Chapter 258: Achilles heel!

"Ah, what happened, why did Nie Fengming also vomit blood? It is obvious that the other party did not hit him." The following people watched the battle, even if some fighting masters could not understand, only a few people with higher realms have Thoughts……

In the Promise box, the original Han Xiaowei, who did not put this fight in his eyes, finally changed his face, and Han Han blurted out: "What is this in the end? Is it a ghost?"

Obviously the strength of the opponent is not Nie Fengming Gao, and has been turned into a half-destroyed by Nie Fengming. What is even more strange is that Nie Fengming has no tricks at all. How can he be inexplicably injured and vomiting blood?

Li Lanfeng and Zhao Wei looked at each other. Zhao Wei was equally confused. Because no one would intercept the most vulnerable point of the opponent's force so many times, there has never been such a strange situation, because I don't understand it. I don't understand.

Li Lanfeng's eyes are still as calm as the old ones, but his inner heart, but always feel that the movement is somewhat familiar, just like the depths of memory, some people have done the same thing...

Nie Fengming vomited blood and had to let him interrupt the attack. He jumped away from Qilong. He thought that Qilong would follow up, but he couldn’t think that Qilong was standing there and was still moving. He just opened his eyes, grinning and lining his face. The blood stains look a bit strange and stiff.

Nie Fengming violently wiped the blood of his mouth and looked at the young boy who couldn’t beat him. Even if he was heavy and calm, this time he couldn’t help but feel anxious, and he couldn’t wait for the next punch to knock down the wicked teenager in front of him. Ground, the end of this leather candy competition. .

"Feng Ming. Patience!" At this time, Nie Fengming heard the familiar voice behind him. He looked back and saw that Huo had come to the side of the platform and was whispering to him.

As long as the people in the competition are not on stage, the midfielder uses words to remind him of what is allowed, so Ling Lan reminds Li Yingjie that Huo Lao reminded Nie Fengming. Both are legitimate acts and neither party has any opinions.

Nie Fengming nodded to Huo Lao, and the slightly impatient heart began to calm down. He looked back at the immovable Qilong again, just as Huo Bo said, the current Qilong is not the opening Qilong. Even if it looks like a half-waste, and really wants to knock down the other side, he has to avoid the right interception of the other side.

Nie Fengming took a deep breath and he moved, but the direction he chose to attack was no longer positive, but side. He was gambling on the rundown of Qilong that could not move.

Sure enough Qi Long's body did not move. Even his head didn't move, just a fist, and it appeared extremely sharply in front of him. The direction of his fight was still the most uncomfortable place for him.

Can't the side? Nie Fengming bounced back with Qi Long’s fist. At this time, he changed direction again and came to the back of Qi Long.

This scene makes everyone exclaim. Because they all know what Nie Fengming is playing, he wants to attack the back of Qi Long. Although this behavior seems to be somewhat victorious. On the battlefield, there is no fairness, only the one who survives is the winner.

But is the truth really as he thinks? When he was about to kick the back of Qilong, he suddenly noticed that there was another huge fist in front of him, and he hit the side of his knee accurately.

"Hey!", this is the sound of joint dislocation. The power of Qilong accurately named Nie Fengming's most vulnerable leg bones, and finally let Nie Fengming could not help but scream.

Nie Fengming is not an ordinary person. Even if the leg is unexpectedly broken by Qi Long, there is no snoring. His left foot jerked a little on the ground, and the whole person flew back and stood again in the original position. But at this time he used his left foot as a support and his right foot.

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