Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 245: : Chief Health Li Yuyu!

Chapter 245: Chief Health Officer Li Yuyu!

There is no doubt that Lei Wang is a miracle, and Wei Ji also hopes that Wang Hui can copy the miracle of Lei Wang. Then, a few years later, when Lei Wang graduated from the military academy, it was time for them to climb to the top.

Zhao Wei heard Wang Hui’s fighting level and his eyes flashed sharply: “Yes, there are two geniuses to join, and the future is boundless.”

Zhao Wei’s words made Han Yuwei’s two laughed smugly. Compared with Li Lanfeng, who was too tempted to understand, Zhao Tongtian knew that the fight was much simpler. His words would never be awkward. Say what.

Zhao Wei said that he took a shot of Wang Hui's shoulder and then went to Li Lanfeng's side and sat down.

Zhao Wei’s move made Han Yu and Wei Ji’s brow wrinkled, and his eyes were a little annoyed. They regretted that they should not have annoyed him in order to shock Zhao Wei, and let Li Lanfeng seize the opportunity to be a middleman to persuade. Successfully got the friendship of Zhao Wei, and now they are closely related. If Zhou Yazheng can successfully replace Li Lanfeng, I am afraid that they will not be able to expel Li Lanfeng excessively and reinforce the position within the group...

A few years of cooperation, let them know that Zhao Wei is a very loyal person, definitely a friend who has a knife for his friends. If Li Lanfeng let Zhao Wei be dissatisfied with them, and with Li Lanfeng leaving Li Wufeng in a rage, they will lose a lot.

Zhao Wei is a genius of mech control. In this grade, the strength can be squeezed into the top three. The Promise A group can stand on the third seat. Apart from Li Lanfeng's plan, it is also inseparable from Zhao Qian. If so, let the two join other forces. It is likely to directly affect the status of their Promise Mech Group in the school...

Han Wei and Wei Ji both looked at each other and exchanged their eyes. They decided to temporarily press the original design of the heart and then endured Li Lanfeng for a while. Anyway, Zhou Ya and Wang Hui still need to grow up. Their mech group really needs Li Lanfeng's strategy.

Of course, they secretly decided to find an opportunity to separate the relationship between Li Lanfeng and Zhao Wei during this time. As long as the two fell out, they were the time to expel Li Lanfeng.

When they had a decision in their hearts, they talked passionately with Li Lanfeng and Zhao Wei. After a while. Seeing that the original dark wall in the box suddenly lit up, originally this is a high-tech screen, but the setting is not directly dissected, and you can choose multi-angle and multi-window to disassemble the picture. At this moment, occupy the platform in the platform. Suddenly there were a few youths in blue uniforms. They looked calm and proud, and they were the people of the Thunder. When the four saw it, they stopped talking and put their sights on the big screen.

In the dark box. No one saw Li Lanfeng, who was facing the screen, the smile of the corner of his mouth changed from the original warmth to ridicule, and his eyes became very dark from the clear. At this time, Li Lanfeng was no longer a bit warm and faintly revealing a hint of coldness.

The Thunder’s people fell on the stage. I got a warm cheer from the audience at the Fighting Hall. The strong ideas of the founding of the federation from the small age are the embodiment of the military, and they are even more vivid in the military academy. The Thunder Machine Group is the strongest force in the military academy, so it has also been recognized and admired by most military school students.

At this moment, the boxes on the second floor came to their owners, facing the cheers from the fighting venues below. Basically, all the people in the box took it for granted, thinking that the Thunder became the last winner. No accidents, only in a box in a corner, but some people worried about the new group.

"Rely, everyone in the audience cheered for the Thunder. No one is optimistic about the new group. To be honest, I don't think that the new group has a little hope. I want to say, is your cousin's brain shot or not? Connected to the Thunder's gauntlet?" That box. A blue-faced uniform of a baby's face slammed the armrest of the sofa, and his face looked arrogant.

Standing in front of the screen, a person wearing a white uniform is facing away from the baby's face. He stands upright and touches the screen frame with one hand. He doesn't faintly say: "Take it up, at least let me See how much the cousin who has always wanted to get the first inheritance has grown up."

"Just because of this? So you came out of your lab in an unprecedented way, to see if this game is destined to lose the game?" The baby face was unbelievable.

He knows his buddies. Since he was admitted to the first men's military school, he chose the military medical research major. He is like a demon. He has been following the instructors day and night in the laboratory to study the treatment problems of the various difficult diseases that the federal government has discovered. Perhaps he really has the talent in this aspect, and he has successfully researched several treatment plans for the disease. After clinical verification, he found it very effective. Because of his outstanding performance in research projects, he has successfully become the chief student of the military medical research profession since the second year. Since then, the chief student has been occupied by him and has never been left behind.

