Chapter 247: Gambling!

At this time, a figure slowly walked up to the ring, only to see the person in the age of nearly 30 years old, wearing the federal blue and white uniforms, handsome and handsome, just standing on the ring, just It has drawn everyone’s attention to the past.

"Ah, the referee is coming." Seeing the age of the person and the military uniform different from the military school students, I know that it must be the referee sent by the military school.

"Day, the referee of the military school is actually Colonel Don Juan!" When the students at the tip of the eye saw who the referee was on the stage, they couldn't help but make a surprise.

"What? Colonel Tang Yin is the ace tutor who trained the first strongman of the school, Lei Wang?" As the students spread the news, even those who did not know Colonel Tang Hao could not help but be shocked.

It is important to know that Colonel Don Juan is the strongest person in the school to act as a mech commander. It is said to be a prince. Not only that, he brought a small team, six students, Lei Wang only half a step to advance to the trump card, and the other five have successfully advanced to the special master, no doubt, he is the ace of the military academy star tutor, said to bring After the fourth grade, I will be able to bring a new two-year life next year.

Perhaps Colonel Don Juan is willing to serve as a referee. I want to see the ability of this new student. After all, these people are likely to be his students tomorrow... Of course, he is more likely to have begun to accept students. Perhaps this gambling is also the assessment of these new students by Colonel Don Juan?

All the senior students looked at the five teenagers on the stage with envious eyes, even if these students were defeated in this fight. However, as long as the performance is remarkable, it is absolutely impossible for the colonel Tang Yu to look at the future. I have to say that this new life is really good.

The mech tutors of the military academy are not always brought to the sixth grade, and usually only take students for three years. In the first year of freshmen, because they focus on physical exercise and lay the foundations, the mech tutors will start from the second grade and bring them to the fourth grade. Because the students in grades five and six are basically in school. There are generally two options, one is to participate in the adventure group to do the interstellar adventure mission to increase their actual combat experience, and the other can directly enter the army and start internships, these students are the kind of school outstanding. Generally speaking, in the fourth grade, he is considered fancy. When he reaches the fifth grade, his army will issue an internship notice and take it away...

Of course, those students who performed well in the fourth grade of this year basically had their goals in the newly established 23rd Army, not because the new army had more opportunities. It is the head of the Twenty-three Legion, but one of the twelve sacred priests of the Federation, the general of the Federation. He is an idol of all military school students. The reason why Lei Wang is so eager to promote his ace teacher this year is to let General Ling Xiao know his existence, and then have the opportunity to be spotted by the other party to get the precious internship notice.

The internship notice does not mean that you can really stay in the original army at the end of two years, but as long as the performance is qualified, it will not be withdrawn by the legion.

At this time, the people in each box saw the appearance of Colonel Don Juan, and the people with their brains frowned. Obviously, the arrangement of the school was somewhat meaningful.

Only Yun Yu in the box of Li Yuyu. Stupidly worried: "Is Colonel Don Juan as a referee, will it be biased towards the Thunder? After all, Lei Wang Qiao is his proud disciple."

Li Yuyu listened. Directly gave my friends a big white eye, and even the answer was gone.

However, Yun Xiu’s more idiotic question has brought him back from his memories. Even if his mood is still heavy, he will no longer struggle with it. With the research of these years, Li Yuyu is more and more confident. Before the adulthood, he Should be able to take over the treatment costs of the lobby brother.

In recent years, several studies involving Li Yuyu have produced great results. Except for one of the military banned drugs, several other items can be used by the whole people. To this end, the school as an encouragement, gave Li Yuyu a lot of rewards, including a lot of credit points.

At that time, Li Yuyu made clear the situation in his home with the mentor of the leading research, so these credit points are currently placed in the accounts of those mentor.

Of course, the greater interest is not the reward of the military school, but the patent right that is sold. After knowing the current situation of Li Yuyu, the instructor specially requested Li Yuyu as the main research member when he signed the contract with the manufacturer. Point, as long as the shares of the same price, and the annual dividends, the instructor made it clear that Li Yuyu will enter the accounts after his adulthood. This result made Li Yuyu ecstatic, and he was very grateful to the mentor, which undoubtedly gave him a long-term economic source and helped him solve his worries.

Yun Xiu saw that Li Yuyu's expression recovered from the painful entanglement, and his heart was greatly relieved. He did not expect to just ask why he changed his mind to study military medicine, which would make his friends suffer.

This expression made Yun Xiu know without knowing it. Li Yuyu must have encountered some painful things. He could not help but confess his own shackles and wanted to make up for it. When he saw Colonel Tang Hao's coming to power, he took a good idea and asked a very stupid question to attract Li Yuyu's attention. Now it seems that the effect is not bad. Li Yuyu really turned around from the memory and his appearance became natural. .

