Chapter XX20: Awakening!

I don't know how much time has passed. Ling Lan woke up in a faint way and found a darkness in front of her eyes. Ling Lan couldn’t help but glimpse. If she didn’t feel the safety belt attached to her body, Ling Lan thought she was not lying in the armor control cabin. .

You know, as long as someone, the armor control cabin will always maintain a certain amount of light, unless there is a problem with the mech, it will become the current situation.

Ling Lan just wanted to move, and found that the body was severely painful, and she knew that in the mech world, she had been judged to be seriously injured by the brain. Think about it too, in the face of the tide of magnetic storms that can swallow everything, she can survive, already Wanqing, of course, this is also the result of the force of the king-level mech protection device.

Ling Lanqiang endured the pain in his body and pressed the direction of the start button of the mech according to the memory in his mind.

The "drop" sound makes Ling Lan's heart instantly loose. This sound is like a scorpio, indicating that the mech can still be used normally. Soon the screen lit up and went straight into the mech control system. At the same time, the control cabin became bright and everything was fine. The original mech just automatically enters the standby state because no one controls it, saving energy. Once the start button is pressed, it can be started instantly.

Ling Lan did not care about the situation outside. The first step was to take a can of healing medicine from the parcel and photograph it on himself. This made the whole person feel better. This is in the virtual world, it is so fast to recover. If in the real world, according to the severity of Ling Lan, want to recover, it is not so simple.

Ling Lan handles his body well, so that he has the heart to look at the surrounding environment. It was found that the armor was equally dark. She deliberately turned on the mechs and fired a spotlight. It was discovered that her mech was floating in the air and there were countless metal ruins floating around.

Ling Lan saw something awkward, where is she? At the end of the memory, she intercepted the tide of the magnetic storm with the king's mech, and finally fell into a coma after the fallen warship. Did the warships still escape the robbery and become the ruins of the stars? But they are really in the stars. It won't be so dark.

In the endless starry sky, there is actually a certain amount of light, and this kind of darkness does not appear. Linglan decisively ruled out this possibility.

When Ling Lan was puzzled, a voice crying in his mind suddenly rang: "Boss, you finally woke up. Oh, that's great."

"Small four..." Ling Lan's forehead couldn't help but smoke. She was just coma, and she was not dying. What is the performance of Xiaosi?

Seems to be aware of the boss's dissatisfaction, the small four pumped to the ground: "Boss you have been coma for a night. No one cares about me, I am so scared." Xiaosi this night. It was like being locked into a closed black house. The silent world almost mad at him. This reminded him of Ling Lan’s past life. He was lonely and waited for Ling Lan to perceive him. Unfortunately, Ling Lan only listened at the last moment. When he got his voice, he waited for twenty-one years.

Xiaosi is afraid to return to the past, and is used to the little four who are arrogant and arrogant. Can't stand the loneliness of the beginning, he believes. If Ling Lan is really in trouble, his chip will definitely choose to self-destruct.

"Don't be afraid, I am not waking up? You have to have confidence in the boss." Ling Lan saw it, his heart was soft, and he gently touched the little heart of the small heart in the sea of ​​consciousness, comforting him not to Scared.

"Well, um, the boss is the best." Xiaosi tears have not dried up, he laughed, so cute and pitiful.

Ling Lan couldn't help but silence. She suddenly discovered that Xiao 4 is not a versatile agent. He is like a living person with his emotions and sadness...

Ling Lan silently stroked the little four one, and finally let the little four calm down. Then he controlled the mech to check the surrounding environment, but found that his mech was bound by something. Ling Lan pulled in the bound picture, only to find that she was hugged tightly by the arms of the leopard's armor. When she saw it, the leopard had not let go of his hand from the beginning.

When I saw the leopard's mech, there was no movement at all. Ling Lan suddenly slammed in his heart and shouted nervously: "Leopard, leopard..."

"He's fine, just stunned the past." The settled Xiaosi saw Linglan anxiously, and told Ling Lan each other's situation.

Ling Lan recalled that when the sea of ​​the last magnetic storm hit the two men into the warship, the power of the impact was completely borne by the leopard. He could not help but sigh in his heart: "He was protecting me so badly."

"If you didn't block the tide of magnetic storm in front, his ending would not be seriously injured, but completely destroyed. He should be grateful to you." Xiaosi strangely replied, in the eyes of Xiaosi, chanting people Be a back, it is the price that must be paid for survival, why the boss is grateful to the other side.

