Chapter 281: The solution!

Although still in a coma, Kolo's entire face has become more and more red, breathing is getting more and more urgent, and even the whole person is starting to twitch, which means that Luolang's aphrodisiac has completely attacked.

This makes Ling Lan, who has always been calm, not calm, I don't know what to do. I don't know if you can use the cold water to help Luolang? Linglan, who only knows a lot about aphrodisiacs, is only Mozambique at this time.

Xiaosi feels that his boss is helpless, and quickly ran back to the study space to find a rescuer. Soon he came back and looked happy: "Boss, the first tutor has to find."

Ling Lan was shocked and quickly told him: "Small four, manage the suspension car and Luo Lang..."

After the words have not been finished, Ling Lan feels that there is a black vortex in front of him, wanting to swallow her.

Rely on, come again! Ling Lan was conscious of a shackle and was directly drawn into the learning space by the No. 1 tutor.

This is the exclusive space of the No. 1 instructor. It will never change into a gloomy weather. The Yuntai at the top of the highest peak, as usual, is sitting alone in the lonely position.

Ling Lan appeared behind the No. 1 instructor and saw the back of the No. 1 tutor. Ling Lan respectfully called: "No. 1 tutor, hello!"

The first instructor opened his eyes and said faintly: "Come on!"

Ling Lan couldn't help but vomit in the heart. This sentence is more false. She was pulled in by the No. 1 instructor. Can I still know if I don’t come to the No. 1 tutor?

"Listen to Xiaosi, your partner has an aphrodisiac?" No. 1 can ignore the thoughts of Ling Lan's heart and ask at the door.

"Yes, the number one tutor, can this aphrodisiac be solved?" Ling Lan heard his eyes suddenly bright, yeah, how did she forget to come and ask the mentor in the space? Still small and flexible, thinking of this trick, Ling Lan decisively gave the small four a praise.

"Aphrodisiac has no antidote." No. 1 tutor faintly replied.

Ling Lan heard that her eyes were dark. Can she only watch Luo Lang suffer?

"However, there is no way to solve it." No. 1 instructor continued. This made Ling Lan's original lost mood excited again, and looked at the No. 1 tutor with his eyes bright, I hope that the No. 1 tutor can say a good way.

"Your partner is Luolang, yes." The No. 1 instructor did not seem to notice Ling Lan's anxiety, and began to open the topic.

Ling Lan anxiously said: "Yes, the first mentor, what method can I use to solve the aphrodisiac in Luolang?" Please, I am anxious to burn my eyebrows, and you will be quick to say the answer directly.

The No. 1 instructor glanced at the cold-eyed line of sight, and directly frozen Ling Lan’s anxiety, and his mind suddenly cleared.

"Calm down?" No. 1 tutor snorted and was somewhat dissatisfied with Ling Lan's not calm.

"Sorry, the number one tutor, my mentality is out of balance." Ling Lan wakes up, and he bows his head and admits.

"There is nothing wrong with caring for partners, but remember to keep calm whenever you are, otherwise you will not be able to help your partner, or even misunderstand each other." No. 1 tutor can understand Ling Lan's anxious mood at the moment, but But can't agree. You must know that on the battlefield, once you lose your calm, you will not only ruin yourself, but also drag on your comrades. This is absolutely unacceptable.

"I understand!" Ling Lan nodded. At this moment, her eyes were no longer embarrassed, and some were calm and firm.

The No. 1 instructor stared at Ling Lan for a few seconds, and Ling Lan did not retreat under the pressure of the instructor. He always looked firmly at the No. 1 instructor.

"Remember what you said today!" The No. 1 instructor satisfactorily withdrew his gaze and continued. "You forgot, no matter how long you stay in the study space, it is only a second to go out and you can't help your partner."

Ling Lan bowed her head and said that she had really forgotten this point. As the No. 1 tutor said, her mentality was out of balance, she lost her calmness and had no judgment. This inferior performance should indeed be taught.

"I remember, Luo Lang is the natural talent of the apocalypse, and has not been able to control itself until now?" No. 1 instructor saw that Ling Lan had deeply realized his mistake and continued the topic at the beginning.

Ling Lan has recovered as usual at this time, calmly said: "Yes, No. 1 tutor." This is also a problem that bothers her, she wants to help Luo Lang, but can not start. To know that Luolang's talent is an extremely talented person, but it can't be controlled. This is like a double-edged sword. When it hurts the enemy, it will also hurt itself. This is why Ling Lan has always restricted Luo Lang to open talent. Unstable talents, whether military or military, are not recognized.

"That is indeed an excellent talent..." The No. 1 tutor said here, and he couldn't help but glance at Linglan. He sighed that Ling Lan was indeed favored by God, and even his friends could awaken such a powerful talent. You want your partner to take full control of this talent. This time the aphrodisiac event is an excellent opportunity."

