Chapter 248: Luo Lang played!

"Is this freshman's scores very good? Even if there is a little worse, in order not to waste, so they have all been accepted?" Han Yu frowned on Li Lanfeng's reminder.

The Wei Ji some agree: "These new groups are from Doha. Most of them are from the Doha Scout Center. I believe that their ability will not be bad. If they are accepted together, the Thunder will not lose. But I suspect that this is not the case. Simple... Will it be the Thunder's strategy? His goal is probably not the whole new group, but someone in the new group, but it is a concern for the person who is unruly and arrogant.” Wei Ji proposed another possibility. .

"What kind of enchanting Zhang Jingan said?" Han Yu blurted out and seemed to be awakened, his eyes sparkling.

The enchanting Zhang Jing'an is not an easy-to-conquer person. Maybe the Thunder is afraid of pointing alone. The enchanting will be unscrupulous. Finally, like the fourth-grade mech design genius, he will die. . Maybe I have suffered a loss, so the Thunder changed the practice this time, the design will be collected, so that the enchanting has to consider for the partners around, bowed to surrender.

"Sounds to the West, it is a good strategy!" Han Yu sighed, his eyes showed a touch of appreciation, "Even if Joe is not there, Lin Zhidong, the deputy head is not vegetarian."

A force alone cannot be long-lasting. The reason why Thunder has become the first force of the military academy for several years has been related to the following outstanding deputy heads, especially the military division Lin Zhidong. This first deputy head is not The strategy is professional, and the means are not worse than those of professional military divisions.

Guessing about the two. Li Lanfeng did not refute, but smiled and nodded in agreement. However, the eyes of the four people were once again attracted by the collapse of the platform, because the representative of the new group appeared, it is the head of the foreign military monk. He took over the Thunder gambling contract and proposed their gambling contract, that is, in case the Thunder's mech group lost, it is responsible for the stability of the new group within two years. That is to say, in the past two years, if other forces compete in the novice group, they will be responsible for the battle.

This gambling contract actually disguisedly made the entire Thunder machine group become the hitter and protector of the new group. However, compared with the Thunder’s gambling contract, the new group’s gambling contract did not go too far. Since the Thunder had to merge the entire new group, the new group Of course, the Thunder can also be asked to become a thug of the new group. And the new group is not guilty, only said two years, so that the Thunder can not refuse.

really. Under the deputy heads of the Thunder. I quickly agreed. After all, the new group of meat thunder does not want other forces to be embarrassed. In case the Thunder accidentally lost this time, it can also ensure that it will not be merged by other forces within two years, and two years later. The Thunder also had the opportunity to eat a new group. This bet is for the Thunder. It’s nothing but harmless.

When Colonel Tang Yin announced that the two parties had established a gambling contract, the top leaders of all forces could not help but sigh. This time, even if the new group is lucky, it has nothing to do with them in two years. Even if you look at it again, you can only stay and watch, you can't move, because they don't have the courage to fight against the thunder machine group...

At this time, they had to admire the old-fashioned group, and the gambling promise made the Thunder unable to refuse. Regardless of the outcome, the new group could get the protection of the Thunder tree, but it was only a matter of time.

After agreeing on the gambling, the representatives of the Thunder and the New Regiment went down from the ring and waited for the beginning of the first fight. Colonel Tang Hao has already said the rules of fighting. In every fight, both parties have five minutes to arrange. Within five minutes, they must provide the fighting candidates of this group. If they do not provide the list within the prescribed time, The referee will judge the other party's victory.

Ling Lan, who walked down the Thunder, looked thoughtfully at the Thunder's side. Just on the stage, she had secretly detected the strength of those people, and she had a bottom. However, in addition to being able to win everyone, Zilong is a little dangerous... Ling Lan frowned slightly and began to calculate the order of the competition.

Ling Lan chose Qi Long, Wu Hao, Luo Lang, Li Yingjie and her own as the representative of the battle. Originally she wanted to see how the other person was out, and then make the final arrangement. However, Colonel Don Juan’s words broke her wishful thinking, hidden list, and finally announced, completely let Ling Lan have no direction.

"Boss, do you forget that you still have me?" When Ling Lan was guilty, he realized that the little four in the sea were sulking and screaming. Of course he has to be depressed. Why did the boss always forget his existence at the crucial moment? I want to know that he is the best cheater...

"Ah, what have you just got into? Xiao 4, I am a good boy, absolutely not cheating the kind of thing that is not good." Xiaosi shook his head and gave his behavior infinitely beautified. "We are playing a game." The great information warfare, the enemy's first opportunity is the cornerstone of victory, so all means are for this ultimate purpose! History will be written by the winner!" Xiaosi recently fell in love with military text, and he did not know where he was stolen. a paragraph of text...

