Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 259: : The other way is to return to the other side!

Chapter 259: The one with the other way!

Huo boss suddenly stood up and shouted: "Feng Ming, stop!"

The face of Tang Yan on the platform changed and his body shape changed. The whole person had already rushed up, ready to stop Nie Fengming from this lethal trick. In the fighting competition he presided over, if there was a major casualty, it was his great dereliction of duty...

The sound of "啪" was different from the dull sound of the fist hitting the body. This voice was obviously crisp. Everyone was shocked to find out that when there was an extra person in the ring.

He stood in the middle of Nie Fengming and Qi Long, and easily grasped the fist of Nie Fengming with one hand and one hand, and the still-moving clothes corner proved that the person had just arrived.

The fist was caught by the opponent's palm. Nie Fengming first felt that the strength of the other side was like the deep sea that could not be explored. When the bursting force contained in his fist hit the other side, it was like a stone falling into the Dead Sea, and there was no splash of water. It is as if his power is swallowed up by the endless deep sea.

This feeling is only a moment, Nie Fengming feels that the other side is like a mountain, just standing there without any counterattack, but let him go back and forth.

What makes Nie Fengming more shocked is that the other party exudes an extreme icy atmosphere. Nie Fengming accidentally swept the other's eyes and saw the endless blood and killing. The original Nie Fengming's spiritual strength has reached a limit. Psychological resistance is at the lowest level, and this **** killing trend is poured into the heart, bringing endless panic, and his body begins to tremble uncontrollably.

Colonel Don Juan had already arrived at Nie Fengming's side, but it was a step late. When he saw Nie Fengming's attack intercepted by a passerby, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he quickly calmed down and was shocked by a fact, because the person closest to Nie Fengming is actually him, but the other party is one step ahead of him. Does this prove that the other party's strength is stronger than him?

Tang Yan looked at the other side with horror, only to see that the person was an ordinary green uniform, not tall or short. The whole person looks a little thin, but not as soft as Luo Lang. The tall and straight figure seems to contain countless forces, otherwise it will not be able to easily intercept Nie Fengming’s attack without any injury.

The most surprising thing is that although he saw that it looked extremely ruthless, he still couldn't hide his innocent face that had not been fully opened. The strange appearance and the ordinary uniform uniforms, Colonel Tang Hao suddenly paused. Understand the identity of the other party.

Tang Hao is not prepared to sue the other party. After all, Nie Fengming’s move is indeed too embarrassing. As a teammate in the team, it is natural to be a rescue partner. Tang Yan is recognized.

However, I have not waited for Tang Hao to ask each other. The students who have already reflected in the audience have exclaimed:

"who's that person?"

"How did he suddenly appear on the ring?"

"Yes. When did he go up?"

Because the speed of coming is too fast. Many students who have not arrived in the realm can only see a figure appearing out of thin air, but they can't see the trajectory of each other's movements. This is one of the reasons why they are lost.

"The speed of that person is almost the limit of the human body!" Some people in the box have acknowledged this. The heart was shocked. Although I didn’t know the origin of the other person, I remembered the person’s appearance in unison. I decided to go back and find out who the other party is...

Tang Yan’s face quickly returned to normal. He said to the man: “This classmate, thank you for your help, but the game is still going on. Please leave the ring.”

"No need. In this game, our new group lost." Ling Lan faintly announced.

Tang Yiyi, do not know whether the other party can replace the new group, just listen to the following, the representative of the new group, Wu Hao shouted: "Yes. Our new group will admit defeat!"

Since the representatives of the new regiment have all defeated the bureau, Tang Yan will not repeat much, and directly announced loudly: "The third game, five years of Nie Fengming victory! The overall situation of the Thunderbolt group is two to one leading the new group."

Tang Hao just announced that Ling Lan turned around and looked at Qi Long, who still stood still behind him. There was a sore flow in her heart. Although she wanted to make Qilong break through, she did not want to see Qi Long’s miserable. The injury is so heavy. If she fails to intercept Nie Fengming’s attack in time, the force will definitely break the roots of the Qilonggen roots. Even if it recovers, the physical strength of Qilong’s original strength will drop several levels, even obliterating Qilong. The infinite possibilities of the future.

Thinking of this, Ling Lan’s heart ignited, hating the opponent’s viciousness, and hating his own intentions and taking it for granted. Fortunately, no regrets occurred, otherwise she would regret for life.

Ling Lan took a deep breath and forbeared this anger, gently aligning with Long said: "Zilong, the game is over, you can rest."

Qi Long, who was standing still, heard Qi Long’s words, as if he had received any orders, and the whole person fell down. Tang Zhen reacted very quickly and quickly picked up Qi Long. He checked the injury for him. His face changed slightly and shouted: "The staff, hurry to the treatment center!" I didn't expect Qilong's internal injury. Heavy, and he actually fought for so long, and refused to fall in the end. What spirit is supporting this boy?

Tang Zhen could not help but think of Luo Lang and Li Yingjie in front of him. This is the case. He almost made an unbearable injury and made the most terrible counterattack... He couldn’t help but look at the cold boy in front of him, even if the other party did not explain He also knows that the real leader of the new group is probably him.

Soon, Qi Long was sent to the treatment center. As his buddy party, Han Jijun certainly couldn’t sit still. Without waiting for Ling Lan’s instructions, he was automatically accompanied to go...

At this time, Nie Fengming, who could not wake up in the **** murder, finally broke through his heart with his excellent willpower and reawakened.

