Chapter 319: Secret Weapons!

In the next second, Lin Zhongqing's mech also crashed into the air cushion. He reacted with Li Yuyu very sensitively, and he controlled the mech to flash to the side. Because there are still seven partners waiting to enter.

When one after another slipped into the warship, and saw that the machine was repaired with the help of Qi Long, and smoothly slid into the ejection port, Ling Lan could not help but loose it. As long as the warship flew for a few minutes, it would be able to leave. The risk range determined by the small four.

Looking at the energy of the mech is almost exhausted, Ling Lan said to the last person who left his mind: "Leopard, you are advanced." Perhaps the ability to trust the leopard, Ling Lan will be left to the end.

Nian Tian was replied by a person: "Okay." Before he could control the fall of the mech, he saw that the superman who had been following them suddenly accelerated suddenly, crossed them, and quickly slid into the ejecting port.

"It's a special master, tmd is really shameless." Li Lanfeng saw it, couldn't help but swear, and follow them to come here, but how can you understand the courtesy order, can't be so shameless to jump in the queue.

Ling Lan saw his brow wrinkled. I didn't expect that the time that the special master chose to seize was so clever. It was just the best ten seconds. It is a pity that the leopard must be slowed down. Each mech must be separated from the previous mech for about ten seconds. Otherwise, it is easy to have a tragedy of mech collision. One accident is likely to cause serious damage or even death to the controller. Although Ling Lan also hated the mech to do such a thing, but can not let the leopard do something wrong.

So Ling Lan said: "Leopard, wait another ten seconds."

The two men followed the commanding warship at high speed, waiting for ten seconds to pass, and saw that the time was almost the same. Ling Lan was about to open his mouth to let the sky slip into the ejection port, and he heard the small four in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly screamed. : "Boss, not good. The sea of ​​magnetic storms is going to explode."

"What? Isn't it said that it is eighteen minutes? The time is still a few seconds." Ling Lan heard his face suddenly changed, and never imagined that the estimated time of Xiaosi was a few seconds.

Did not wait for the small four to answer, I heard a loud magnetic interference sound in the control cabin. Sure enough, the sea of ​​magnetic storms exploded, otherwise they could not be so far away from the center of the sea of ​​magnetic storms, and they could suffer such strong interference.

Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng turned back and saw the distant deep purple ring-shaped foggy sea like a fireworks bloom, bursting open, like a purple flower sea, spread out to the surrounding, beautiful and dazzling, I can't believe that there is such a beautiful scenery in the stars.

Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng did not feel beautiful. It was a panic. They saw places that were submerged by the purple ocean. They never left anything. They spread very fast and began to devour the most backward transport ships. For example, the one that Linglan rode at the beginning turned into the dust in the starry sky, leaving no trace.

"Rabbit, you go down first." Ling Lan did not open the leopard first, Li Lanfeng has taken the lead and violently pushed Ling Lan around him to the ejection port of the starship.

The energy of their mech has already had a red deficit. No matter the tide of the magnetic storm behind them or the energy of the armor itself, they are not allowed to continue flying in the sky.

Li Lanfeng believes that with the rabbit's ability to control, even if it is caught off guard, it can still slide into the ejection port. Li Lanfeng had only one thought at this time. Even if he stops here today, he can't waste the effort in front of the rabbit.

Ling Lan was not prepared to be pushed to the warship by Li Lanfeng, but Ling Lan’s reaction was agile. When she fell, she suddenly reached out and Li Lanfeng was caught. Then a volley turned over and the whole man flew over Li Lanfeng's sky, lifting his legs and slamming on Li Lanfeng's mech...

This is the most familiar rabbit trick of Li Lanfeng, trampling, which is the improved rabbit scorpio. Because of this embarrassment, Li Lanfeng's mech flew to the ejection port like a cannonball. He looked at the rabbit that was struggling to fly to the mech with the last trace of energy, and it was difficult to control the wetness in his eyes.

Once again, he dragged the rabbit, and once again, he realized the pain of the weak.

Li Lanfeng has a kind of despair in his heart. He has been desperately trying to torture himself over the years. Although part of the reason is to change his life, he knows that the real reason he wants to become stronger is to think of a certain daylight standing. Rabbit's side, want to be the best partner of the rabbit, but now it seems that this is just a joke, he is still weak, still not qualified to fight alongside the rabbit, even if it is a shield, the rabbit can not see...

Li Lanfeng hated her incompetence. He just opened his eyes and looked at the rabbit farther and farther away. He was chased by the purple wave, getting closer and closer. It seems that the next second will be completely swallowed...

At this moment, Li Lanfeng’s originally wet and wide eyes burst into a round, and his face was unbelievable.

The mid-level mech that saw the rabbit suddenly turned into a beautiful and melodious mech, and even the purple flower sea that sucked the eye behind it could not cover the armor.

