Chapter 280: The follow-up of the event!

These old monsters are worried. I don’t know if the master in this field is still in the military school, ready to make the next destruction. What makes them even more confused is, why did the other party come to the military school to do this kind of thing? Also, is the defensive power of the military academy really as foolproof as they imagined? If so, where did this field-level master come from?

A few people can't think of one thing, one of them said: "Let's go back and ask the principal to discuss!"

This proposal has been recognized by all people. Compared with the situation of the military academy, they are different as the principals of the military academy. Maybe he can give them an answer. Several people just walked away quietly. No one at the scene knew that a super strong person had come to the scene to investigate.

The emergency rescue system of the military academy was perfect. The building collapsed in less than five minutes. The first batch of rescue workers had arrived at the scene and began to rescue the students who were crushed in the ruins...

Ling Lan, who was already away from the scene, was sitting on a floating car with Luo Lang and quickly flew to the location set by Xiao Si. As soon as the old monsters appeared, Ling Lan just sat on the suspension car and left. As long as one second at night, she may be caught by those old monsters. Even if he has always been calm, Ling Lan can't help but sweat coldly at this time.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly loose military school actually sat in so many strong people. Fortunately, she fled quickly, and the ingenuity of the small four cooperated. As long as there was an error, she was caught in the middle.

Of course, Ling Lan was prepared to prevent this from the beginning. She knew that there must be a super strong person sitting in the military school. Even the Scouting Center College had several strong players sitting in the town, let alone the first men’s military school. Therefore, Ling Lan made arrangements in advance and chose to flee the scene quickly in the first explosion. It turned out that her decision was correct.

The little four who escaped from the robbery also sighed with relief. He was afraid to pat his own small chest and said: "Wow, boss, too exciting! I did not expect that we really succeeded from the eye of the field masters. Ran away."

"Thanks to the small four, you gave the most appropriate escape route, and also transferred the suspension car in time." Ling Lan couldn't help but patted the suspension car they were riding, and sighed for the powerful computing power of the small four.

If there is no seamless cooperation with the four-day clothes, there is no such a floating car to cover, relying on her own, using all her strength to escape, can not escape the powerful search range of the other side, because she must leave her own energy in the passing road. Fluctuation, and these are the evidence to expose her.

Xiaolan, who was praised by Ling Lan, happily held his head and twisted his buttocks. He finally calmed down and remembered the patrols who were stunned by their bosses. They couldn’t help but ask: "Boss, those who are stunned by you." People don't have problems?" It's not that Xiaosi has kindness, the other party can't die, and there is no feeling as an agent. The fourth is afraid of something really going wrong, and there is a burden in the heart of the old conference.

"Nothing, the fulcrums of those places, I did not destroy, even if the building fell, there would be no problem in those rooms." Ling Lan calmly replied. Even if she ruined the entire building in order to retaliate against the heavens, she would not let these insignificant people die, she is a man of resentment.

"Boss, you are so powerful, I thought so thoughtfully." Xiaosi decisively took a flattering, a pair of puppy legs, so Ling Lan's mood became excellent. It should be said that when Ling Lan successfully destroyed the Tianji headquarters, her mood became infinitely beautiful.

The superpowers who sat in the military academy exchanged ideas with the principals, but they still did not get the answers they wanted. Soon, a message came from them. According to the members of the rescue team that was rescued, they were informed. Before the collapse of the building, their Skyquarters headquarters was attacked by a hacker suspected of being a king-level.

As more and more people were rescued, they found that several people who had been ruined under the rubble and destroyed the brain have become idiots. One of the seriously injured hackers has become a vegetative person. It is directly judged by the Military Medical Research Center that there is no possibility of waking up.

The appearance of these people has led them to speculate that in this incident, is there still a terrible imaginary power at the same time? Three people who excel in their respective fields appeared in the military academy, which may make these people unable to courage.

What are the forces from these people? With their ability to deal with the main brain of the military academy, why did they make a small force group inside the military academy?

For a time, various conspiracy theories in the military school were introduced, and even several people suspected that they were on other military academies. They speculated that they were trying to crack down on the grand examination results of their military academies, and they deliberately created the turmoil in an attempt to make students happy. Panic, unintentional preparation, which affected the final assessment results, so that the first military school lost its dominant position.

This kind of speculation has been recognized by many high-level people to a certain extent, and the direction of their investigation has deviated from the distance of 100,000 miles, which indirectly helped Ling Lan.

