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Chapter 280: Assessment Team!

When Luo Lang came out, he was arrested by Wu Hao to join the squad. Originally, Luo Lang did not want to participate, but knew that Ling Lan was also among them, and all the objections were gone. You think, the boss is coming out, can the younger brother hide?

Not only that, Li Yingjie, who had just left the bitter sea, was also arrested by Ling Lan. Although he wanted to resist, Ling Lan had a cold eye and Li Yingjie could only touch his nose and confess his life. Li Yingjie believes that Ling Lan boss is even more fierce than his second brother.

In this way, after training for about three days, I finally arrived at the moment of their playing. Ling Lan took a group of handsome and handsome, and the young boy who came to the military school came to the only main road of the military academy. He was listed as a welcome long team, and he stood still, standing there with the blue and white ceremonial uniforms specially designed by the military academy. These teenagers are very heroic, full of momentum and pleasing to the eye.

The senior military academies who came to inspect were extremely satisfied with this. Of course, this is the first step. In the end, these teenagers are looking like they are real, and they still have to look at the performance.

The assessment teams of the major legions came to the first men's military school one by one, and they saw the welcoming team of the military academy. They couldn't help but see when the first men's military academy also did this.

"Salute!" Ling Lan Gao snorted, welcoming the team almost at the same time to pay tribute to a military school gift, white gloves neatly waved, serious face, so that the attitude of these assessment teams from the beginning did not agree, become correct. They raised their hands in a reflective manner, and this was taken seriously before the welcome team.

When each assessment team walked through the welcome team, although the attitude was extremely serious, it is undeniable that they all showed a look of approval. It seems that the performance of the team is welcome, and they have indeed won their favor.

The seniors of the military academy couldn’t help but feel happy in their hearts. Their decision was correct. I didn't expect these new students to come here. This way, it shows the strength and courage of the first men's military academy. Coupled with its handsome appearance, and youthful expression, even if you are stubborn soldiers, you will not be able to get a good three-point view.

The assessment team was concentrated in three days. Among them, Twenty-three are in the legion, and there are more than a dozen independent military. They say that there are not many sayings that there are not many, but each of the assessment teams will let the welcome team come to the enemy and go all out.

Perhaps the military school's beautiful men's plan was successful. After the army's assessment team came to the military school, the attitude did become better than before. This made the military school executives breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that they are doing the right thing.

Ling Lan sneered at the military school. He does not believe that the legion assessment team will have a good impression on the military academy. When they are embarrassed, they will never be soft-hearted. This is the essence of a competent soldier. It can only be said that the top of the military school has been out of the army for too long, and some things have been forgotten.

However, Ling Lan will not remind the seniors of these military schools. Anyway, they only need to complete the tasks of the military academy. As for the final result, there is no relationship with them. Ling Lan is willing to be a pleasant observer.

However, Ling Lan’s calm is also in the first two days. When the representative of the 23rd Army Corps appeared on the third day, Ling Lan’s original calm face finally changed color.

The 23rd Army Corps belonged to the newly-edited legion of the Federation. When the list appeared, it attracted the attention of all the teachers and students of the military academy. Of course, as the army of his father, Ling Lan will pretend to be cold. It is also inevitable to guess who the father will send to take charge of this assessment. Of course, she hopes to have a fair and fair captain, which will allow the 23rd Army to leave an excellent image in the first men's military school.

However, when she saw a man coming down from the airport train, her face that was not moving like a mountain finally broke. The face violently twitched.

The deliberately lowering the military cap, wearing a large mask to cover almost the entire face, even wearing a younger suit, pretending to be a cold-looking man, this familiar feeling also wants to deceive her eyes?

Ling Lan’s heart gnashed his teeth: “I rely on, how come my idiot dad is here, what the **** is he doing?”

"Ah, Dad..." The small four eyes in the sea of ​​consciousness screamed at the red eyes, and looked at Ling Xiao screaming. He was kicked by a raging Ling Lan. "You give me a cool look." point."

"Hey, boss, I haven't seen Dad for a long time. Why don't we greet Dad?" Xiaosi quickly rolled back and hugged Linglan's thigh and cried, strongly demanding recognition with Dad.

"At a glance, I know that this idiot dad is hiding his identity. How do I recognize it?" Ling Lan silently looked at the very good man who thought he was hiding. He didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, people around me intend to block the sight of others, coupled with the low-key performance of Ling Xiao, did not reveal their identity.

When the assessment team of the Twenty-three Legion passed Ling Lan’s face, Ling Xiao suddenly stopped his footsteps. The only eyes that were exposed revealed with a smile: “The posture etiquette is very good, is it a new student?”

Is it intentional to talk? Ling Lan’s heart gave her dad a big white eye. On the surface, she still calmly said: “Yes, the head.”