"Are you awake?" Ling Lan's expression was still cold and ruthless, but in her eyes, the originally suppressed anger, and then burned again with Nie Fengming's sobriety.

"This game is over. Please ask this classmate to let go of this player." Although Nie Fengming's last pneumatic fist was a bit sinister, but after all, it did not cause irreparable situations. Tang Hao still hoped that the other party would become smaller and smaller. . After all, the game belonging to Nie Fengming has ended, and then entangled in it, the new group can not find any benefits.

Nie Fengming heard Tang Yan say so, he was struggling, trying to get rid of Ling Lan's control. I don't know why, he always felt that this cold boy was too dangerous. His direct response is to leave each other.

"To admit defeat is that we are not as good as people, but those who want to hurt my brother must pay the price they deserve!" Ling Lan’s cold voice sounded through the entire fighting hall. This is Ling Lan’s announcement to the entire military academy. Anyone wants The person who hurt her brother, she will not let go.

Yes, Ling Lan is really angry. She wants to let the military school know that her Ling Lan is not the soft egg that is willing to swallow the turtle.

When the voice just fell, I saw Ling Lan grabbed the fist of the other side and jerked it. Nie Fengming was thrown up by the whole body. About two meters from the ground. Nie Fengming felt a cold and powerful little hand hold his back door and then slammed it...

Ling Lan’s sudden action made Tang Yan on the stage and Hu’s face changed greatly. They thought that Ling Lan would be poisoned. At the same time, they rushed to Ling Lan at the same time in an attempt to stop the other party's atrocities.

Tang Yan is only one step away from Ling Lan, but he wants to be close, but he is stopped by an invisible temperament, but Huo Lao is too far away, so the blink of an eye can not arrive.

A loud noise of "嘭"! The entire platform was full of dazzling light, and the harsh warnings, most people did not know what this represents. However, as a referee, Tang Hao understands that this means that the strike power that the platform can withstand is infinitely close to its ultimate endurance. If there is more power, the downfall may collapse completely.

Tang Yan can no longer hold calm at this time, and his face is very pale. It is important to know that the fighting platform is so strong that it can withstand all the striking forces from the field. Since there is a warning sound in the ring, is the new student infinitely close to the field, or to the so-called legendary half-step field?

When the light of the stage disappeared, the warning sounds slowly and silently. All the students watching the battle could see the situation of the downfall, and then they were all shocked by the scenes in front of them.

I saw Nie Fengming's entire body squatting on the platform and getting close to the ground. His face on the micro side, his eyes have turned white, I don't know if it is life or death. The ground that touched his body, centered on him, numerous cracks and cracks spread throughout the ring, making the entire platform look ruined, and people could not help but worry that the three people standing on it would not step on the broken platform. Collapsed.

Huo Lao, who had already arrived in the ring, saw Nie Fengming’s tragic situation. He suddenly looked red and angered and pointed to Ling Lan’s question: “Why did you kill him?”

Ling Lan bounced his sleeves, like a dust, and looked back indifferently: "Reassured, not dead!"

"Don't die?" This sentence made Huo calm down from the extreme anger, and he quickly looked at Colonel Tang.

At this time, Tang Hao had checked the situation of Nie Fengming for the first time. He explored the neck side of Nie Fengming, and the original ugly face was alleviated. Fortunately, it is not a serious injury. Otherwise, even if you have the heart to help the new group, you can't afford it.

"There is still breathing, but the bones of the whole body have been broken. It must be sent to the treatment center immediately. It seems that it has not been carried out for a year and a half. Nie Fengming can't recover." Tang Yu told Nie Fengming about the situation, and then quickly directed the staff to send Nie Fengming Treatment center.

At this time, Don Juan didn't know what to say. For three consecutive games, six players were sent to the treatment center. Is this a game of fighting or a vendetta? Never been so fierce in an official gambling fight, after all, these new students, all of them are hard bones and do not accept the loss...

When the freshmen entered the school, did the ghosts see that they didn’t discount their arrogance and educate them? Colonel Don Juan has felt that the arrogance of these new students is surprisingly strong, not like the students who have been insulted...

Huo’s boss heard Nie Fengming’s ignorance, and he was relieved. He forced his heart to anger and slowly asked: “Why are you hurting my team members for no reason?”

"For no reason? I just use the other person's way to return to others." Ling Lan eyes stared at Huo Luo coldly. "You don't know, what did your team member just do? If that shot hits My brother is his current situation."

"Are you not saving it? Since your brother is fine, why are you going to take this hand?"

"If I can't save it?" Ling Lan asked. "I won't let anyone who hurts my even if the other side's power is bigger, the strength is stronger."

Ling Lan said here, the cold eyes glanced at everyone in the audience watching the battle, saying one word at a time: "Here, I want to remind the military school owners, including the major forces, if anyone dares to find my brother for no reason. If the members are in trouble or hurt them, I will never give up. No matter how long it takes, I will let them return them one by one."

Ling Lan used her mental strength to make her cold and firm voice ring in everyone's ears, including those in the box. Many students with poor strength turned out to be cold and screamed...

Only Li Lanfeng heard the look of the move, the sparks in the eyes flashed past: This familiar energy, is the other party the same as him? Li Lanfeng, who was not very interested in Ling Lan, immediately put Ling Lan in his heart. He is ready to have a chance to test the other side. If it is the same kind, there may be cooperation possibilities...


3600+ sent, it is already my limit, sleepy to die, must sleep! There will be entertainment tomorrow night, it may not be updated, and I will make up on Friday. Let me talk to you first, so as not to let everyone wait.

Ok, everyone has to sleep early! good night!

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