Ling Lan heard her eyes bright, but she kept in mind the words of the instructor, took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement, and calmly asked: "Please also ask the No. 1 tutor to solve."

No. 1 instructor secretly nodded, Ling Lan's performance made him extremely satisfied, so he was no longer awkward Ling Lan, directly said the solution: "Look for a closed space, let Luo Lang open talent, his talent There should be a person with a very cold feeling. As long as this personality is found out, the aphrodisiac event can be completely solved."

"The ultimate sense of cold?" Ling Lan is somewhat puzzled, can this personality also expel the aphrodisiac?

"In fact, it is to let him cut off his own seven emotions and desires, and only retain the mode of ultimate calm thinking. As long as you have passed the aphrodisiac outbreak period, your partner will pass this level." No. 1 instructor replied.

"Is there any sequelae?" Ling Lan thought about continuing to ask, she did not want Luo Lang to leave any hidden dangers.

"No, but on the way to open your personality, you must keep your partner sane, that is, when you open the wrong personality, you must hit him back and reopen the next personality. And this must be up to you. The strong suppression, according to your ability in the half-step field, should be no problem." No. 1 reminded, "Remember, be sure to keep him awake, not a sober personality, you must fight back until your partner is awake Take complete control of the opening of personality."

"I know, the number one tutor, I don't know what else to pay attention to? If not, I want to go back and solve this matter as soon as possible." Ling Lan's face is dignified, and now she is most worried about Luolang's aphrodisiac incident. .

"You go, wait for you to solve your partner, then come back to me..." No. 1 tutor waved, and saw Ling Lan was sent out of the study space, the gloomy space was restored to calm again, the number one mentor eyes complex Sighing a sigh, this closed his eyes again.

A few seconds later, the place where the number one instructor was three meters behind, suddenly split a hole, a woman with a charming and charming uniform came out, it was the fourth teacher, she complained: "Boss, why don't you teach me?" Her love story? This is a good opportunity, not only can directly solve the partner's poison, but also let her understand what a woman's weapon..."

"It is not the time. Linglan’s hegemonic road has gradually become better and cannot shake her heart." No. 1 is cold and cold, "And Linglan does not need such a weapon at all. The reason why you are always ready It is afraid that she will not be able to find the nature of a woman in the future..." Speaking of this, the brow of the No. 1 tutor is wrinkled. Although Ling Lan is making rapid progress on the road of hegemony, the relative femininity that belongs to a woman disappears. Is this the price of the hegemonic road?

"That's a pity, obviously Linglan has such good conditions." The fourth mentor's eyes are so dejected, Linglan's body is very flexible, which is inseparable from the painstaking cultivation of No. 9 and also makes Ling Lan learn the charm of women. The effort is half the effort, it is definitely a good jade, but unfortunately there is no place for her at the moment.

"If Ling Lan has no achievements in other aspects, I will not hinder you, but it turns out that she will take the hegemony road and the future will be better." The No. 1 tutor said that Ling Lan is undoubtedly his most satisfied. Disciple, no one.

"Since you have said this on the 1st, I can still do it. However, when Ling Lan’s hegemony is completed, you will no longer be able to stop me from teaching Ling Lan’s woman’s charm.” This sentence, I will return to my own space.

I know that her good deeds are not so coming, she has to wait for a few more years, I really want to Linglan grow up immediately, it is best to go to the age of the spring heart, at that time, the **** boss will not hinder her teaching Ling Lan woman's means.

Seeing that the No. 4 disappeared into the space, the No. 1 instructor took a deep breath and calmed down those fluctuating emotions.

Sure enough, actually quietly and fascinating in front of him, if he is not enough, it is really not easy to resist... The first mentor thinks that Linglan will have this charm. And then add to her image of the cold and arrogant tyrants... The first brow is again wrinkled, well, he can't imagine what the result is, and always feels not very good.

"Forget it, I will squat at that time." The first mentor also had the spirit of Ah, because he could not bear to repeatedly refuse the enthusiasm of the fourth mentor, and he could only grievance in the future.

Unconsciously, Ling Lan was deeply betrayed by her beloved No. 1 tutor. Even if she was as cool as the No. 1 instructor, she had to retreat three points in the face of the fascinating No. 4 tutor.

Sure enough, only one second, Ling Lan returned to the suspension car, Xiaosi surprised: "The boss is back? Is there a solution?"

Ling Lan nodded and said: "Yes, small four, immediately change destination, we go to the fighting hall!" Looking for a closed space, only the fighting room in the fighting hall, she did not forget to remind, "Little four, Don't leave any traces of where we go."

"Yes, Boss!" With this sound, the suspension car quietly changed the direction of travel and quickly rushed to the military school's fighting hall. Rs()

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