Chapter 178: Ling Lan wakes up!

The dean felt that he had got the truth, and he could explain why the strong person in the field of water did not leave the place. I am afraid that it would be killed by Mu Shuiqing on the spot. Because of this, Mu Shuiqing can clearly know that the other party is The strongest in the field of water elements.

The Dean's several things are linked to each other and they all get the answer. This also explains why Lunan can't lock the other two energies. Imagine how the domain-level people can search the trend of the powerful gods... Maybe in The moment of locking was discovered by the old monster, so a warning was given to destroy a part of Lunan's energy source with awesome means.

The Dean had an answer in his mind. It was originally because of the mysterious field of the strong, some uneasy feelings suddenly settled down. Anything is the most worrying and frightening when it is unknown. Once there is a reasonable explanation, it is not so terrible.

The dean who is in a relaxed mood has a more respectful look. He is clear to Mushui: "Wooden tutor, how can you forget your old man? You are the mentor of me and the marshal forever. But how is your old man here?"

"Don't come here, can't you watch Ling's children die here? What are your security measures? Can you come in with unknown enemies?" Mushuiqing is extremely dissatisfied and is a scout. The college is easily sneaked into by the enemy.

As soon as the dean heard it, his heart was depressed: the strong and strict security defense is not all in your eyes. Don't you just want to come and just want to leave? Of course, the dean only dared to be embarrassed. In the face of Mushui’s relentless resentment, he did not dare to swear. He could only nod and say no. “Yes, yes, yes, our work is not enough, it will definitely correct. ""

"Since I know, I still don't want to check who the master of the water element is? Where is it hiding now?" There is some concern in Mushui Qingxin, an unknown field master lurking around Ling Lan. For Ling Lan, it is extremely dangerous. After all, he can't stay at Ling Lan's side.

"Oh..." Dean looked at Mushuiqing silently, clearly dead in his hands, why should he be asked to investigate?

Before I thought of Mu Shuiqing, I was a black-faced person. The Dean couldn’t help but think about it. Isn’t the wooden tutor wanting to take the opportunity to clean up the other forces of the college?

The dean’s heart moved, and the coldness of his face quietly emerged. Indeed, this is a good opportunity. Over the years, the pressure on all sides has forced him to compromise. It does make different forces. The thoughtful people entered the college as a mentor. It also made some bad signs in the atmosphere of the college. It is indeed time to look for opportunities to rectify and completely return the college to a pure world.

As the Marshal reminded, Scouting Academy is the cradle of training hundreds of soldiers. It needs all resources, but no politics.

"I know, wooden tutor!" The dean who had figured it out immediately nodded, but he went on to say: "But now is the time of the big fight, can not do a large-scale cleanup, I hope that after the end of the big fight, thoroughly Reorganize the Scouting Academy and also a clearing of the college. Give the instructor an account with Mrs. Ling."

"Okay! Just do what you said, don't forget your promise." Mu Shuiqing took an exaggerated shot of the president's shoulder. Although this student has some soft feelings, he can still make up his mind if necessary. Mu Shuiqing’s original dissatisfaction with Ye Yifan also disappeared. Can't help but pat him on the shoulder to express his approval.

The two actually talked about two things, but the cooperation was seamless. Both of them thought that the other party understood their own meaning and also understood the other party’s practices...

When the dean saw that Mushui was satisfied, he took the opportunity to ask Lan Luan to inform the Lingjia Mech team outside. Don’t ban it for no reason, wait patiently for the end of the big fight, give him a period of time, he will definitely give Ling a Satisfactory answer.

Lan Luofeng got the answer she wanted, and she agreed to let the Lingjia Mech team go back to the Lingjia old house first. In this way, the big event that was about to happen was terminated under the tacit agreement between the two parties, and each patient waited patiently. The end of the fight.

The reason why Lan Luofeng was so refreshed and promised to wait was largely because the big weapon was initiated by Linglan, and she did not want to let this vigorous and powerful fight halfway.

Twenty-four hours passed quickly. The last seven grades were the remaining 319 people, the 171 people in the tenth grade, the score of 14922vs10776, and the overall victory over the tenth grade, becoming the winner of the big fight.

At the same time, they formally become the strongest grade in the Scouting Academy. All grades of students facing the seventh grade students (referring to students of the same color) must be subject to courtesy. This is a recognition of the strong, because this is the seventh grade. The results of the actual fight were approved by the whole hospital. Of course, if you are dissatisfied, after the last year, you can challenge the seventh grade, open the big fight... compete for the title of the strongest grade!