As a military school student, Yun Xiu certainly knows that the teachers in the school are all righteous military personnel, and will not make such obvious biases, and the widely praised Colonel Don Juan is even more impossible.

In the Promise box, Li Lanfeng and other people saw Colonel Tang Yan’s appearance on the stage, and they also made a strange noise. I don’t know why this great **** appeared on such a small platform...

Li Lanfeng’s original drink drink slammed into the drink. He couldn’t help but see the five representatives of the new group. His eyes flashed a deep thought: among the people of the new group, who is so powerful behind them can incite the military school. A general style? Even if the first family Li Jia does not have this ability, even if Li Jia can influence the decision of the federal president, he will not be able to move the federal military, and the military school belongs to the military system. Even if the president can't dictate to the military school...

Li Lanfeng's mouth showed a light smile, his heart said: It's really interesting, it seems that the Thunder is not as easy as they thought!

When Colonel Don Juan stepped on the stage, he coughed aloud. The snoring sound that was originally caused by Colonel Don Juan’s appearance suddenly quieted down. Colonel Don Juan showed a faint smile. This opened the door: “I am doing this today. The referee of the new regiment and the Thunderbolt's physical combat competition will be enforced by law enforcement. If I am dissatisfied with the results afterwards, or if I am dissatisfied with my referee, I can arbitrate against the school arbitration department..."

Tang Wei said here that the two representatives of the two sides stunned each other and saw that both sides looked the same, nodded slightly, and praised the representative qualities of the two parties.

So he continued: "This game is a five-game three-win system. Five representatives from each side are sent. In order to ensure fairness, the five representatives who participated in the fight will not make a prior announcement. One minute before the start of the fighting competition, they will be led by their respective teams. Give me the list of players who represent the group in the fight. Remember, once the list is handed over to me, you can't make changes, otherwise you will directly determine that the change is negative."

Seeing that both sides nodded and understood, Tang Yan went on to say, "There is still a point that the two have agreed that there is a gambling in this game. Therefore, before the fight, the gambling contract must be made clear. The school stipulates that the content of the gambling is not allowed. There are all illegal contents prohibited by the military academy..."

Tang Wei said here, the cold eyes are like a knife cut, sitting on the stage and sitting on the two sides of the forces, even let these people have a glimpse, there are several students with poor strength, actually was scared of a cold sweat.

"Because the Thunder is the challenger, please enter your gambling contract into the head of the military school." Tang Yan told the Thunder Machine Group to officially enter the gambling contract.

Soon, on the big screen behind the ring, there was a gambling content, very simple, only one line of words. Gambling content: If the Thunder wins, the new team must join the Thunder!

This gambling contract appeared, and everyone watching the battle was once again stunned. Even if everyone in the box of the spectator was calm, it would be strange.

"Why is this gambling contract, isn't the Thunder very concerned about the quality of the members? Why do you want to earn the whole group? Is there a secret that the new group doesn't know?"

The leaders of the major forces clamored. They couldn't believe what they saw. They thought that the Thunder would ask the new regiment to disband, and then they would recruit a group of talented freshmen to join the Thunder. And they can take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and use the new group members to hate the thunder, and accept some talented freshmen.

However, the Thunder’s gambling contract directly broke their wishful thinking, and the Thunder’s pot end refused to miss a little benefit, which made them extremely dissatisfied.

The Promise Box here, Han Hao, they are equally shocked He looks at the face of the Wei season, and he is puzzled.

They subconsciously looked at Li Lanfeng and hoped that Li Lanfeng could give them an answer. Although they are extremely jealous of Li Lanfeng, they believe that Li Lanfeng's analytical ability, many times they do not understand, Li Lanfeng often can hit the nail.

When Li Lanfeng saw the sight of the two men, he said: "I don't know why the Thunder wants to do this, but surely, the new group must have a place to let the Thunder." Han Wei and Wei Ji nodded, and they also Can think of it.

"Some time ago, several major forces were deciphering the new students' admission assessment materials. I don't know if the Thunder has already succeeded." Li Lanfeng did not cover up and reminded the two people.

It’s not that Li Lanfeng doesn’t want to hide, but that he is clear, and he can’t say that Han Weiwei’s two people can think of this at the latest. In this case, it is better to say it directly, so that the other party thinks that he really knows everything about them. Besides, the most important secret is still in his hands. These fur messages, Li Lanfeng really did not look in the eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

Ps: Today is a chapter, but tomorrow will be more! Let's look forward to it! Rl()

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