Ling Xiao turned to look at the accompanying military school executives and smiled and said: "Yes, even if you are a freshman, you have such a grace. It seems that the first men’s military school is well-deserved." Ling Xiao’s original intention is to praise his daughter. The first men’s military school had no relationship at all.

However, the high-ranking military school officials did not think so. Almost everyone thought that this was the appreciation of the representatives of the 23rd Army to the military academy. They immediately gave them a surprise, and they were very beautiful. Of course, they were still modest in their performance, and they did not dare to dare.

You must know that the other legions, even if they welcome the team to perform well, will not say it, and keep the arrogance of the legion. Unexpectedly, the leader of the Twenty-three Corps was so amiable, which made the seniors of the military academy rise to the thirties of the 23rd Army.

At the same time, I also admire the generals of Ling Xiao, who really deserve to be the generals of Ling Xiao, and the people under them are so amiable, people are like a spring breeze. They began to figure it out at this time. Since the Twenty-three Army feels so good for the First Men’s Military Academy, is this time they can collect more cadets? With this in mind, the hearts of the seniors of the military academy were so hot that they were ready to go back and let the instructors inform the news and let the students apply for the 23rd Army as much as possible...

The high-level military school's high-level feelings for the 23rd Army have continued. In the following years, we will not forget to remind the teachers to let the students choose to apply for the 23rd Army as much as possible...

This is Ling Xiao’s personal charm, which always makes people feel good about it, and chooses to follow him unconsciously!

"Wow, wow, my father is awesome." Xiao Si saw this scene, turned into a flower idiot again, holding a face and looking at Ling Xiao, this time the little four is like a smart body.

Ling Lan is speechless, she knows that once she encounters Ling Xiao, she will get stuck in the crash. It seems that she wants to keep her stable. She must isolate Ling Xiao.

"This boy is very good. During the military school, can you ask this classmate to accompany us to visit the military academy, so that we can understand?" Ling Xiao pointed to Ling Lan's smile and asked the senior officials of the military academy. The return of the ticket is full of promises. Isn’t this more representative of the 23rd Army’s interest in the First Military Academy? This is a good thing, absolutely support!

Ling Xiao’s move directly shattered Ling Lan’s wishful thinking, and Ling Ling’s heart was secretly grinding his teeth. It seems that the fourth is in a long time and there is no way to help her.

In this way, in the first men’s military school, Ling Xiao Ling’s father and daughter met for the first time, so silently, did not attract anyone’s attention...

Oh no, no one is not paying attention. When the inspection team of the Twenty-three Legion went far away, Luo Lang, standing next to Ling Lan, asked softly and suspiciously: "Lan Bo, do you know that person?"

Ling Lan raised her eyebrows and returned a look to him. She seemed to ask why Luo Lang asked.

"I just felt that your breath is somewhat unstable..." Luo Lang was confused. Since the acceptance of all the sub-personalities, Luo Lang’s sixth sense was extremely sensitive and he could feel the mood of the people he valued, just like Ling Lan. Obviously somewhat impetuous.

"Wait back and tell you again." Ling Lan whispered back. Since her father came, she believed that her father would never leave without a word and would definitely do something. Moreover, she also wants her dad to know the partners around her and tell her father that these partners are her most cherished brothers, and I hope that Ling Xiao can value her partners.

Ling Lan has not realized at this time that her current move is like a child who is about to grow up and wants to get the approval of the parents.

Luo Lang nodded when he heard the words, and then he stopped talking because the welcoming ceremony was not over yet, and several legion and independent military assessment teams were coming.

In three days, even those teenagers with excellent physical fitness felt that they were exhausted. When the seniors of the military academy finally said that the task was over, the teenagers enthusiastically cheered up~www.ltnovel.com~ moved to finally break away from the bitter sea.

To be honest, although it seems extremely simple to stand, line up, salute, but the pressure in the hearts of the teenagers is not as easy to show, because the soldiers responsible for the assessment, each is a battle back on the battlefield The corps king, with his own strong suffocation, constantly impacts the psychological endurance of these teenagers.

Faced with these powerful appraisal soldiers, the young people can do so perfectly, calmly and calmly, calmly and undisturbed, completely owed to Linglan’s daily pressure, let them get used to it in the shortest time. Also adapted to this suffocation.

In the end, they persisted and completed the task perfectly. At the same time, they also left a good impression on the assessment representatives, and laid a solid foundation for their future development. No matter which army they went to, they only said that they had served. After this year's welcome team, the officers will look at them with great enthusiasm. There is no doubt that their future development will never be worse.


The state is not very good, I always feel that this chapter is not satisfied... but it can only be like this. Today there is only one chapter. I have to take a good rest and hope that the state will be restored tomorrow!

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