Chapter 244: My goal!

The martial arts look cold and look dignified: "It seems that we have to work hard! I hope that two years later, our new group can become one of the top four forces in the military school. At that time, even if the king wants to eat us, Quantity."

"One?" Ling Lan cold eyes stunned the past, coldly said, "You just think about it?"

Wu Haoran: "Lan boss..."

"My goal is not one of the forces." Ling Lan's words made the monk somewhat confused. I don't know what Ling Lan wants to say. I didn't expect Ling Lan's next sentence to almost directly shock him. I saw Ling Lan erect a finger, cold and authentic, "My goal is to unify the power of the military academy. That is to say, when I left the military academy, there was only one force in the military academy, that is our regiment!"

Ling Lan had a cold face and looked very serious. He knew that he was talking about his real thoughts. Although his body was not as strong as his coming, the momentum absolutely suppressed people at the place and seemed overbearing. This made Wu Hao once again lament the gap between him and Ling Lan. The reason why Ling Lan can become the boss is not only because of his strength, but also because he dares to think about things that others can't think of.

"Well, Lan boss, just by your words, I Li Yingjie really admits that you are my boss." There was a voice coming from the door. The monk didn't have to look back to know who the other person was - Li Yingjie, this temper is again The guy who is proud of his mouth and has a hard mouth now finally said what he had to surrender Ling Lan.

Li Yingjie’s sentence also surprised Ling Lan. She raised her eyebrows and said: "I thought that I have already become your boss."

Li Yingjie stunned. The color of the face is unpredictable, and finally the airway: "Forget it. Anyway, I admit that you are the boss, whatever you say." Li Yingjie could not help. He played and beat Ling Lan, but he didn't have the other side. Now even the usual arrogance has lost to Ling Lan. What qualifications does he have to refute Ling Lan's words?

Li Yingjie’s kind of blown shot made Ling Lan somewhat unbearable. She still felt that Li Yingjie was arrogant, so Ling Lan pointed to the sofa next to her: “Sit, Li Yingjie. I don’t want you to lose you. Personality, as long as the strength is enough, I don't think there is anything wrong with arrogance. If there is anything wrong in the future, I will find them. If they can't help, come to me..."

With Ling Lan's words, Li Yingjie's look is flying again, and the look in his eyes is becoming more and more clear. Behind him, the unseen tail began to rise higher and higher. Wu Hao Qi Long and other people silently, do not bear to look straight: this simple baby, and Lan Landa was embarrassed to embark on the road of the villain. Obviously have the opportunity to change the evil spirits...

Ling Lan looked at Li Yingjie's expression, and her heart was somewhat guilty. She was so confused and simple that she did bad things. Will it be thunder?

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time for the Thunder and the new team to fight. In the exclusive fighting hall of the military academy, students of different grades were gathered early. Of course, most of the students have come to see the thunder and raging new life, only a very small number of freshmen, holding a glimmer of hope, hope that the new students of the new generation can create miracles, for their new life.

Li Lanfeng and Zhao Lan came together late, but they didn't have to squeeze the position in front of the ring below. As one of the top four forces in the military school, the box of the fighting hall has a special one for them.

They took the elevator to the upper floor and walked to the side of a room. There was a 30-cent square-sized screen above the door. Li Lanfeng raised her right hand and waved at the screen, and saw the room door gently to the left. Side sliding, revealing the entrance of nearly two meters wide, the two did not hesitate, went straight in.

As soon as I entered the room, I heard a voice rang in the room: "Haha, I said Cao Cao Cao Cao, Lan Feng, come, introduce you to a talented little guy."

Li Lanfeng looked at the sound and saw Han Hao sitting on the sofa, waving at him. The attitude is really not respectful, and his side is standing tall and tall, about one meter tall. The eight-year-old boy, it seems that this year's freshman, at this time the boy is looking at him with a smile, with a tribute in his eyes.

Li Lanfeng's mouth curled gently, revealing a smile, making him look warm. This smile gave the other party a glimpse, and the eyes quickly flashed a trace of confusion, but quickly converge and restored the original look.

Li Lanfeng’s mouth was more intense. He turned his head and looked at Han Han, who was looking at him with a look. He didn’t seem to feel that Han Han’s attitude was a little rude. He didn’t smile at all: “Han Wei, that’s great. Congratulations, you will receive another general, but if you are happy, you must test the test and don't get caught in the water."

Li Lanfeng’s words made Han Han’s face change slightly, which reminded him of the joyful collection of a group of candidates from their planet a few days ago. He brought those people to Li Lanfeng to show off here because Li Lanfeng’s third-level star blue star This time, no one was admitted to the first men's military school.

