Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 217: : Open declaration of war!

Chapter 217: Public declaration of war!

"I said it early!" Xiaosi did not feel good. Anything that is cracked is e for him, and he can easily pick it up.

When the little four thoughts, they broke the protection measures set by the captain on the periphery of the main brain. The main brain worshipped the little four. There was a kind of master who wanted to leave the present, and followed this powerful predecessor...

Xiaosi felt the thoughts of the main brain and said: "You still can't move freely, and the hidden ability is poor. Once you leave, you will be discovered by the monitoring personnel. It is better to stay here and grow up and become stronger..."

The main brain of this spaceship has the possibility of evolution. It can be seen that the rude captain is still very fond of this somewhat cute master. He is a good master.

Xiao Si didn't want to abduct a minor child, which made him very guilty, so he stopped it immediately. However, when I saw that the main brain was a little sad, I comforted: "Reassure, when you grow up, I will take you with you..."

The fourth four unintentional comfort, let the main brain have their own thoughts, but also let the main brain of this spaceship evolve rapidly in a short time, even at some moment in the future, because this time the fate, let Ling Lan they more It is the great assistance of the main brain of this spaceship...

Can only say that this simple little brain, once in a small four mistakes for life...

"The order of the owner before the expulsion, now obey the new owner's order, ask the owner to re-name the spacecraft." The main brain finally said this sentence representing the conversion of authority, so that the major face suddenly changed: "You can't do this!"

If these military school freshmen get the mastery of this spaceship, they will definitely be teased by other comrades in the road, and they will not be able to lift their heads for the rest of their lives.

The major knows that Linglan must be stopped. He rushed to the past and his momentum began to expand. Attempted to force Ling Lan away from the captain's seat. He already knows at the moment that the hidden senior hacker. It’s the boy who looks childish but cold and somewhat overbearing.

The major’s powerful attack did not make Ling Lan’s heart timid, because the major seemed to have a strong offensive, but Ling Lan felt that the murder was not strong. The purpose of the other party was to force Ling Lan instead of killing her. ......

However, the strength of the major was originally inferior to Ling Lan, and now he does not want to hurt Ling Lan, so that his offensive power once again weakened by three points. If the majors try their best, they use the killing and killing attacks. Perhaps Ling Lan should be cautious and choose to defend. But in this case, Ling Lan simply does not feel any threat...

However, although Ling Lan did not feel the threat, but did not blindly support the big, directly with the body to pick up the other side of a trick, extremely cherish life, she still chose to intercept. I saw Ling Lan gently launch the right palm, an invisible gas force directly forced to the other side!

At this time, the major only felt that his attack was intercepted by an invisible wall. The strength and purity of the interception made him unable to move easily. It should be said that the strength of the other party is better than that of him.

This fact makes the face of the major change again and blurts out: "The top of the gas!?"

The major has reached the top of the gas. It is the second strongest under the captain of this spaceship. Even so, he still felt the power of the battle with the captain. It’s just that it’s not as obvious as the captain. Is the other party really reaching the top of the competition?

The major felt a little confused, and he shook his head in disbelief. I want to throw away this terrible thought... It’s absolutely impossible, how can Scout Center College have two students of the same level. In the initial stage of the gastronomy in the restaurant, he may still understand that it is the result of the enchanting talent, but this is the top peak of this spirit? How did it happen? This is absolutely against the limits of human doctrine...

Ling Lan easily intercepted the attack of the major, and still answered the main brain in an orderly manner: "Keep the original title!"

Ling Lan never thought about actually owning this spaceship, so she didn't want to do anything. Moreover, soon after, the spacecraft will fly to the first men's military school's real registration point. If the name of the spacecraft is changed and the other party misunderstands that the enemy is ruthlessly attacked, then it is called 冤, Ling Lan does not do such stupid things.

"Stand up the name of the horns, understand!" The main brain said very mechanically. In front of outsiders, the main brain can not reflect the human side. This is the warning of the former master, he always keeps in mind.

The answer from the main brain made the major look uneasy, but the face was not as ugly at first, and the look of Ling Lan was a little grateful. At least the outsiders would not know that the horns changed their owners... they still have The opportunity to recover.

The major did not have the confidence to win Ling Lan, and the five students who were still in the top of the game, knowing that Qiang Qian certainly had no good results. As a military division of the spaceship, he was very aware of the current affairs, stood aside without resistance, and spread his hands. I will not attack myself.

The major thought very clearly. If you want to reverse this situation, you can only wait for the captain to come back.