The baby face has always believed that if Lei Wang is a peerless genius in the manipulation of the mech, then his good friend Li Yuyu is the existence of the horrible enchanting in medicine. Both of them are pressing the people in their respective fields and become the first strongest.

"Let's lose?" Li Yuyu said to himself. At this time, five figures appeared on the ring. The ordinary green uniforms were the five representatives of the new group to participate in physical combat.

Li Yuyu stared at the screen, and when she stepped on the stage, she held her chest with her hands and her face was arrogant. The original handsome face suddenly became gloomy. She said with a word: "If the kid loses, I will let him pay the price." Recently, the newly researched genetic agents that stimulate the potential of physical fitness are not just lacking human experimenters? Perhaps Li Yingjie is a suitable experimental subject.

At this time, Li Yingjie, who looked up proudly with his chin, suddenly felt a cold chill on his body, couldn't help but shudder, and let the Luo wave around him glance dissatisfied: "Are you afraid?"

Li Yingjie glanced at Luo Lang and angered back: "Who is afraid, just a cold breeze..."

Cold wind? Luo Lang glanced at the closed stadium with no gaps. The temperature will always be kept at 20 degrees. There will be no wind in the place where there will be a cold wind. Who is going to lie to?

Luo Lang snorted and turned a blank eye, no longer paying attention to the timid Li Yingjie around him. Originally thought that Li Yingjie, who had been arrogant and arrogant, did not know what it was, but he did not expect it to be a tiger in a hole. He only knew that he was in the nest.

Luo Lang’s coldness clearly revealed his thoughts, and Li Yingjie’s face was blue and red. He really couldn’t wait to hold the other’s neckline, and roared: What are you talking about, what the brother said is true, there is really The cold air is blowing, otherwise how can the brother tremble?

Unfortunately, the reality does not allow Li Yingjie to do this. He has to bear with this timid insult by his partner. He decided that in the fighting field, he must win and tell Luo Lang with facts. He Li Yingjie is not afraid of each other. .

These things in the ring, the students watching are not clear, they just saw a beautiful teenager and a arrogant boy bowed a few words, then stood still, patiently waiting for the referee sent by the military school.

The military school is allowed to fight, whether it is an official gambling or a private gambling. The only difference is that the official gambling will be ruled by the military school to rule the judges, and the private gambling, the military school will not participate. .

However, there is a limit to both gambling, that is, death cannot occur. As long as there is a death, the military school will send an inspection team to investigate. Once the other party has found signs of intentional homicide, it will unswervingly send the students or organizations that created the death to the military court, according to the seriousness of the plot. The most serious criminal judgment is of course the death penalty.

Therefore, even if there are irreconcilable contradictions in the military school students, gambling will generally not create deaths. Of course, it is not counted to be prepared for the same.

The gambling between the Thunder and the new regiment is the official gambling, so there will be a referee from the military school. This time becoming an official gambling is the result of both, because they are afraid of each other's promise.

We must know that the result of the official gambling is protected by the military school. Once the result appears, it must be implemented. Even if one party regrets that it wants to violate the gambling contract, the other party can apply to the military school to enforce the gambling result. The Thunder is sure to win the new student group. In order to protect the company, he must choose the official gambling, and the new group also has the same concerns, because this gambling has become an official gambling without objection.

"Yu Yu, look at it, the boy next to your cousin is so beautiful, like a girl, is he also going to fight?" The baby face is full of hatred and iron, "Day, the new group is not Others, even a teenager who sent such a delicate drop out to fight, how can they bear it?"

At the moment, Li Yuyu also saw the shape of Luo Lang. Suddenly, another face with different looks but the same beautiful appearance appeared in his mind. No, that face is more beautiful than this It seems that it should not appear in the world...

Li Yuyu’s heart violently hurts. Is this the reason why God refused to give the lobby brother a healthy body? Just because he didn't belong to this world, would he have to recover it?

No, I will never allow it! Even if I fight with the sky, I will leave my brother.

Li Yuyu clung to the screen frame, her fingers clasped tightly, and the pain from her fingers seemed to ease the pain in his heart. Because of this unbearable pain, let him choose another path without hesitation, even if he lost the inheritance right of Li, it is not enough.

"Hey!" A crackling sound, a piece of material on the screen border was actually pinched directly by Li Yuyu, and the baby's face suddenly jumped up and rushed over. He pulled up Li Yuyu's hand and wailed: "That, my Points..." Although this box is the right to use this year, it will still be lost if it breaks the inside.


Li Yuyu appeared. Did anyone think that he chose the military doctor? I can only say that Li Muzhen is not too damn... everyone despise him. Continue to cheer tomorrow! good night! Rl()

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