesture and excitedly said: "Of course, if I have a small horse, it must be a success."

"I found nothing unusual?" The small four is easy to sloppy, Ling Lan had to remind one.

Xiao Si thought of the spiritual body that he had put into the secret room to study. It was not an abnormal state, but since the boss let him all kill it, the spiritual power he extracted was his spoils. It shouldn’t matter if he didn’t say to the boss. . Xiaosi hesitated for a moment, decided to wait for him to study the results and then report to the boss, anyway, he has been defying many times, and this time is not bad.

So Xiaosi decisively shook his head: "No abnormalities were found."

Ling Lan trusted the little four very much. When he heard that Xiao Si said so, he would not ask. Ling Lan knows that time is very urgent, and when Xiao Si has returned, she will start her fastest speed and go to the innermost part of the warehouse base, which is where the investigation team is in trouble.

There was no military interception all the way. There were countless bodies lying on one side of each level. It seems that the investigation team cleaned up very cleanly, leaving no troubles, and Linglan lost a lot of trouble.

In the last two levels, Xiao Si suddenly reminded: "Boss, the virtual ability has merged with the other party, it seems to be done to the people of the Federation. Do you want to kill the enemy immediately?"

Ling Lan's steps slammed, but instantly returned to normal, keeping the original speed close to the encirclement. She was silent for about two seconds. Then she replied: "No, wait until I get to the destination, then."

Indeed, the small four shots can indeed save these people easily, but how can they be explained after the rescue? The shooting of Xiaosi undoubtedly told the investigation team that there is still a third batch of unidentified forces in the Xunlong base. They will definitely report to the military department when they return. Even if they know that they are friends and non-enemy, the Federal Military Department will vigorously investigate.

Ling Lan didn't have that self-confidence. When the EFF took a lot of effort to investigate, it couldn't dig a little clue. Besides, she didn't believe in the main brain of the mech world. If the EFF wants to know something from it, the main brain is very May expose their mission to the Federal Military Department...

In fact, it is nothing to be known by the Federal Military Department. Ling Lan believes that his father, Ling Xiao, can definitely suppress this matter and will not let the military department disturb their normal military school life. But Ling Lan is afraid that the traitors lurking at the top of the military will reveal their news to the Caesar Empire. When Ling Xiao was designed to let Ling Xiao determine that there were traitors at the top of the military, Ling Lan agreed.

If Caesar is informed of this news, she and her friends will definitely fall into the crisis of infinite pursuit, Caesar will never let go of the destruction of them for 16 years, and try their best to get it out. This perfect layout. Imagine if they were not Linglan, they have already won the fruits of victory.

Although Ling Lan’s quick intention was to save these federal soldiers, Ling Lan used them from the beginning.

To know, Ling Lanyi went to the Xunlong base and let Xiaosi understand the situation of the entire Xunlong base. He found that a group of powerful unidentified forces succeeded in lurking in the base. They successfully replaced the main brain to the highest command of the Xunlong base. Control. In other words, the Xunlong base is nominally the base of the main brain control. In fact, these have become the hands of the other party, and the authority of the main brain has been successfully emptied.

In addition, Xiaosi also found that the base lurked five imaginary abilities, including one of the investigation squads sent by the military, but the unknown forces were as high as four. This situation of Xiaosi’s report made Ling Lan’s heart pressure, because the existence of the virtual ability means that their mission becomes extremely dangerous, and one may unfortunately pay the price of life. Even if she has the protection of the fourth, this is not to say that she can protect his team without fail.

The imaginary power is called the **** of death in the virtual world. The ability is indeed very horrible. As long as there is an oversight, you can be caught by the other party, killing the player’s brain directly, and turning into an idiot to leave a life. If you are lucky, you will become a vegetative person with brain death. There is no hope of waking up for life.

So even though the first day, Xiao Si found their secret base, but Ling Lan did not dare to act rashly. Four virtual abilities plus nearly 30 top hackers. Even if the small four packaged tickets said no problem, Ling Lan did not dare to take the lives of the players to take risks.

Ling Lan's other advantages may not be. Only the endurance is Ling Lan's most prominent. Under the premise of not fully grasping and ensuring safety, Ling Lan is forced to be impulsive. When he knows nothing, he calmly stays at the Xunlong base for a few days. .

Until this evening, the opportunity finally came, and the investigation team sent by the Federal Military Force finally couldn’t stand it and prepared for night spying. At first, Ling Lan thought that the other party chose the secret base they found, but they could not think of it. They were successfully designed by another party to go to another place, that is, the warehouse base that was discovered by Xiao Si as a trap.

Ling Lan knows that if these people get stuck, the ending will be hard to say. There are more than a dozen top hackers in the whole process of monitoring, three powerful mechs and two imaginary abilities are strictly awaiting. If they are unclear, they will probably be wiped out. Ling Lan had the urge to inform the other party at the time, but in the end, Ling Lan calmed down, and she chose to sit on the sidelines because she was responsible for the safety of her partners.

Ling Lan chose to watch the cold-blooded, but he was still worried about these soldiers. So after completing his task, Ling Lan chose to come and save them. Of course, one of the main reasons is that Ling Lan needs them to be their team. The shield.

However, to save people, we must ensure that if we can not expose their squad, if the rescue party will increase the danger to the team, Ling Lan will definitely choose to stand by and watch. This is also the time when Xiao Si proposed that he should kill the enemy to save people. Ling Lan will be coldly rejected. the reason.

Ling Lan's speed has risen to the limit. I have to say that the virtual world of this world has been greatly simulated, and the real world's physical reality has been faithfully reflected in the virtual world. Linglan's half-step field strength has made her virtual. The speed of the world is just like the wind. I only feel that the shadows in front of me are flashing and I have disappeared.

About forty seconds or so, Ling Lan quietly came to the setting point. Although the other party has a number of hackers to monitor every corner of the road, Ling Lan has a small four cover, of course, will not be discovered.

Ling Lan was surprised that in addition to the three sacrifices at the door, the remaining few people were not lacking, but they were in a bad situation. Everyone was isolated and each fell into the encirclement of the enemy. Ling Lan quickly understood that the reason why they did not kill each other was that they wanted to wait for the virtual ability of the party to directly kill the other party. The people of the Caesar Empire are also afraid that these people will report to the Chinese Federation in time after they die in the virtual world, so that they have time to prepare.

The investigation team sent by the federal government, when seeing the virtual powers appear will understand the other party's plan, several soldiers are ready to commit suicide, but they are directly intercepted by his enemies, this time, they There is no chance to commit suicide.

The commander saw this scene and smiled on his face: "We have counted it, but I can't understand it. No matter whether we die or not, it will reveal that the Xunlong base has been in trouble. You can only delay for a few days at most." It can be proved that the Xunlong base has indeed been invaded by unknown forces, among which there are virtual abilities. Because it can erase the only virtual ability of the player's brain domain, the military will definitely send countless virtual powers to kill these invaders, unless the other party successfully withdraws from the base in these days.

"A delay of a few days is enough." Reiter laughed and heard that he still missed the secret base, and he no longer talked with the commander of the Federal Investigation Team. The virtual ability poured out directly...

At this moment, the commander and a very ordinary warrior jumped up, and a side-by-side whirlwind kicked, and an air chain kicked, and even the people who surrounded them were kicked out, and the next second, they I came to a one-way concentrating record, and there seemed to be no violent clerk around me, protecting it from left to right.

In a world that ordinary people cannot see, the two powerful energies collided violently, and the bodies of Leiter and the clerk were shocked. Rs()

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