Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 199: : Brothers and sisters?

Chapter 199: Brothers and sisters?

Lan Luofeng couldn't help but say at this time: "Ling Lan, don't worry too much, your father can make it." Although Lan Luofeng is very annoyed with Ling Xiao, but the trust of Ling Xiao has not reduced one point.

Ling Lan thought about it and then asked: "I can guarantee that I will not be found in the real gender?" Since Ling Xiao decided to send her to the military academy, there must be a perfect policy.

"Well, I will arrange it." Ling Xiao's eyes are full of self-confidence, and his daughter can't allow him to be negligent in his life.

"Then I went." Ling Lan replied. In fact, the biggest reason why she didn't want to go to the military school was to be afraid of being discovered by her. Because there were too many items to detect the body in the first year, she was confident to escape once or twice, but she did not have confidence so many times. Now, since Ling Xiao can help her solve this problem, Ling Lan certainly has no concerns.

Besides, Ling Lan would like to see Qilong Han Jijun Luo Lang, they look at her face when they entered the first men's military school with them, I believe it is super fun.

Ling Lan’s mouth seemed to have a smile, and to be honest, she really couldn’t be separated from them. After all, she had been mixed for so many years, and the feelings had long been deep into each other’s bones, not that she could break it.

Ling Lan’s choice made the war of Ling Lan Lan Luo Feng come to an end temporarily. The family of three finally put their thoughts on the breakfast at hand. However, the first dinner of the three couples should be warm, but because of the blue Luo Feng’s heart. And Ling Lan’s refusal to see Ling Xiao has become a bit strange.

Although Ling Xiao tried his best to please Lan Lanfeng and Ling Lan's favor, but the two did not have the mood to cooperate, so that Ling Xiao this breakfast was a bit embarrassing, the eyebrows unknowingly lost a touch of loss.

Ling Lan saw this familiar expression, and the hand holding the chopsticks shook a little. At this time, Ling Xiao’s look and the space that was passed down at that time, she refused to call her father almost no difference, which made Ling Lan’s heart shake, the original and Ling Xiao’s The strangeness suddenly disappeared. At this time, she really felt it. In front of this gentle smile like Ling Xiao, it is really that she is willing to call Dad's Ling Xiao...just now Ling Xiao does not know this.

Linglan’s mouth was opened, but he still didn’t call the father. The spirit of Ling Xiao is the 17-year-old Ling Xiao, and now Ling Xiao is the Ling Xiao after 17 years, no matter the appearance or the body's breath has been somewhat different, short-term relationship is not enough to let Ling Lan ignore this point. The difference, and Ling Lan was not a girl who could easily open her heart.

"The unknown world, is there a lot of wonderful things?" Although she did not call the father, Ling Lan could not bear to see Ling Xiao fall into this dilemma, so he asked.

Ling Lan’s question made Ling Xiao’s eyes slam. Originally with a little lost look suddenly became energetic. He was excited and said: "Yes. Although the technology is backward, the materials and minerals are extremely rich. There are many materials that are extremely lacking in the Federation, but you don't want to say it. I have not told anyone else..."

Looking at Ling Xiao’s brilliant face and talking to Ling Lan about the unknown world, Lan Luofeng’s face gradually showed a smile. Ling Lan and Ling Lan are her two favorite people. Of course, I hope these two people The relationship is harmonious. At this time, Lan Luofeng has forgotten to remember the hate.

At this time, Ling Lan regretted why she had to mention this topic. She did not expect Ling Xiao to be a swearing. She couldn’t stop it when she opened her mouth. This made her forehead blue muscles unable to move. I almost went to the table to announce that this topic is over.

Ling Lan did not know that Ling Xiao would not be so excited if he asked Ling Lan, and he would tell Ling Lan everything in the unknown world. Obviously, Ling Lan’s obvious acceptance of the message made Ling Xiao happy. Also let Ling Xiao completely lose the calm, just want to desperately want to please his daughter - twenty-four filial father in front of his daughter will involuntarily become stupid and unprincipled.

It seems that God couldn't bear to see Ling Lan's ears being abused, so he sent a rescuer to the rescuer. A cold voice rang in the restaurant: "Since I am back, I still don't roll over to see me?"

Ling Xiao was originally saying that he was so excited that he jumped up and stunned by this voice and lost his voice: "Master! How are you here?"

"Bad boy, can't I be here?" Although Mu Shuiqing is stunned by Ling Xiao, it is difficult to cover the excitement in the voice. It can be seen that the return of Ling Xiao makes this old man extremely shocked. I believe if I want to give Ling Xiao When the family gets along, Mu Shui Qing will definitely find the door for the first time.

Ling Xiao remembered this. Three years ago, it was because of the appearance of Mu Shui Qing that he saved Ling Lan’s life. I am afraid that his master is also afraid that Ling Lan will have another assassination attack, so he stayed in Lingjia’s old house and protected it. Ling Lan.

Ling Xiao’s heart was suddenly embarrassed, because he, let the master who had traveled outside had to stop and stay in Lingjia’s old house guarding Ling Lan. After all, he was not filial.

"Ling Lan, with Ling Xiao came over to see me." Mu Shui Qing did not manage the idea of ​​Ling Xiao, directly ordered Ling Landao, and then completely lost the sound.

"Yes, Master!" Ling Lan faintly replied. Her voice is not very loud, and can even be said to be extremely light, which makes Ling Xiao, who has already been embarrassed, not noticed this.