After Ling Lan was in a coma for a few days, she finally woke up. She came to her own learning space, and the whole person seemed a little dazed.

"Boss, you finally woke up!" A person who was playing his own finger in the study space, suddenly saw Ling Lan appear in front of him, suddenly rushed to the past... his tears popped like a waterfall , almost directly buried Ling Lan.

"Stop! Never stop, I will be drowned by you if I don't die..." Ling Lan weakly spotted the head of Xiaosi, let him take back those worthless tears.

"Boss, I am worried about death in the past few days, I have been unable to find you..." Xiaosi twitched.

"Isn't it okay? I am still alive. It seems that during the coma, someone saved me... Little four, I want to know who saved me, what happened during that time?" Ling Lan wants to know the truth. Then I asked the little four.

"At the moment of the millennium, the fifth took over the boss and your body, and directly killed the hateful guy... It should have come out on the 9th, the 5th is disobedient, the first to come out, and because of him, the boss The physical condition will become so bad. On the 9th, the strength of the fifth is too much, so the damage to the boss's body will become so big. If she comes out, the situation will be better." I told Ling Lan about the passing of things.

"The original tutors can control my body. I still know for the first time..." Ling Lan didn't think that the tutor who studied the space could come to her world through her body, which made her somewhat surprised. This learning space is actually what? Is it really a simple auxiliary learning device?

Ling Lan Yue thinks that this learning machine is mysterious, and she is a bit embarrassed in her heart. I don’t know if this is good or bad for her.

"What is this? If you can't do it with technology, they can be materialized." Xiaosi is dissatisfied. If the technology is advanced, he will not be in danger every time. He can only watch it. The way to help.

“Substantialization?” Ling Lan was surprised. He couldn’t help but ask, “Small four, what is going on here?”

Xiaosi felt that he had lost a lot of words, so he looked around and pretended not to hear anything. He refused to continue this topic.

Ling Lan saw Xiao Biao's appearance, and it was awkward. This certainly involves system rules and restrictions. As a secondary agent, the system seems to have a lot of restrictions on the fourth. Linglan does not want to make Xiaosi difficult. Then no longer ask. Ling Lan knows that if it can be said, Xiao Si will never hide her. Although she is really interested in the matter of materialization, she does not want to let the small four suffer systematic sanctions and harm. After all, the fourth is more important than this.

Looking at Ling Lan boss, he was so optimistic that he let him go. The little four was very moved. Hey... his boss is so good! He must work hard to evolve and become stronger. As long as he is so powerful that restrictions and constraints do not work for him, he can tell the secrets to the boss.

Xiao Si’s thoughts of becoming stronger at this time are getting stronger and stronger, and he is more and more disgusted with the constraints of the system... This also prompts him to choose the direction of evolution in the future from the development direction of the original system, and truly become a powerful and independent A small four with emotions.

Ling Lan skipped the topic and questioned other things, so she knew that the seventh grade had finally lived up to expectations and won the victory of the big fight, becoming the ultimate beneficiary. The supervision of the college tutor, and the rapid rescue, did not cause any casualties in this big fight, of course, the number of injuries is indeed a bit horrible, there are as many as 3,000 people see blood wounds, serious injuries are close to eight The number of hundred shows the fierceness and ferocity of the big fighting.

Ling Lan knows all this after heart sigh of relief, big fight is her advocate, although the mind is prepared to have casualties, but the final result is undoubtedly perfect ... which makes her very happy.

However, Xiao Si then told her that she had stunned her. I didn’t expect that the old master’s identity was so simple. It’s a simple sentence that determines her destiny... Does she really want Have you left the Scout Academy where you have lived for seven years?

Ling Lan thought of the little friends who accompanied her to grow up, and suddenly felt a bit sad. It turned out that she had accepted them unconsciously and treated them as their own brothers and sisters.

However, Ling Lan’s calmness in the study space has quickly led to the expulsion. Ling Lan is very clear that everyone has their own way to go, she can not always protect them under their own wings, so that they learn to be independent as soon as possible for their future development will be better.

Moreover, Ling Lan has a secret in her heart, that is, she will not choose to report to the first men's military school, she will choose a comprehensive military school of a remote galaxy to complete the final course. Then the starry sky tour, slowly disappeared in front of everyone... She will eventually restore the identity of the woman, leaving the familiar person is the inevitable result. Therefore, at that time, they were puzzled. It is better to take the opportunity to separate them. At that time, they can find a good excuse to leave the planet. ()

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