Chapter 285: Complete!

Ling Lan thought of this, the corner of his mouth could not help but bend, since there is a way to solve the injury, then don't blame her for being the boss.

Ling Lan held each other's hands, and the fingers made a squeaky bone. This move made the ultimate cold feeling change, because he felt that his original idea might be useless... but the other party can really squat? If so, the owner who believes that such a person is the boss, is it too pathetic and too pitiful?

The ultimate sense of cold personality has not yet confirmed Ling Lan's true thoughts, Ling Lan has already rushed over, this time, she is ready to take the initiative to attack. A fist directly hit the face of Luo Lang, the fierce and overbearing of the fist, has not touched, the ultimate cold personality feels the terrorist power contained in the fist.

His face changed slightly, and he hurriedly slid and kicked off Ling Lan’s attack.

The loud noise of "嘭", Ling Lan's fist directly hit the ground in the secret room, the ground suddenly cracked because of this huge force.

In fact, the secret chamber is constructed with high-tech high-strength and high-toughness materials, which is enough to withstand the following attacks. The effect now presented is also the high-tech technology of this era. Waiting for dozens of seconds, the ground will return to normal.

Seeing the huge cracking of the ground in the chamber, the ultimate sense of coldness was determined. The opposite person decided to smash his hand. He couldn’t help but cast his own master again at this time, thinking that his vision was really unremarkable. I realized that the boss didn't put him in the heart at all, otherwise how could he say that he would pick up his hand? Oh, it’s really a very failed master.

Since the feelings have not been counted in this regard. The ultimate cold personality does not hesitate to discard the original strategy and start looking for other opportunities to win.

During this time, I saw you coming to me, one attack and one flash, and even the same. It must be said that the ultimate sense of coldness is the most powerful of all personality, because he uses the power of Luo Lang to the fullest, both speed and strength have reached a limit. Ling Lan wants to beat his opponent, I am afraid I can't do it in a short time.

Because the other party is below the limits of the body. At the same time, the most suitable route for him to dodge is calculated, and the powerful calculation function makes the ultimate cold personality escape in the crisis several times.

"It seems that it is not good to use the field." Ling Lan secretly said.

In fact, according to the strength of Ling Lan, it is not impossible to knock down the other party, but she does not dare to use her strength to complete the great strength. There are still three other strengths that are not dare to display, which makes Ling Lan's attack range significantly reduced, which is why it can make the ultimate cold feeling escape many times.

Because Ling Lan's current strength is her calculations, even if it really hits Luo Lang, it just makes Luo Lang seriously injured, and there will be no tragedy. More power. She was afraid that one would unfortunately finish the life of Luo Lang.

At this point, the ultimate sense of cold personality found Ling Lan who faced him several times. Even if he counts too much, it will not help. When the power is strong enough, all calculations are useless.

For the first time, the ultimate sense of cold personality has a feeling of frustration, but let him admit defeat, not the character of extreme cold, so he decided to hurt with injury, this is the most helpless approach. He is not willing to do this if he does not have anything to do.

Both of them are interested in ending this battle. When Ling Lan came to this attack, the ultimate cold personality did not dodge. He directly raised his right fist and slammed the doctor, and did not hesitate to display it.

Ling Lan saw it, his eyes flashed with anger, and he shouted without hesitation: "The field is open!"

In the secret room, an ultra-small field appeared, and the Luolang, which was in full swing, was completely sealed. Seeing Luolang’s posture of attacking, he did not move in midair.

The smaller the field, the more time Linglan controls. Of course, the smallest field, Ling Lan does not control more than one minute. In this small field, Ling Lan can control about forty seconds, although the time is not much, but the uniform Extremely cold personality is enough.

"Damn!" Ling Lan screamed, the fist in his hand directly hit the past, directly hit the Luo Lang, unable to move, just hit, while Ling Lan instantly canceled the field of the dead Luo Lang.

However, the ultimate sense of cold personality has not been able to avoid, and saw the fist hit the Luolang in a solid way, Luo Lang the whole person was bombed out, slammed into the wall of the Chamber and then bounced back to the ground.

Wow, Luo Lang, who fell to the ground, vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. This hit Linglan did not keep a hand, the calculated internal strength was directly suffered by Luo Lang, without any accident, Luo Lang was hit hard.

"Do you know, I hate you now. With Luo Lang's current ability to exert his strength, it will make him mad and chaotic. One unfortunately, it may fall in the realm. For the first time, in the gambling platform. You don't want to lose to outsiders. If you use it, even if you pay the price of your right arm, I will endure it... But now, because I don't want to lose, I use this kind of injury to kill one hundred, and I am hurting a thousand moves. Are you* an idiot? Is it extremely cold? You are a fool without a head! Calm Nima p!"

