Chapter 248: Calculation!

"I have been looking for you for a long time." Ling Lan replied coldly. "I think you have already felt the current situation of the body."

"Looking for me is this thing?" The ultimate sense of cold personality understands the reason he will appear, and he can't help but swear: "This kind of small problem can't stop it? It's too shameful."

Because of the role of aphrodisiac, Luo Lang still showed a dazzling pink even if he was beaten by the purple face, but his eyes were still clear and there seemed to be no feeling of turmoil in the body. The ultimate sense of cold personality has the ability to cut off the seven emotions, so it can be as shocked as this.

However, Ling Lan faintly felt that something was wrong. She began to recall that after each personality appeared, those personalities were not controlled by the aphrodisiac effect, and they lost their rational and chaotic behavior. Even if the unconscious animal character appears, what is revealed is only the instinct of the beast culling, not the other...

Can it be said that as long as other personalities appear, they actually have the ability to control aphrodisiacs? Then why does Lorain experience the power of aphrodisiac after subduing those personalities? Ling Lan some want to understand.

These questions are just a flash, Ling Lan does not have time to think deeply, because now, the most important thing is to help Luo Lang to conquer this extremely cold personality, so that Luo Lang completely bypassed the aphrodisiac drug.

Ling Lan did not expect that the aphrodisiac in the future world would be so strong, and it would not be exhausted in one night. Every time he changed his personality, he could see the painful and patient expression of Luo Lang. This made Ling Lan worry about Luo Lang’s body. Overdone. The injury is fundamental... I hope that as the first teacher said, there will be no sequelae!

Ling Lan suppressed his worries and began to talk about the conditions with the ultimate cold personality: "Let's say, how do you want to surrender to the master?"

It is best to be able to do it. Once Ling Lan meets the rational personality that can communicate, it will not start, but first open the negotiation mode. Ling Lan is also afraid to always fight, Luo Lang's body will not stand.

"Submission? He is not qualified now." The ultimate cold feeling chilled back.

"Now? That will be fine in the future? Does this mean that you are very optimistic about him?" Ling Lan browed and asked.

"He is our master, waiting for him to be stronger than us. We will naturally surrender to him." The ultimate cold feeling faintly back. This is a fact, Luolang talent can not be freely controlled, because the master is too weak, it is no wonder that the deputy personality rioted together.

"Why don't try to surrender now, in fact, this is good for you." Ling Lan suggested.

The ultimate sense of coldness and indifference shook his head and refused: "We have our dignity, we only surrender to the strong. If the master has never been able to overcome us, he will never be able to control us. This is the price he must pay, there is no shortcut. ""

“Is there really?” Ling Lan asked like a smile. The previous facts prove that the shortcut is of course there, but it has not been discovered.

Ling Lan’s counter-question gave a chilly feeling. After a few seconds of silence, I said: "Of course, it is not true. If there is a boss who allows us to admit these deputy personalities, we can listen to the command of this boss and recognize the protagonist as our subject."

The ultimate cold personality looked coldly at Ling Lan and said, "I want to come, this shortcut has been discovered by you. Those sub-persons who are conquered are probably so subdued by the master. If you beat me, I will also surrender to you. At that time, you let me surrender to the master, and I am willing to hear orders."

"It turns out." Ling Lan now really understands that the No. 1 instructor proposed this method, not to let her find the ultimate cold personality, but let her one by one to convince these personalities, to help Luo Lang complete the receiving work.

"I don't know how many personalities are there? Do I have to hit the last one to finish?" Ling Lan said to himself, zero-level gods/19181/ heart bitter smile, Unfortunately, she has to spend a few days here, it is a chore. So, the boss is not so good...

"No, as long as you defeat me, other sub-personalities will recognize you. Because I am the most powerful of all personality." The ultimate sense of coldness heard Ling Lan's self-talk, and then returned. Although his tone is cold and calm, Ling Lan still hears the arrogance and confidence of the ultimate cold feeling.

The phrase of extreme coldness also explains why the first mentor must find out the ultimate cold personality. It seems that Luolang must rely on him to spend the aphrodisiac crisis, but must persuade the other party to let Luolang really control. His talent.

The so-called opportunity is just an excuse for the No. 1 instructor to let her take the shot. It is no wonder that Luo Lang’s resistance to aphrodisiac is getting stronger and stronger. Unlike the beginning, he almost lost his sense of reason and always successfully opened his talents and supported him. The next personality appears. In fact, at the same time as fighting, aphrodisiac is being distributed. As the ultimate sense of cold personality began at the beginning, the aphrodisiac in Luolang is only a small matter, because it is nearing the end, the effect is not strong.

Thinking of this, Ling Lan feels violently loose. Since aphrodisiac is no longer a problem, as long as he defeats this personality and completes the task of Luo Lang's free control of his talent, she will be successful.

