Chapter 198: Cruel punishment

Ling Xiao thought very well, but his thoughts did not get the approval of Lan Luofeng, and even more, when he heard that Ling Xiao decided to let Ling Lan enter the first men's military school, Lan Luofeng was embarrassed.

Lan Luofeng simply did not want her daughter to continue to pretend to be a man. Ling Lan is already sixteen years old. It is the best moment for a girl to develop. In order to pretend to be a man, she will not be discovered. Ling Lan has been refining the needle and limiting the body. Produces strong estrogen to stimulate **** development. Although the military has been propagating that the seal is not harmful to the human body, once it is stopped, it will return to normal levels in the short term.

Of course, the military invented this needle, not to limit development, to use women as men, but to ensure the survival of female soldiers on the battlefield.

It should be known that women are inconvenient and uncomfortable for a few days each month, and the spirit and the body have been in a horizontal line. It is usually okay, in the event of a war, these reasons will cause the female soldier to weaken, and therefore will sacrifice his life. Therefore, as long as the female soldiers enter the wartime area, all female soldiers will be given a needle in advance, which will ensure that there is no woman's troubles for half a year.

Of course, the medicine such as the seal needle is a semi-banned medicine in the military, and ordinary citizens can't get it. However, after all, Lingjia has been in the military for the second generation. Even if Ling Xiao sacrificed, the legacy of the network, it is still very easy for Lingjia to take this kind of banned drug that is not very tight.

Since Ling Ling has been at the age of ten, Ling Lan has been playing the needle for a long time. This has caused Lan Luofeng to worry that Ling Lan will have some sequelae due to too many needles. After all, the female soldiers will not be continuously shot for a long period of time like Ling Lan. They will only take a shot in the middle of a crisis as a pre-war preparation. Once the war is over, they will be deactivated immediately.

This time, Ling Xiao suddenly came back to life, let Lan Luofeng surprise and unloaded the big stone that had been pressed against her heart. Lan Luofeng believes. As long as Ling Xiao comes back, Ling Lan’s pretending to be a man can be solved.

This is also that Lan Luofeng was shocked but not angry when she heard that Ling Xiao had not clarified the facts before she rushed to send her daughter to the first men’s military school in the Federation. After all, Ling Xiao did not know that Ling Lan was a woman at that time. child. Therefore, Lan Luofeng still rationally pulled Ling Xiao back to the bedroom and quietly told Ling Xiao this secret.

Lan Luofeng originally hoped that Ling Xiao would like to find a way to refuse to go to the first men's military school, did not expect to get the answer, or let her baby daughter continue to pretend to be a man for six years, not only that. Still living with a group of men. This caused the blue phoenix to burst.

"No! I will never allow my daughter to enter the first men's military school that is all men. Ling Lan is a girl." Lan Luofeng had to thank the Lingjia old house for making a noise-blocking device in every bedroom, even two The people roared and could not hear the movement outside.

"I know, I promise to arrange it. No one will find Ling Lan's true gender." Ling Xiao calmed the excited Lan Luofeng, trying to calm her down.

But this sentence made Lan Luofeng even more angry. She angered Ling Xiao's nose: "Ling Wei, what guarantee do you take? Seventeen years ago, you promised to come back, but you have lost your word," Sacrifice for seventeen years, let our mothers suffer from bullying and fall into this dilemma. Now, what guarantee do you say to me? Do you want Linglan to be defeated in the end?"

At this time, Lan Luofeng did not believe any words of Ling Xiao. As a mother, her concerns and fears were much more than that of Ling Xiao. She knew very well that Ling Lan was finally exposed when she discovered the true **** at the First Men’s Military Academy. Ling Lan’s life was really ruined. No one would be willing to believe her innocence, especially with so many men living together in one place.

Even if Ling Lan doesn't mind, Ling Xiao doesn't mind, she is still unable to accept that her daughter is treated with a different kind of vision, which will make her crazy.

"I clearly arranged, let Ling Lan stay away from Doha, stay away from the military high-level line of sight, then slowly disappear, and finally restore the true gender freely alive... But all this is destroyed by you! Why you never come back Don't come back late, but come back this time?"

Speaking of this, there is resentment in the eyes of Lan Luofeng. It is so clever that he hates Ling Xiao’s return. He came back at the crucial moment when Ling Lan decided the future direction, and changed the road they arranged well, and let Ling Lan fall into the trap again. In this crisis dilemma?

"Sorry, Luo Feng, I am in a hurry. When I saw Ling Lan’s physical injury, I accidentally missed the first men’s military school. I lost control. I just didn’t want to let my child down. She was in Scout. The college is so good, I will definitely want to enter the first men's military school... I take it too seriously." Ling Xiao clung to Lan Luofeng and repeatedly apologized. "The mistake has already been made. I can only make up for it. Reject is not impossible. Ling Lan’s risk is no less than entering the first men’s military school!”