Ling Lan, who was provoked by the other side's behavior, coldened his face and slammed the extremely cold personality from the ground, slamming his head with his fist and screaming in disgust.

Ling Lan’s attitude made the ultimate cold personality fall into a state of sluggishness. Perhaps, in his world, the behavior of this fire-breathing dragon is incomprehensible... Isn’t it hurting himself? What is the anger of the other party? Perhaps he was deceived from the beginning. In fact, the feelings of the other party to the owner are sincere, and they are not willing to give up their hands.

Feeling his own injury, the ultimate sense of coldness is that his judgment is accurate. He should have been discouraged because he was deceived by the other party and failed to seize this opportunity. I don't know why, his mind is a lot easier, it seems that this is right.

Extremely cold and stunned eyes have not been removed from Ling Lan's face, angry Ling Lan can have no patience, screamed with anger: "Look what you see, your clothes are not satisfied?"

"..." The extreme sense of cold was silent, and both of them were knocked on the head by the other party. Can he still refuse to accept it?

Seeing the attitude of the ultimate cold feeling, Ling Lan feels a little better. She slammed the head of Luo Lang and said: "It’s not like this early." Maybe I found the expression of extreme cold personality. Ling Lan added, "And, I am your boss, what is good to lose to the boss, really no good."

Does he have no interest? It’s better than the main character. The ultimate cold personality can’t help but frown. He’s not willing to accept this criticism. “But the protagonist is so weak, will it be even more despised by the boss?” Unconsciously, the ultimate sense of coldness Personality began to worry about the status of the master in the mind of the boss.

"Now let the master come out." Ling Lan is another punch, flying the extreme cold feelings, the ultimate cold feeling does not want to suffer from the boss's fist, had to let the master out.

"Boss, have you got a personality again?" Luo Lang said happily as soon as he came out. After accepting one more personality, Luo Lang feels that he has become stronger, and he feels comfortable with his talents.

"Yeah, congratulations to you from the bitter sea." Ling Lan saw Luo Lang came out, the original expression of anger again calmed down, cold expression, plain tone as usual, Luolang did not find anything as the master It’s not right, but the extreme cold personality on one side feels the change of Ling Lan’s breath. It’s also cold and cold, and the same cold voice is much warmer than when he fights. It turns out that even if it is cold, it will be different in the face of different personalities.

The first extreme cold personality has a kind of emotion called 嫉妒, he actually picked up the master, and can get the care and love of the boss.

Luo Lang is a clever baby. When he listens to Ling Lan, he suddenly surprises: "Is the ultimate cold personality?"

"Well, hurry up and take it. Your aphrodisiac will be almost done." Ling Lan said faintly.

"Don't try to resist, the gentleman can be difficult to chase after a word." Ling Lan's tone suddenly changed, becoming cold and abnormal, the ultimate cold feeling that this is talking to him, the same personality, the treatment is completely different, then The tone was significantly worse than the previous tone. The extreme cold feeling was somewhat lost.

Luo Lang didn't know the idea of ​​extreme cold feeling. When he heard the instructions of Lan Lao, he rushed to the extreme cold personality of the side. As soon as he touched the other party, the owner felt the strength of the other party, which made him unable to make a fuss.

"It's an idiot!" The ultimate sense of coldness saw the unsuccessful performance of the protagonist, scornfully swearing However, he did not want to violate his promise to Ling Lan, but had to desperately compress his spiritual strength. It is getting smaller and smaller, and finally the owner can come out.

The two personalities began to merge, and the ultimate sense of coldness and personal experience of the master, including his experience from childhood to large, and those partners...

Awkward, the master is really weak, if he is the master, the throne of the eldest brother of the boss definitely belongs to him, not the simple Qilong of the mind... the cold feeling is depressed.

This time, the time to conquer the ultimate cold personality is longer than that of other personalities. The day is bright, and in the fighting hall, people start to get more. Those who have a sense of retreat and who have practiced fighting techniques have all opened the Chamber of Secrets and went out. There are also students who do not have a course today and do not want to go to the Mech World. They come to the Fighting Hall to challenge one or two games.

Finally, Luo Lang's closed eyes opened, and a cold light flashed past, then he saw Luo Lang laughed and said: "Boss, finished."

"What is the body feeling, that is the aphrodisiac..." Ling Lan is most concerned about this issue. (to be continued

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