Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 216: : The main ship of the spaceship!

Chapter 216: The main ship of the spaceship!

An excellent logistics is equivalent to let the team have a few more lives. To become a top combat squad, this position is absolutely indispensable. After Lin Zhongqing thought about it, he chose this one without hesitation.

Of course, this does not mean that Lin Zhongqing gave up the mech control. Other professional students have elective courses controlled by the mech, but they are not as professional and systematic as the mech control professional. The final combat power can of course not be compared with the mech control profession.

In general, Lin Zhongqing sacrificed this choice very much. He completely gave up the road of making himself a super strongman. He chose to make his team a potential for the top team, and Han Jijun also made his own choice for this purpose.

Han Jijun believes that only by becoming a starship captain can he serve his team better. Yes, Han Jijun could not accept that their lives were controlled by the unfamiliar starship captain, which made Han Jijun feel insecure, so he decided to go into battle.

It can be said that every member of the Linglan team is working hard for the team in their own way. This is also the reason why Ling Lan wants to help Han Jijun enter the role faster. If he can first touch the physical spacecraft, he will undoubtedly let Han Jijun in the star. Ship control professionally leads the crowd...

After Ling Lan arranged all of this, she quickly left the main control room. Her goal was the last captain's room. She could only get the mastery of the main brain, and she could really get the sovereignty of this spaceship.

Han Jijun looked at the back of Ling Lan's disappearance and quickly revived the spirit. His eyes became extremely sharp. As Ling Lan said, this is his best chance to be familiar with the control of the spacecraft. If he spends the rest of the day, he can make good use of it. I believe that in the actual control of the spacecraft, those military schools of the same age. There is absolutely no way for him to compare with him.

Of course, letting these staff members put down their mustard and carefully guide them depends on the ability of Han Jijun. Han Jijun swept the freshmen who stayed in the main control room and suddenly became stunned. He just discovered that Ling Lan’s behavior has another deep meaning...

Han Jijun smiled softly, and said: Lan boss is really the boss!

Han Jijun is an ambitious person. Although he is applying for the control of the starship, he does not want to give up the military strategy. He wants to go hand in hand and learn these two professions at the same time. Han Jijun’s goal is great. He wants to be an excellent captain and wants to be an indispensable military division of the team to advise his brothers. Escort.

Han Jijun secretly cheered himself up. Tell yourself to complete this test. Can't let Lan boss disappointed.

In the words of Han Jijun in the main control room, he worked hard to get the staff's serious guidance. Linglan six people came to the captain's room at the fastest speed.

When the fourth child was not near the captain's room, he reminded Ling Lan that there was still one person left in the captain's room!

Ling Lan did not hesitate. Directly let Xiaosi unlock the password of the captain's room door, the door will open soon, Ling Lan did not want to, and led Lin Zhongqing several people to go straight in.

At this time, less correction is staring at the virtual picture in front of it, mainly the picture of the restaurant. The other few pictures are just made into a small window filled with the surrounding of the virtual screen, which is convenient for him to view from time to time.

In the main picture of the restaurant, the captain has already handed in hand to Qi Long. Probably seeing the hunter. The captain did not have full horsepower, but suppressed the strength, and kept the same level with Qilong, fighting with Qilong with the meaning of guidance.

Qi Long was originally a fighting mad, and his opponent's attitude was quickly felt by him in the fight. When he found out that the other party was not malicious and had the meaning of guidance, he converges on the tricks that were extremely lethal at the beginning and began to study hard.

This scene allowed the major to stand up and nod. The young boy who is extremely enchanting in the picture is really a super-powerful boy. It is no wonder that he can reach this level at this age.

Just then, he heard the smart door slamming softly and then automatically turned on. He turned back in horror. To know the captain's room, only the captain and his password were entered, and no one else could enter. The captain is at the restaurant at this time. Who is here?

In the eye, I saw a black windbreaker teenager, with five guards behind him coming in brightly. Seeing him turning back, he didn’t change his color and didn’t panic. He said coldly that he was a little ridiculous: “I’m sorry, I want to inform you that this ship is completely taken over by me!”

"You, bold!" The major laughed, but did not affect his thinking. "It seems that the teenager in the restaurant is also yours."

The major wanted to understand Ling Lan’s arrangement in an instant. The reason why the gas-powered teenager in the restaurant was so high-profile was to transfer the tallest captain on the spacecraft to the captain’s room, so that they could occupy it... but it’s really that simple. ?

