Chapter 287: Taboo!

Li Yuyu can only continue to be silent, because his medical skills have not yet reached this level, often become such a military doctor, must practice medicine for 20 years, and the accumulated treatment experience can let them do this.

"Since you can't do this, how can you talk to me, is the injury of Luo Lang not the recurrence of the old disease?" Ling Lan raised his eyebrows and asked.

Boss, so mean! Xiaosi and Luolang saw that Li Yuyu was questioned by his own boss and had no temper. He secretly shook his head and sighed.

Easily throw responsibility to the other party, and will not owe each other a personal feeling... Once again, why is it only Lan’s boss can be their boss. Sure enough, in all respects, Lan bosses are better than them, and the same is true on the issue of despicableness.

Li Yuyu’s chest jerked up and down a few times, and Ling Lan was somewhat worried that he would be fainted. He couldn’t help himself to reflect on himself. Is it too much... (Do you know now?)

"Well, this is my fault, let Luo Lang return to treatment." Li Yuyu finally suppressed the anger, bite his teeth back, he fiercely slammed into Luo Lang, let Luo Lang feel a chill through the bone marrow.

Looking at Li Yuyu's dark face, Luo Lang looked at his boss with pity, and asked if he could not treat Li Yuyu? Ling Lan did not see it, but in his heart, he cheered for Luo Lang. In order to become stronger in the future, Luo Lang, you will go through this section with difficulty. Ling Lan believes that Luo Lang will stay in the Military Medical Research Center and will get excellent benefits.

Ling Lan solved the problem of Luo Lang, and he left the military medical research center in an excellent mood. Li Lanfeng was busy saying goodbye to Li Yuyu. Just Ling Ling’s sharp question, he looked in his eyes and knew that Li Yuyu’s mood is definitely bad. He will not stay in front of him to provoke hatred.

Li Lanfeng did not forget that he came in with Ling Lan. If Li Yuyu thinks that he is Ling Lan's accomplice, he has a complete cup. And he has something to say to Ling Lan, and now it’s two things to lose.

Ling Lan and Li Yuyu left the military medical treatment center together. After a long walk, Ling Lan stopped and asked her to follow her Li Lanfeng: "Do you have something?"

Li Lanfeng nodded with a smile and he took a step forward. Close to Ling Lan, which made Ling Lan slightly frown, because she did not like strangers relying on her too close, but Li Lanfeng made a sentence to let her forget this.

"The injury of Luo Lang is related to the things of the heavens." Li Lanfeng said in a voice heard by only two people.

Ling Lan cold eyes directly directed Li Lanfeng, and asked: "I have only heard that the headquarters building collapsed. Now the military is correcting the investigation. There is still no correct investigation report. I don’t know how Li Xuechang will have this idea? What is your inside story? Say it out to the schoolmates to solve problems?"

"Shi Mingyi became a vegetative..." Li Lanfeng smiled. "Other people don't know his preferences, but I know that it is a coincidence that Luo Lang's touch is exactly what Shi Mingyi likes. I also found that Luo Lang went to a military medical research center yesterday afternoon. I asked Yu Yu. Master, he didn't know about it at all."

Ling Lan heard that there was no change in his expression, and he still calmly and replied: "Li Xuechang, speculation without factual basis can only lead to wrong conclusions. If you want to know why Luolang will come to the Military Medical Research Center yesterday afternoon, I can explain it to you."

Ling Lanton paused and said: "Actually, since the morning of the morning, Luo Lang felt that his body was somewhat uncomfortable. So after finishing the physical training course of the day, he rushed to the Military Medical Research Center and wanted to find Li’s chief. However, we are new students. The regiment temporarily received a mission at the top of the military academy. This task, the high-ranking military school directly named Lulu to complete the name. So, we called back Luolang, which is why Luolang did not see Li’s chief and rushed back. ""

Ling Lan here calmly accepted Li Lanfeng, in the sea of ​​consciousness, madly let Xiaosi quickly press her words to change the information on the main brain. I didn't expect her to wipe it so cleanly. In front of this, Li Lanfeng actually touched a little corner.

Sure enough, I can't underestimate the people in the military academy. This seemingly harmless, Li Lanfeng, a gentle and good-looking person, speculates that the ability is so strong, and it is equally shocking to calculate. Fortunately, the other party was not able to withstand the temper. If she had some doubts, she would talk to her directly and let her have the opportunity to plug all the loopholes. Otherwise, he will sneak up on it, and it is very likely that he will actually find out what he is saying. Thinking of this, Ling Lan could not help but feel a little scared, and Li Lanfeng was also taboo.

After getting a small reply and saying that everything was done, Ling Lan continued: "All this, there should be information on the main brain of the military academy. I think there is a lot of people in the school where Li Xuechang can be found. You should be able to find relevant records..."

Ling Lan’s words made Li Lanfeng’s heart faintly photographed. Did he really make a mistake?