Ling Lan Binghan’s face couldn’t help but pumping. She looked at Ling Xiao, who was in meditation. She forgot that she had another identity. She belonged to Mu Shuiqing’s disciple. Ling Xiao was her brother. what……

It is also a father and a daughter, and a brother and sister of the same door. This generation and relationship is really chaotic!

Ling Lan put down the tableware in the tangled knot, stood up and greeted Lan Luofeng, and left the restaurant fluttering. Ok, she is now stumped by this complicated relationship.

Ling Lan’s greetings also awakened Ling Xiao, and she did not need to greet her. After Ling Xiao and Lan Luofeng said goodbye, they followed Ling Lan out of the main house and came to the backyard, Mushuiqing’s retreat.

As soon as I entered the yard, I saw that Mushui was sitting on a wooden chair in the courtyard. Ling Xiao saw that the white-haired wood was clear, although the smile was still the same, but his eyes were suddenly red, and he gently called: "Master!"

Mu Shuiqing carefully looked at the physical condition of Ling Xiao, and satisfactorily said: "Yes, no hidden dangers." Originally, Mu Shuiqing checked the physical condition of Ling Xiao for the first time. After all, Ling Xiao was the one who was The powerful force has blown up into the unknown world, and fortunately, it has been a life.

Mu Shuiqing is extremely afraid that Ling Xiao will earn a glimmer of life at the cost of damage to the fundamental overdraft. Now, it seems that the situation is not as bad as he thought, which makes him extremely gratified.

"Thank you Master!" Ling Hao certainly knows what Mushuiqing has done. Gratefully say it again.

"In addition to seeing your exact situation, there is one more thing you want to do." Mu Shuiqing said.

"But please ask the master." Ling Xiao smile slightly converged, respectful.

"Help the teacher to take a good look at Laner." Mushui Qing pointed to Ling Lan Road standing behind Ling Xiao.

"Ah? Master..." Ling Xiao smiled slightly and stiffly. He never expected that Mu Shuiqing would let him do this. Ling Lan was only sixteen years old. Can he hold the momentum of his god-level master?

"Forgot to tell you that Laner had been my true disciple three years ago. In fact, she is already your sister." For three years, Mu Shuiqing certainly knows the true gender of Ling Lan.

After Mu Shuiqing finished speaking, he laughed. Ling Lan always felt that there was a mischief in Mushui’s smile. There is a feeling of an old urchin.

Ling Xiao heard that the discoloration changed a lot, and almost a blood spouted out, and he could no longer maintain his smiling face for a hundred years. Anxious and ruined: "Master, Ling Lan is my daughter." Can you not accept the disciples for me?

Mushui sighed with anger: "In my presence, I only talk about the relationship in my door. At other times, how do you call it."

The insistence of Mu Shui Qing made Ling Xiao’s headache only look at his own eyebrows. At this time, he had a little bit of sigh and sigh, and the whole person’s breath seemed a bit tyrannical: nnd, what is this? If you haven't gotten your daughter's approval, you must first become a senior and become the brother of your own daughter. It is no wonder that the world has said that the master is an old monster, and it does not make sense to do things. Just happy in my heart.

Ling Xiao some blame the master for doing things too much.

"Master, father and I are not suitable for this name, we are still called each." Ling Lan is also very entangled, suddenly found this brother is even more difficult than calling Dad... Previously because Ling Xiao has already sacrificed, Ling Lan also I did not expect this embarrassment.

Ling Xiao heard Ling Lan openly admitted that he was his father. A happy heart in the heart can be lost again immediately. This means that Ling Lan only recognizes their blood relationship, and does not mean accepting him emotionally. Otherwise, Ling Lan will say father instead of father. Ling Xiao understands the difference between these two titles.

However, Ling Xiao immediately rallied. Since Ling Lan now acknowledges the facts of blood, I believe that he will accept his father wholeheartedly in the near future.

Ling Xiao’s heart is full of enthusiasm. In order to get the recognition of the two most important women in his life, he must work hard to refuel, and fill all the blanks of the seventeen years with all the love.

Mu Shuiqing saw that his two disciples had a look of entanglement and resistance. They could only regretfully let go of the bad taste in their hearts, but Ling Xiao’s performance made him very satisfied, saying that he would finally have Ling Xiao’s smiling face all the year round. I pulled it down. It turned out that it was not a natural temper but there was nothing important in the past to make Ling Xiao move!

"Forget it, just let you guys." Mu Shuiqing finally opened up Ling Xiaofu's father and daughter, let Ling Xiao Linglan secretly breathe a sigh of relief, if Mushui really insisted, they can only bite the scalp Obey the command of the master, first become a brother and sister. Of course, this is undoubtedly a salt in the heart of Ling Xiao, after all, he has not yet let Ling Lan willingly recognize his father.


My family devil finally started to code after sleeping, and now I barely complete a chapter. This also made me feel the thoughtfulness of my husband in April. Since I suffered a waist injury, he took care of the children alone. At the end of the month, even if I was busy with code words, I had no time to take care of the children and there was no complaint...

It would be nice to give me another month... Well, I am a bit greedy. The child’s father has done a good job, and I can’t give him the responsibility to take care of the child!

Also, can you make the little demon of my family a little angel? Don't toss her mother again... Why don't you sleep, don't sleep, don't sleep, ←←← Someone is extremely resentful! When I talked to her father, I didn’t have such a toss, didn’t I sleep very early? It is no wonder that the daughter is a little lover of her father's past life, and she will feel bad about her father! Tears! ()

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