Xiaosi was still there to express his lofty deeds, and Ling Lan was suddenly stunned by the reminder of Xiaosi. Yeah, how did she forget that the fourth is the **** in the virtual world? Is it not an easy task to know the list entered by the other party? Only hope that the other party is not selected at the last second, otherwise, even if Xiao 4 knows, she has no time to enter the candidate she wants to send.

Xiaosi finally built his own mind and immediately felt Ling Lan’s worries. He immediately scorned: “Is there a small four, can you still use your manual input? You only need to name your mind, Xiaosi I can send the list to the same time..." Such a simple matter, why are the old conferences worried, is this too much to look down on his ability to be a junior? Xiaosi couldn't help but pouted and protested Linglan's distrust of him.

Seeing Xiao Biao's touch, Ling Lan put down her heart. She was in a good mood. She glared at the face of Xiao Si directly in the sea of ​​consciousness. She laughed loudly: "Good, little four, this thing will be handed over to you." "Only in the sea of ​​consciousness, Ling Lan will laugh with no scruples. The smile makes Xiaosi shake again. Hey, why is the boss's smile charm infinitely improved?"

Thinking of this, Xiaosi once again determined that the boss is still cold and a face is safe, otherwise even if he is a **** in the virtual world, he must be made into a mess by the boss... Xiaosi suddenly thinks that he seems to be a pair of Dad’s smile is also very weak. Isn’t the smile of his fourth child’s Achilles heel?

Thinking of this, Xiao Si suddenly felt a crisis hit the heart, because he remembered that intelligent life can not have obvious weakness, otherwise it will be recycled back to the furnace to rebuild. Xiaosi slammed around and found that there was no intelligent living body with him. This was relieved and slammed his chest. Fortunately, he no longer dreams of more galaxies, and no other agent monitors his anomalies.

Xiao Si is still undecided here. Ling Lan has thought of a problem, that is, although she knows the strength of those people, she can not match the name.

Xiao Si was suddenly attracted by Ling Lan’s problem. He forgot the fear just now. When he figured out what the boss was bothering, he couldn’t help but use a very contemptuous look at his own boss, awkward, still I thought it was a rare thing, it turned out to be such a small thing!

Soon, Ling Lan’s consciousness appeared in the sea and the list of the participants of the Thunder and their three-dimensional image. Ling Lan quickly put the characters and names on the list. Now, as long as the other party enters the name, Ling Lan knows each other’s The level of physical strength allows her to respond in an instant.

This time, Ling Lan's heart is set, because Ling Lan is ready to follow Tian Ji horse racing, according to the strength of the opponent to send opponents, make the corresponding arrangements, as long as the final three wins, the new group will have the qualification to rise!

"Boss, the other party is out of the list!" Xiao Si yelled in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then showed the person and the image of the other party in Ling Lan's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Oh, even the third strongest at the beginning, it seems that the other side is also guarding against me, and also consciously won this game." Ling Lan saw the other party's list of battles, could not help but frown, each other It did have a good card.

Ling Lan turned to look at the partners around her, and finally her eyes fell on Luo Lang: "Luo Lang, ready to fight!"

"Yes, Boss!" Luo Lang's pretty face slammed brightly, and did not expect the first boss to send him to play.

Xiaosi, seeing Ling Lan chose Luo Lang, did not wait for Ling Lan to order, he passed the name of Luo Lang to Tang Hao.

Ling Lan saw Luo Lang's excited expression and had to pour cold water on Luo She looked solemnly: "The other party is the master of Qijin primary peak, and you just entered the spirit, the body is strong. It’s not stable yet, it’s not suitable for hard hits. At the beginning, it’s mainly about fighting, and adapting to other considerations.”

The reason why Ling Lan chose Luo Lang is because Luo Lang is now very suitable to use a hard fight to help him stabilize the realm of the early stage of the primary stage. This is why Ling Lan did not play directly and won the game. In ensuring the final victory of the game, Ling Lan also hopes that the partners can make progress in this fighting competition.

Ling Lan knows that he is so arranged, Luo Lang may play very hard, and even be beaten by the other side, but for the growth of the partners, she must have to succumb, sometimes losing is not a shame, but also a Progress.

"Know, boss!" Luo Lang's pretty little face nodded seriously and said that he heard it.

At this time, five minutes have passed, and I heard the Colonel Don Juan on the platform shouting loudly: "Thunder Machine Group vs. New Regiment, the first battle battle list: five years Zia vs. Luo wave."


I didn't expect the first to finish so late... The second is to lose my words today and get tomorrow! ()

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