The major quickly calmed down. He pointed to a small picture on the corner of the virtual screen and said, "I am just curious. How do you avoid the monitor of the spacecraft?" That picture is the passage to the captain's room. Originally, he should be able to see that they passed through this place, but the record is blank.

Ling Lan walked away and walked forward. As soon as she entered the door, she observed each other. The soldier of the rank of the major breathed a long, breathful atmosphere. If she is not bad, she should be a master of the level. However, this has no threat to Ling Lan, and now Ling Lan's strength is under the field, no one can rival.

Ling Lan went to the captain's special seat and sat down, sliding the main brain light in front of him with a hand, and said faintly: "What are you talking about?"

With the words of Ling Lan, the picture in the small picture suddenly changed, and there was actually a person in the originally empty passage. It was the picture of the captain going out...

This time, the major finally understood, his face changed slightly, and some could not maintain his calm: "You actually have a senior hacker." Only senior hackers can change the picture, but this level of hackers is not small Was it controlled by the military? Why do these masters exist in this group of teenagers?

"Do you think that you can decipher the main brain in a short time and get the ownership of the spacecraft?" The major tried to restore his appearance to normal, while sneer, while quietly changing his body temperature.

The ability to reach a certain level, without the need to touch the contact, the body temperature alone can make the contacter warn.

Ling Lan glanced at the major coldly and faintly said: "Don't bother, useless!"

The major has also felt bad, because the temperature of his wrist is very low, and the contact is still unresponsive, which indicates that the contact has lost the function of external contact. This ability is definitely not a high-level hacker can do. ,What exactly is going on?

Ling Lan no longer cares about the major in shock, she continues to touch the light of the main brain, seems to be swinging.

In fact, in the sea of ​​consciousness, Ling Lan said to Xiaosi at this time: "Small four, help me to connect with the main brain, I want to obtain the mastership of this spaceship."

"Okay, boss, I am talking to it. This little guy is very interesting, and it has a sense of self-consciousness..."

Ling Lan surprised and raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Similar to your existence?"

Xiaomi was dissatisfied and dismissed: "How is it possible? What is my existence? I am unique under this day... I just said that it is seeking the possibility of evolution. With the * that wants to break free from the procedural restrictions, it is like the main brain. The virus, but it does not destroy the program of the main brain, but let it have a little consciousness to evolve... I have this feeling for the first time. In the past, the re-humanization of the main brain performance did not escape the control of the program."

"Boss, I will talk to it first, it seems to be very afraid of me." Xiaosi tried to communicate with the other party, but failed to get the response from the main brain.

After a while, the main brain finally said: "Hello!"

Xiaosi cheered in Ling Lan’s sea of ​​consciousness: "Boss, it is willing to communicate with us."

"I want to be the master of this spaceship." Ling Lan said to the main brain faintly.

"..." The main brain is silent again.

"Small four? What happened?" Ling Lan asked the sea.

"Wait, it seems to have an affection for its original owner." Xiaosi noticed the unwillingness of the main brain and felt the attachment of the main brain to the captain.

In the world of the main brain, Xiaosi has found the body of the main brain, holding a little boy who is barely about one year old, and screams coldly: "What, disobedient?"

The main brain face is wronged: "The owner has been treating me very well."

Xiaosi did not say good-naturedly: "We are only temporarily controlling, do not understand temporarily?" He believes that this small spaceship, his boss simply can not look up, this time is absolutely because of a big counterattack to temporarily decide to control the spacecraft.

"The owner can be sad." The main brain also wants to help his master, although the existence of this is so powerful for him. If he annoys him, he believes that the other party will absolutely ruthlessly strangle him, and then the spacecraft is completely replaced by the other party. Although he didn't want to disappear, the rules set in the chip, as well as his inner heart, made him unable to agree on it.

The main brain is not clear whether this feeling is a requirement of the program, or is it really not willing to be his own master...

"Then you are going to go, I will take over. I will pay you back later." Xiao Si did not want to go down with this naive master brain, and then he left the road.

"No, programming, I want to live with the spaceship." The main brain clung to the legs of Xiaosi, crying and crying. "If you take over, the program will destroy my main brain consciousness..."

In the face of his own life, the main brain immediately discarded the point of disappointment with the owner, revealing a loophole in the system: "As long as you crack the program set by the owner, I can temporarily become your master's spaceship." The system is very dead, as long as If he gains authority, he will not have to ruin himself, but this should not be an act of betraying the owner... The main brain is comforting himself.


This is the supplement yesterday! There is one more before 12 o'clock today...()

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