"Well, let me try, the ultimate cold personality, how powerful." Ling Lan calmly extended his right hand, indicating the ultimate cold personality shot.

This is the position of the upper position to treat the lower position. In this regard, the ultimate cold personality does not feel despised by the other party, because from the time he comes out, he feels the terrorist strength of Ling Lan’s deep body. He knows that this person is not his first. The opponent he met at the second time, he wants to be stronger, but this does not mean that he did not win the opportunity.

The extreme cold feelings of the mouth reveal a sneer smile, suddenly a foot, the shadow suddenly disappeared, the next second, his fist went to the face of Ling Lan, his speed significantly broke the original speed of Luo Lang, reached The limit of Luolang...

"Good!" Ling Lan shouted with approval, his head slammed and shunned the fist. The palm of the hand did not hesitate to fight back. The only empty door hitting Luo Lang was the only fatal weakness. - Chest!

Ling Lan thought that the ultimate sense of coldness would choose to avoid, because this palm hit, the gap between Luo Lang and her strength, will certainly be hit hard, the people who are proficient in fighting will not be so idiotic to die...

However, the action of extreme cold made Ling Lan suddenly shocked, because the other party did not hide at all, but greeted straight.

"Rely, mad!" The behavior of the other party made Ling Lan unexpected, and the other party intentionally sent it. In the blink of an eye, Ling Lan’s palm touched Luo Lang’s chest.

There is no time to change the move, Ling Lan had to regain the strong internal strength in the palm, that although the palm hit Luo Lang's chest, but because there is no internal strength, did not let Luo Lang injured. But at this time, the sudden emergence of a sudden rise, Luo Lang, another long-awaited fist, with an implied three-strength force obliquely attacking Ling Lan's threat.

Ling Lan, who is getting older, has no possibility of evading, but who is Ling Lan, the reaction of the triumphant peak is not comparable to the first stage. Ling Lan’s other hand went to the next stop, and the two forces collided with each other. The powerful energy burst between the two.

After the collision, the two men involuntarily bounced out and stepped back a few steps, which stabilized the body.

Even Ling Lan, because of the rush to recruit, lack of preparation, at this moment, I feel that the chest is full of blood, and there is a sweet smell of gas straight into the throat. It should be said that the ruthless calculation of the extreme cold feeling, coupled with the three-way strength, made Ling Lan suffer a bit.

"I dare to use the life of Luo Lang to calculate me..." Ling Lan's eyes slammed coldly, and a cold air came out. Ling Lan was a little angry at the moment.

She found that this extremely cold personality in front of her eyes did not have the seven passions, but there was only endless calm. In order to win, he calculated Ling Lan’s brotherly feelings for Luo Lang. At the beginning of the attack, he knew that he would return without success. But he also knows that Ling Lan cherishes his body very much and does not want to really hurt him, and this is his chance. In fact, he almost succeeded, but Ling Lan's strength was too strong, even if he was calculated, with the super strength to resist.

"If you don't give up in your heart, my calculations will not succeed." The ultimate cold personality replies, "So, this is not my fault."

Ling Lan heard a little bit of old blood spurting out, feeling her loss this time is still looking for herself, can think of the ultimate cold personality is not wrong, if not her reluctance, the other party can not count.

"Really * mean, you are not afraid that I will make a fake come true, really kill you?" Ling Lan depressed.

"That's true, that is, I count the mistakes, and it is deserved to die." The cold sense of personality is indifferent. In his mind, if his painstakingly planned scheme is unsuccessful, death will die and he should pay the price. There is nothing to say. .

In the face of this no feelings ~ ~ only calculations, not afraid of death and oil and salt do not enter the ultimate cold personality, Ling Lan also feels that there is nothing to do, hehe, this personality is too difficult to engage, is it really necessary Let her die?

I have to say that the ultimate sense of coldness has indeed caught Ling Lan’s life, Ling Lan is reluctant to hurt Luo Lang, although Luo Lang looks a bit miserable at this time, the whole face is blue and purple, his body is red and bruised, no A good skin, but these are the wounds of the flesh, and it will return to normal after treatment for one or two hours in the treatment cabin. However, if Ling Lan really smashes his hand and smashes Luo Lang, I am afraid that Luo Lang will have to go back to the Military Medical Research Center. It will not come out in ten days and a half... This makes Ling Lan into a dilemma.

"Boss, the sky is going to be bright, is it the illusion that you and Luo Lang, who came out of the villa to fight in the fighting hall early this morning?" At this time, the little four who had no way to delay further reminded Ling Lan’s consciousness sea. Road.

Ling Lan heard a heartfelt move, yes, if she created such an illusion, she had reason to send Luo Lang back to the Military Medical Research Center to find Li Yuyu's trouble...

It can be said that they are playing, and Luo Lang actually relapsed. As a doctor, Li Yuyu must take this responsibility. (to be continued

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