Xiaosi’s words made Ling Lan speechless. She didn’t know how to explain to Xiaosi. Things shouldn’t be like this... But think about Xiao 4’s being a dead person. Ling Lan cleverly did not continue this topic, but turned on the day. By the person's call channel, the leopard is called again and again.

Ling Lan is clear, you must wake up the leopard as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be treated in time, it is likely to be seriously injured.

Maybe calling for an effect, and in a short while, Ling Lan heard a scream of sorrow, Ling Lan was overjoyed and shouted: "Leopard, leopard, you are fine."

"Cough, I'm fine, rabbit, you're fine." The leopard finally answered, his voice sounded very weak, and it seemed that the injury was very serious, even worse than Linglan. Think about it too, although Ling Lan was seriously injured in the tide of resisting the magnetic storm, but because she used the king-level mech, the protection of the king-level mech to the mech-trainer, it is impossible to compare with the advanced mech.

In a short while, the sound of the leopard began to be strong. He seemed to be aware of the situation around him. He asked Ling Landao: "Where are we now?"

"I don't know." Ling Lan looked at the dark floating space and couldn't help but smile.

"I only know that we were finally put into the warship, I don't know if it is still inside..." Li Lanfeng Zhen made a mental return.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a dead body drifting in front of their mechs, wearing the uniforms of the warship's armored logistics staff, and their ranks could be clearly seen on their shoulders. It seems that they are still inside the warship, but this also proves that the warship has been destroyed very clean.

Ling Lan couldn’t help but sink. If the warships were completely destroyed, they couldn’t fly to the Xunlong base by their mechs. Did they work hard for so long, and finally they got the mission failed and the partners died. The result?

"Nothing, although the situation of the main ship is very bad, but the basic power is not destroyed, it is still driving." Xiaosi felt the worry in Ling Lan's heart and immediately replied, "Just, the boss is where you are now. The warships were destroyed at the end of the air, they had closed the second half of the air gate, so it will be floating here."

"Do you know what happened to Qi Long?" Ling Lan worried about the partners who entered the beginning.

"Not very clear, because everything in the tail has been destroyed, and I can't use the monitoring system of the main ship to find them." Xiaosi regretted back.

"Since we are fine, I believe they will be fine." Ling Lan is still very confident in the partners. In fact, the stern explosion at the last moment was a devastating blow to those logistic workers who did not have mech protection. They basically died in the explosion. Those who survived only rely on mech protection. The mechs of the machine.

"Rabbit, I seem to feel that our position is changing. Maybe the tide of magnetic storm has not caused a devastating blow to the warship." Li Lanfeng seems to have noticed some situations and is busy communicating with Linglan.

"Well, we first touch the situation, find them to fight, and then arrange the following actions." Ling Lan made a decision in the moment, in the ruins, first find their own players.

The two men commanded the mech to shuttle through the ruins, and countless bodies drifted around them. It seems that these unprotected workers were sacrificed in the tide of the magnetic storm. Although Ling Lan knows that these staff members are all, they can't help but feel heavy. However, Ling Lan quickly revived her spirit. She began to think that this might be more beneficial to them, because those who knew that they had stolen were sacrificed. Perhaps they could change their status and smoothly lurk in and become the official armor of the warship.

Looking for a circle, did not find Qilong them, Ling Lan is more willing to guess that they have entered the safe area of ​​the warship. What made them even more unexpected was When they touched the air and floated in the air, the performance of all aspects of the Federal Military Advanced Mech, the system actually jumped out, do not get the tips, which means that these are intact Mech is free for players to collect.

Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng will certainly not give up this advantage. If you want to get these mechs, you must use very high points in the redemption center to exchange them. Plus Li Lanfeng’s mech energy is already exhausted and you can get an energy. Adequate high-level mechs, for Li Lanfeng, is undoubtedly timely rain. Be aware that once the energy is exhausted, not only can the armor not be driven, but also the oxygen in the armor control cabin cannot be maintained for a long time.

The two chose the best performance of the two mechs in all aspects of the bag, not to overcharge, but to absorb more can not afford.

Each mech, in the player's equipment space, consumes the specified energy card every hour. It has not been used until the end, it will become an empty shell armor with no energy. It will increase the load in the equipment space, which will increase the player's fatigue. This is also one of the means in the mech world to prevent players from over-collecting the mech, and in the end unable to concentrate on manipulating a mech. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

PS: This chapter card is very powerful... The card has only completed a chapter now, and everyone has waited for a long time. Tears!

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