When Lan Luofeng heard the risk, he calmed down, and Ling Xiao quickly explained to her why he would decide so.

Ling Xiao is a part of the Marshal. The military has many high-ranking veterans. In the nine majors, four of them belong to other forces, and two generals remain neutral. If the forces are not fighting each other, it is not harmonious, and the marshal will not sit on the throne of the first marshal for decades.

Even so, once there is a wind and grass, and the other side finds an excuse to attack the marshal, the marshal can not guarantee to continue to sit still. Ling Xiao has to take this into account. To know that Ling Lanbao was sent to the first men's military school, the marshal was vigorous.

But if Ling Lan refuses to enroll, the other party will never let go of this opportunity. They will put the target on Ling Lan, secretly monitor and find out the real reason for the rejection... If they can’t find it, they will probably also make it. Something, let the marshal who made the consent to give up the face...

This will definitely make the Marshal fall into a passive and unfavorable situation. As a Marshal of the Marshal, of course, I don’t want to see this. But the most important thing is that he is afraid that his hands are difficult to fight, and a negligence will make Ling Lan into crisis. .

Lan Luofeng did not listen to other, but listened to Ling Lan will be prone to crisis after long-term monitoring, Lan Luofeng is a smart woman, and soon want to understand which choice is more favorable to Ling Lan, Ling Xiao’s decision actually There is nothing wrong with it.

Lan Luofeng understands that there is still anger in the chest, that is, this Ling Xiao private proposition has made her baby daughter have to delay the recovery of her body for six years... How does Lan Luofeng think that Ling Xiao hates it!

"Ling Wei, do you still remember the promises you made when you proposed?" The blue Luo Feng calmed down and looked a little scary.

Ling Xiao’s forehead was cold and sweaty, but he did not dare not answer: “I remember.”

"What was the fourth promise you promised at the beginning?" Lan Luofeng asked coldly, and at this time she had some military power.

"After marriage, you must make your wife happy and happy forever, never provoke his wife to be angry, and let his wife punish him." Ling Xiao remembered the memory well, and Zhangkou said the fourth promise.

"Ling Wei, now I am very unhappy, very unhappy, very angry and angry, what do you say I should do?" Lan Luofeng said in a word.

"I know, Luo Feng, you can say, how can I punish me." Ling Xiao smiled, he did not have any excuse, the original promise he did not do, not only on the battlefield during the wedding, Lan Luofeng was scared, but also missing For seventeen years, Lan Luofeng alone supported this family. Even when he came back, he made a mess of things and made Lan Luofeng angry and angry. He deserved punishment.

"I decided that before Ling Lan did not restore his daughter, he would never allow you to enter my room step by step..." Lan Luofeng dropped this sentence, and did not look at Ling Xiao, and opened the door and left.

Only after leaving Ling Xiao, he shouted and said: "Luo Feng, don't do this to me, we have something to discuss..." He quickly chased it out, trying to let Lan Luofeng take back the swear words.

Lan Luofeng’s punishment is too cruel. Isn’t this going to let him be a monk for another six years? Although he has been doing it for 17 years, but he did not see the leek at that time, he certainly can marry. But now it’s different. The leeks that I love to eat are tempted by his eyes every day, and he is not allowed to eat. This is definitely a kind of whiplash and abuse from the heart...

Ling Lan saw Lan Luofeng rushing back, and ignored the Ling Xiao who was chased after him. I know that this situation is not good.

When Ling Xiaoyi went to the restaurant, there was still some anger and panic. The emotions disappeared quietly. Instead, it was a calm and gentle, but Ling Lan still clearly felt the trace of his inner heart. It seemed to face the anger. Lan Luofeng, Ling Xiao is also no problem.

Lan Luofeng's injustice is too obvious, He Xuyang did not dare to stay for a long time, quickly eaten early and found an excuse to leave the restaurant ~ ~ Ling Lan eyes indicate that Ling Qin keeps up with the delivery, in fact, Make sure no one else is around. Because the topic of their family below is too important to be known by anyone.

Although Ling Xiao was eating breakfast calmly, he could understand the expression of everyone in the restaurant. Seeing Ling Lan’s cautious approach, he could not help but raise another pride: look, this is my ambiguous daughter!

Compared with his son, Ling Xiao is even less resistant to his daughter...

"Isn't my decision to enter the first men's military school can't change?" After receiving the confirmation from Ling Qin, Ling Lan stared at Ling Xiao and asked.

"Not at all, just the risk of refusal is too great, whether it is for you or for me." Ling Xiao is not concealing, will refuse all possible consequences after the failure to explain to Ling Lan, "The final decision is still in you, if you I really don't want to go, I can also kneel down, but for you, the danger will be more."


Recently, my body is somewhat uncomfortable. At the same time, I may be too tired. There is a kind of code word burnout. The sense of writing is very poor. This chapter is quite watery... I try to get back to the state. Please wait for me for a day or two. There will be! ()

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