This mech Li Lanfeng is too familiar with it. When he recognized the rabbit, the king-level mech that gave the rabbit a guiding war, the only one of the six top-level mechs that can be exchanged in the mech world - such as Shadow with the wind!

Ling Lan instantly changed the mech, and instantly turned on all the engines of the mech. The distance between her and Li Lanfeng, in the view of the intermediate high-level mech, it took five or six seconds to fly, but in the king-level mech, it was only one second. Ling Lan rushed to Li Lanfeng's side.

Ling Lan grabbed Li Lanfeng's mech, and angered the ground: "The **** leopard, you tmd is much more than before, want to commit suicide?" She had a secret weapon that her father gave her, so she calmly kicked the leopard advanced. But this guy, even did not understand her painstaking efforts, the self-destructive look, almost mad at her.

Li Lanfeng smiled and just wanted to return something, but he saw that the purple flower tide behind Ling Lan had been covered, and he cried in a panic: "Rabbit, be careful!"

Ling Lan turned sharply, and at the same time plugged in the precious energy source that was obtained on the x192 planet, and the fingers flew fast. In this extremely critical situation, Ling Lan's hand speed once again broke her original limit speed.

It should be said that because of the low-level mech control, Ling Lan's hand speed has always maintained the original level, although Ling Lan knows that he has made progress in recent years, but because of the conditions, he does not know how much progress, and now, at the king level. On the mech, Ling Lan’s limited hand speed finally broke out.

"Chongmai Wangdun." Ling Lan chose the unique equipment skills of the king-level mech, and did not forget to shout in the mouth: "Leopard, hold me!"

Ling Lan has learned some special equipments of the king's mechs since he got the wind and the wind. Of course, his father Ling Xiao also gave her all the information that goes with the wind, plus the small four traps, it can be said that Ling Lan The understanding of the wind and the wind is no less than that of the masters who control the wind and the wind.

冲脉王盾 is a powerful protective equipment, although it can not match the Aegis series of the **** level in the armor, it can be top-level in all the federal protection equipment, more than the guardian multi-particle light shield of the general warship. A lot stronger. And the King of the Pulse is a shield shield that can be freely changed under the control of the mechrist.

Ling Lan not only wants to protect her and the leopard, but also wants to protect the partners already in the military cabin. In fact, if the warship is swallowed by this wave of magnetic storms, even if Ling Lan has a king-level mech, there is no way to support the Xunlong base. This is the limitation of the mech, and there is no way to fly long distances.

Just in front of the king-level mech, a white light rises into the sky and instantly presents a large barrier with a diameter of several kilometers. Although the King's shield looks great, it can only block the tail of the warship. This is already Ling Lan. The most extreme control, the size of the pulse range, has a lot to do with the level of the controller. Ling Lan's actual handling ability has not yet reached the king level, she is a leap-level control, so some special features on the king-level mech can not let her fully play out, the same is true for the pulse Wang Dun.

In fact, Ling Lan can issue such a range of pulse Wang Dun, it is extremely difficult, and her console has been stained with blood spots, and the level of control is not without cost. Ling Lan did not feel the pain of tearing her fingers. She had only one purpose in her heart, that is, all of their team could not die in this tide of magnetic storm.

A loud bang of the "Boom", the pulse Wang Dun and the purple wave slammed into the ground. After Ling Lan was shocked, he spit out a blood uncontrollably. The original bright pulse Wang Dun suddenly became dark.

Ling Lan silver teeth bite his lips, with a strong pain to support themselves not to faint, she knows to stick to a second pulse Wang Dun, the partners' lives will be more protection.

When Li Lanfeng offered Lingdong Wang Dun in Linglan, he listened to Ling Lan’s instructions and clung to Ling Lan’s mech. When the pulse king shield collided with the tide of the magnetic storm, their two mechs were directly shot at the tail of the warship by the fierce force of the magnetic storm.

At this time Li Lanfeng is extremely calm, he just firmly embraced his rabbit, even if he died with the rabbit in this tide of magnetic storm, he will not let his rabbit let go, yes He has let go of his friendship with the rabbit, so this time he will never let go again...

"Oh..." The mech hit the tail of the warship directly. Li Lanfeng used the contact point of the direct impact. At the first impact, a blood was sprayed. The strong impact made him seriously injured, but he Still clinging to the rabbit in front, firmly using his mech to make the rabbit's "meat pad."

The tide of the magnetic storm was still in contact with the tail of the commanding main ship. He heard the sound of a violent explosion at the end of the warship. Under the horrible power of the magnetic storm, even Linglan tried his best to counter the tide of magnetic storm with the pulse shield. The energy, but still can not stop the final fate of the warship, the tail of the entire warship failed to completely escape, more than a quarter of the warship was destroyed by the sea of ​​magnetic storm...


I wrote this chapter very hard, it took a full four hours to complete, I hope everyone can be satisfied.

Exhausted, I have to go to rest, and everyone should rest soon after reading it, good night! muah!

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