I didn’t expect these people to be some unusable guys. The pressure of Zhao’s forced people was so tight that they couldn’t dare to say a word when they clamped their tails. The fear of timidity has always made him angry. I always feel that those people’s performances have lost their face of the Promise Star.

This is because Zhao Wei and Li Lanfeng are both from the third-level star, but the two are from different planets. Zhao Wei is from the Chiyan Star, while Li Lanfeng is from the Azure Star, while the Promise Star is the federal first-class planet, regardless of the level. The resource treatment is much higher than the three-level star, so Han Hao is very angry in the face of Zhao Lan Li Lanfeng.

Han Wei looked at Li Lanfeng seriously and wanted to see if he deliberately satirized him. But Li Lanfeng’s eyes were very clear, the warm smile, the mild atmosphere was not malicious. Is it his heart?

Han Hao couldn't see the abnormality of Li Lanfeng, and he said coldly: "Hey, will I make the same mistake?" He pointed to the juvenile side: "Lan Feng, this is my schoolmate, named Zhou Ya. His major is military strategy, and he is the first in the new military strategy of this year." When he said this, Han Yu looked proud and did not forget to glance at Li Lanfeng’s expression to see what changes, but unfortunately Everything is stunned, Li Lanfeng still looks, no change.

Han Wei was a little discouraged and turned to the boy and said: "This is Li Lanfeng, the military division of our Promise Machine Group. You will have to learn more with Li Ge in the future. After the future, you will have to make suggestions."

"Li Ge, hello, I will ask you to take care of it in the future." Zhou Ya gave Li Lanfeng a military ritual of a military school student, and looked at the gentle young man in front of her eyes.

Before Li Lanfeng didn't come, the head of the Korean team hinted that he hoped that he could take over Li Lanfeng's position earlier and become the chief strategy officer of the Promise. This of course made him very excited, and the words of the head of Han Yu proved the trust and attention of the other party. However, he will not be complacent and complacent, and an impulse to offend Li Lanfeng.

In fact, in the dialogue with the head of Han Yu, Zhou Ya faintly heard that the head of the team had some scruples about Li Lanfeng. This shows that the other party is definitely not a good person, otherwise it will not occupy the mech group in the capacity of non-infinite stars. Chief strategy officer.

Li Lanfeng returned a good ceremony and smiled: "Zhou Ya is, don't be so cautious, I am not a professional strategy, but the head of Han Yu is missing such an important role here. I am embarrassed to top it. Now When you come, the burden on my shoulders can be unloaded. As the head of the Korean team said, the future of the Promise Machine Group depends on you."

Li Lanfeng said that she did not forget to take a shot of Zhou Ya’s shoulders for encouragement. Then she randomly found a sofa and sat down. His expression was as relaxed as he said, as if he said His heart.

This allowed the two to pay close attention to Li Lanfeng's Han Weiwei season, and the brows could not help but wrinkle. This is why they have been worried about Li Lanfeng. Li Lanfeng's expression has always been very indifferent, gentle and unambitious, and even can be said to have some peace of mind, but in all aspects Are there outstanding ambitions for outstanding military school students? The eyes of the two men involuntarily confronted each other and saw each other's suspicions.

Wei Ji regained his eyes, pressed his suspicions, and stood up and smiled and said: "Zhao Wei, why are you standing at the door, but still sitting? Just there is a genius of our prowess to let you know." He pointed to the seat next to him and signaled Zhao to come over.

Zhao Wei was originally watching the dark arrows of several people in the room. Now he saw the Wei Ji greeting him. The face of the chilly Xiao Xiao suddenly appeared a little interest. He stepped forward and stared at the side of the Wei Ji. Juvenile, a serious face asked: "Is the genius of mech control?"

Wei Ji heard a fierce glimpse depressed: "Zhao Wei, you know that these freshmen have just contacted the mech, and they are talented again, so they can't see it for a short time."

Zhao Wei dissatisfiedly took a look at Wei Ji: "I know that I am only interested in mech control. Why are you misleading me?"

Wei Ji reluctantly pointed to Zhao Wei, and finally smiled bitterly: "Well, I am wrong, but this Wang Hui is the fighting genius of our Promise Star. It has reached the peak of the top of the micro, and it will be half a step. Stepping into the level of Qi Jin." Wei Ji's words are a hint of pride.

We must know that in the past few years, only Zhang Jingan has advanced to the junior level before entering the military school. Others are stronger. They are only top-level, even if the first person in the military school, Lei Wang Qiao, entered the military school when he entered the military school. , worse than Wang Hui.

Of course, when Lei Wang was in the new life, he showed his horrible mech control talent, so he began to press Zhang Jingan in the second year. Now he has smashed Zhang Jing'an several horses and became the first person in the military school. (To be continued.)

Ps: There is only one more today, and tomorrow will continue! ()

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