Just as Li Lanfeng was in doubt, Ling Lan smiled and smiled: "So, Li, we must learn to understand the truth and then make judgments. Otherwise, it is likely to bring unnecessary trouble to ourselves and others. I believe that Li Xuechang thinks so."

Ling Lan’s words faintly reveal the meaning of threats. Li Lanfeng heard no words at all, but smiled and said: “I am also afraid that this matter is really related to Ling Lan’s brothers. You just offended the Thunder and then offended the secret. It’s really hard to walk in the military academy. Since this matter has nothing to do with the schoolchildren, then I am relieved."

Li Lanfeng’s words made Ling Lan’s brow slightly stunned. What did Li Lanfeng say to her in the end? Is it really just good intentions?

Li Lanfeng did not care about Ling Lan’s thoughts and bid farewell to Ling Lan. When he left, he said a word that seemed to be concerned or useful. He said: "School brother, your spiritual variation is very strong, but you can use it as little as possible. The military school may not have a spiritual variant similar to yours... everything is careful!"

Li Lanfeng’s smile before leaving, let Ling Lan’s heart be alert, what exactly did Li Lanfeng know? Ling Lan confused and asked the little four about Li Lanfeng's feelings. I did not expect Xiaosi's answer to make Ling Lan even more confused.

Xiaosi said that the overall feeling of Li Lanfeng made him somewhat familiar, but Li Lanfeng converges very deeply. The faintly revealed breath seems to be an acquaintance of them, but he can bring a little stranger. The fourth person said that he could not compare with him at any time. Or after a few contacts, you can find something more useful...

Ok, Xiaosi has no good answer. Ling Lan can only put Li Lanfeng behind him. Since Li Lanfeng doesn’t look like a malicious person now, Ling Lan doesn’t want to worry about him because she has to start the following. The task is gone.

Although Luolang returned to the Military Medical Research Center to continue treatment, but the selection of the ceremonial team to welcome the examiners, can not be stopped because of the treatment of Luo Lang, Ling Lan with the monk and Xie Yi, began to select activities in the new group, a few days Down, I finally got together a team of welcome receptionists who met the requirements of the senior military school.

Then, Ling Lan, they started the training task of the reception team. Those who welcomed the team and waited for the work, were trained by the military family Wushu, and Ling Lan was at the end, releasing her horrible momentum and letting these players adapt. Ling Lan believes that these examiners should be some hundred warrior kings, and they must carry a strong suffocation. If they can't adapt to this kind of suffocation, even if they are welcome to do well, they will be suffocated by each other. To scare, this is too much to lose the face of their new group.

Ling Lan’s words got everyone’s approval, especially the monk, and he was deeply touched: No wonder every time he saw his dad, his grandfather, he was afraid of not moving, one look, let him scare him, it is estimated that This endless suffocation on the battlefield has affected his mind.

Ling Lan is training in full swing, and Luo Lang continues to undergo a very painful treatment process. In the face of the return of Luo Lang, Qi Long and Li Yingjie are extremely schadenfreaked.

In fact, Luo Lang left the bitter sea early and left the research center. The two of them were very opinionful. They were all injured in a trench. They could be so quick and free, but they have to stay in it. Is it tormented here? Their psychology is of course unbalanced, so they know that Luo Lang is back, and they feel that all the injustice is gone.

Can only say that these two people are definitely the best friends!

After another ten days, Luo Lang finally recovered and was released again by Li Yuyu. Of course, before he released it, Li Yuyu did countless inspections and even asked his own tutor to check, because he was afraid that Ling Lan would continue to deceive him.

Of course, his move moved the instructor: 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 这 这 , , , , , , , , , , , 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧I once again brushed up a new This is another bonus for Li Yuyu. I don’t know what it will be like after I know it. I want to hate Linglan or thank Linglan for making it for him. Such a wonderful misunderstanding?

Out with Luo Lang, there are two people, Qi Long Li Yingjie, especially Qi Long. Although the three of them were the ultimate in injury, they could not resist his best physical fitness and the strongest ability to absorb medicines. Therefore, three people It happened to be alive together.

When the three men stepped out of the military medical research center, they suddenly burst into tears with excitement: oh, finally left the hell.

Even Qi Long, who has always been greatly embarrassed, was scared by Li Yuyu’s terrible means, and Li Yingjie was even more fearful. Since then, he has had an indelible psychological shadow on his cousin, which makes him in the future, at a crucial moment. Did not dare to resist Li Yuyu’s order...

I have to say that Li Yuyu’s move did achieve his goal, and he established a “brotherhood” with Li Yingjie, and finally he could look forward to helping each other. Although he was somewhat envious of what he had originally imagined, Li Yingjie listened to him.


Sure enough, when our little demon came back, I didn’t have time to code... I opened a night shift with two chapters, all kinds of exhaustion, and I have to rest!

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