Of course, the military high-level officials also speculated on other possibilities, that is, no one wants to think about students.

In fact, no one really raises this possibility, because whoever says this may be laughed at by others. Please, what do you think is the domain powerhouse? What is a king hacker? How can a military school student become such a terrible existence? If it really becomes that possibility, is it still necessary to study at the military academy? It has long been smashed by the major legions...

As for the virtual ability? I don’t even dare to imagine that people who know this kind of terrorist ability have become the secret weapon of the Federal Ministry of Military Affairs since their birth. How can they lurk in the military school students?

I have to say that some of the senior military schools have taken it for granted. Sometimes the truth is often those that seem ridiculous and impossible to exist...

In order to quell the collapse of the building, in order to prevent students from panicking and preparing for the exam, the senior military school directly suppressed this matter and explained the members of the Tianjiji Group who reported that they had a king-level hacker attack. It is said that the investigation was due to the temporary failure of the military school's main brain, which led to this series of misunderstandings.

As for the collapse of the Sky Building, it also used an excuse for years of disrepair. Although the building was built for a hundred years, it is important to say that the current qualified building is at least 500 years old. Is this excuse to say that this building is a bean curd project?

Regardless of whether the students believe or disbelieve, the Tucao does not vomit, and the military school has given such an answer. The collapse of the Tianji Building has subsided.

The Tianji Machine Group also fell sharply because of this incident. For a long time, it did not recover. And the third Promise Machine Group, and the fourth multi-child center machine group, took the opportunity to take a fire and robbed, and proposed a mech group gambling to the Tianji Machine Group, competing for seats... lack of generals, imposing manners The Mech Group lost their hatred in these two battles, and directly fell from the second force to the fourth force. It was once one of the laughter of the military academy.

In this case, the head of the Celestial Machine Group can only swallow this shame... I can't help but know that the main culprit for the plane to fall into such a realm is Ling Lan of the new regiment. If he knows, he will do his best to retaliate back.

It should be said that Ling Lan’s action was perfect. She did not miss the people who participated in the holding of Luo Lang, so that the Tianji Mech Group did not know that the source of the disaster was Luo Lang, she perfectly pulled Luo Lang out of this incident.

The reason why Ling Lan is so hard to plan is to protect Luo Lang. Even if Luo Lang did not suffer substantial harm, she did not want her younger brother to be pointed by the military school because of this incident, so that Luo Lang soul bears this unnecessary burden.

As it turns out, Ling Lan’s concerns exist. Shi Mingyi was ruined by Ling Lan's talents. Several lover who had been fascinated by him had been awake and thought of what they had done before. They repented and were extremely hated by Shi Mingyi. If they are all cool and highly tolerant people, perhaps this thing will not be exposed. However, a student with extremely fragile hearts can not bear this shame and think that his life has been destroyed.

In the night, he took a saber he made himself, and the staff at the treatment center did not prepare. He dragged Shi Mingyi, who was lying in the treatment cabin, and quickly hacked him, then died. The staff found that it was already late.

The incident caused a sensation in the military academy. Later, the military school monitoring team went to the student's dormitory to find the suicide note he left ~ to know the truth of the matter. To this end, the military school spirit variation research instructor specifically studied the ability of Shi Mingyi's spiritual variation and discovered Shi Mingyi's ability to have hypnosis.

Until then, all the talents understood the shameless face of Shi Mingyi, and because of this incident, the momentum of the Tianji Mech Group fell again. Many members said that they could not accept the number of deputy heads of the Mechs, and they quit the Mech Group. Also let the Tianji machine group suddenly stunned.

Of course, this matter also has sequelae, that is, the students who belonged to Shi Mingyi, the students who look good and beautiful, have been marked with broken back labels, so that they have received all kinds of different visions in the military academy. In addition to a very patient student who eventually graduated smoothly, several other people dropped out of school and left the military school for one reason or another. It can be said that these geniuses who have a good future, because Shi Mingyi was destroyed in the future...

Luo Lang was careful because of Ling Lan's careful planning, and this incident did not have a bit of cause and effect. This made Lu Lang, who was sobered up, extremely grateful. In his heart, Ling Lan repeatedly swears that his future will be Lan’s boss. And live!

Of course, all this happened after Luo Lang was awake. Now, Ling Lan ruined the good mood of the Tianji Building, and it stopped, because she found that the Luolang situation lying in the back seat of the suspension car is getting worse. . Rs()

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