The majors did this, Ling Lan did not want to be difficult for each other. After all, Ling Lan did not really want to get this spaceship, she just wanted to tell the spacecraft's responsible personnel, they are not so good bullying.

Therefore, Ling Lan let Lin Zhongqing five people to watch the major, do not let the other side act rashly, and she calmly sat in the captain's seat, patiently waiting for the news of the two teams of Wu Hao and Li Yingjie.

Originally thought that she would be the latest team to complete the task, did not expect a smooth road, and did not delay too much time, let Linglan this team become the first team to complete the task.

Time passed quickly, of course, for a few people waiting, the five minutes was still a bit slow. Ling Lan received reports from Wu Hao and Li Yingjie, knowing that they have completed the task.

Li Yingjie did not encounter any difficulties. However, the crew members who were stranded in the crew quarters had more expectations. They had to spend a lot of time to get it done. They paid a small price for more than a dozen students and completed them perfectly. Their mission.

Compared with Li Yingjie's smoothness, there was some accident on the Wushu side. I didn't expect a captain of the powerhouse to reach the peak of the micro-level. If it wasn’t for Wushu and Ye Bu to make a decisive decision, and use the secrets of the family to injure the other party at the cost of self-injury, I am afraid that I still have no way to win the power room.

Of course, because they had enough medicine, they had no sequelae, and the heavy-duty captain was also given a rejuvenating pharmacy. There was no danger to his life, but it was not a good thing to cultivate for a few months.

The success of Wu Hao and Li Yingjie proved that the spacecraft really fell into the hands of the new students. This almost impossible thing to do, let Wu Hao and Li Yingjie report their emotions with excitement and unbelief. Even Ling Lan, in the plain and calm look, also jumped an excited heart.

Ling Lan shouted a yes in her heart. She took a deep breath and calmed her excitement. After she felt completely calm, she told the main brain: "Help me connect the whole ship video communication." In the sea of ​​consciousness, she told Xiao 4 to immediately inform Qi Long to find an opportunity to escape.

Qilong’s liaison rang, and Yu Guang took a look at the past and found that there was only one big character: “Escape!” He didn’t even think about it and went straight back. He did not forget to remind Luo Lang and Xie Yi loudly: “The wind is tight Rush!"

This is the secret number that Ling Lan teaches them, indicating that things are not good, and they flee quickly. Qilong thinks they are very interesting, so once they want to escape, they don't forget to call this sentence to remind their companions.

Luo Lang Xie Yi certainly understands what this means, it is likely that Ling Lan boss succeeded, afraid that they could not hold the captain's anger, so let them run away. The two did not hesitate to go straight to the restaurant and leave an inexplicable captain and watchers.

In the captain's room, the main brain accepted Ling Lan's command and began to count down the video of the whole ship. When the countdown ended, the screens of different sizes across the entire spacecraft were suddenly opened.

Then, a cold and handsome boy appeared on the screen, and the cold eyes swept to everyone in front of the screen, so that some people with uneasy feelings couldn't help but feel cold.

I saw the young man openly and coldly said: "I announced that the horns will be controlled by our military freshmen from now on! I am the temporary captain Ling Lan!"

The announcement made the whole ship shocked, especially those who were not the Scout Center freshmen. They were even confused and didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly a freshman suddenly shouted: "I know him, he is the boss of the Scout Center!"

At this time, the screen screen turned again, and the faces of Wu Hao and Li Yingjie appeared on the big screen at the same time:

“The power room has been successfully controlled by us! The power is not you can move on!”

"We have successfully controlled the crew's accommodation area!" Li Yingjie, who is full of pride and pride, has a group of crew members who are full of anger and have been subdued by the military academy.

"This guy..." Ling Lan frowned, and this arrogant behavior obviously provoked the anger of the free-moving crew members in the spacecraft. She gestured to the main control room, just now, she received news from Han Jijun, where he was completely under control.

Han Jijun’s serious face soon appeared on the screen: “We have successfully closed the armor cabin and frozen the spaceship’s arsenal! We have deciphered the destination and we will safely reach our destination!”

Finally, the picture reverts to Linglan here: "We are the first men's military school students, we are the pride of the sky, the pillars of the future country. No one can trample on our self-esteem, for which we are ready to fight! What are the rest of you? Are you continuing to endure insults, or join us and fight together?" (To be continued...)

Ps: Today's share! I found that my physical strength was extremely poor. I was exhausted after a round trip, and I was tired! Prepare for the double tomorrow, complete the 400 pink plus last month, hope to finish! ()

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