Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 177: : Old monster wood water clear!

Chapter 177: The old monster Mushui!

After that, Mu Shuiqing seriously sensed the temperament of Ling Lan's body, and his face flashed: "Well, it really is a child of Ling Xiao. I didn't expect this age to reach the peak of strength..." Maybe Ling Lingneng Fortunately, I avoided the cause of this robbery. The master of the field may not have thought that Ling Lan had already reached this realm. At the beginning, he did not go all out to die, so Ling Lan got a chance and escaped.

Mushui’s eyes looked softly at Linglan in the recuperation cabin. This is undoubtedly Linglan’s luck. He just wanted to close the recuperation cabin. Suddenly, he realized that Ling Lan’s slow running speed suddenly accelerated, and his strength was rapidly increasing. In the accumulation... Is it that Ling Lan is going to enter the late peak? If this is the case, it will be a blessing to die.

Mushui Qing gently closed the recuperation cabin. He reminded Lan Luofeng: "Don't open the recuperation cabin during this time. This child has a deep blessing. Under this difficulty, he has got the opportunity to promote his strength... Perhaps This serious injury in him will greatly shorten the time due to this promotion."

The words of Mu Shui Qing let Lan Luofeng feel a sigh of relief, although Lingnan Yi has always advised her that Ling Lan’s injury looks serious. In fact, there is no major event, but she can’t be assured and worried. But Mushui is not the same. He is a highly respected mentor of Ling Xiao, and his words will not be wrong.

Mushui thought for a moment and continued: "After this injury, you will let Ling Lan take a break from studying at the old house. The Scout Academy taught them. It is time for him to learn from me..."

"Ah..." Lan Luofeng raised his surprise and said, "I know, thank you wooden tutor!"

Lan Luofeng remembers that Ling Xiao once said to her that he can successfully advance to a god-level sergeant, which is related to the things that Mu Shuiqing taught him at the beginning, but Ling Xiao never explained what Mu Shuiqing taught him. Ling Lan’s study with Mu Shuiqing’s tutor will definitely be of great benefit to her future development.

Seeing Lan Luofeng's face with a surprise, Mushui couldn't help but think of his most outstanding Ling Xiao, and his expression would be inevitable. I remember that when he met Ling Xiao at the beginning, he was ecstatic and thought that the other person could pass on his clothes. There is such a disciple, and he has no regrets in this life.

However, I thought that the other party died young, dying early in the world, and making him sad. At the same time, he once wondered if God would not allow the enchanting existence of the sky... his heart was gray, so he chose Ling Retired from the old house, never asked the world.

This time, if Ling Qinyi was pleading in front of his door, begging himself to help Ling Xiao’s only blood, he would not touch his heart and choose to go out. In fact, he really wants to see the only children left by Ling Xiao...

Unexpectedly, this shocked him again. Although Ling Xiao passed away, his qualifications against the sky were not recovered by God, but he was inherited by his children. He was also enchanting, and his original heart was resurrected. ... He has the desire to teach his disciples.

"I hope that this child can grow up smoothly, don't repeat the tragedy of Ling Xiao..." He has been unable to bear the tragedy of the child's surprise again, which is also cruel to him.

At this time, the dean who was sitting in the dean's room suddenly received news from the school's mech-fighting team that protected the college's security.

"What? You said that Lingjia's mechs have approached the college's forbidden scope?" The dean had been worried about the mystery of the mysterious missing field. Now he heard the bad news and suddenly slammed. "What are they doing? Does Lingjia want to reverse?"

"The dean, listening to the other party, said that their current Lingjia homeowner Ling Lan was attacked by mysterious domain-level instructors in the college. Although he was lucky enough to escape his life, he was seriously injured. In order to ensure the safety of their homeowners, they must pick them up immediately. Their homeowners..." The captain of the mechs team opposite the liaison is very depressed. "The meaning of their words is obviously to accuse our college of not fulfilling the responsibility of protecting students. Even the strong tone hopes that the dean will give them to their lady. A satisfactory explanation!"

"Do you want to attack the field-level powerhouse?" The dean immediately realized what he said. "Who is the leader of the Lingjia Mech Fight? Let him calm down and don't make a big move..."

The captain of the team replied bitterly: "This is not going to happen. Lingqin is leading Ling Qin! That guy, but a person who is determined to move..."

When the dean heard that Ling Qin led the team, his brows were loose, but he soon became wrinkled!

"This guy, it seems to force me to come forward to solve this matter!" The dean suddenly wanted to understand what Ling Qin’s forced force was for, but unfortunately he had to follow the other side’s meaning, because it’s true. It is their college's loss, the students were seriously injured in their college, and they were attacked by the unidentified, mysterious field strongman... How to say, their college has to give an account!

The dean said helplessly: "You told Ling Qin, I will go to see their wife immediately. After understanding the situation, I will definitely give them a reply."

Soon, the captain of the armored team passed Ling Qin’s answer: “The dean, Ling Qin agreed, but the other party only gave us an hour. If they didn’t get the final reply, even if they all died here, I have to pick it up again."

"md, this kid is threatening me, it's awful!" The dean almost blew up, but he couldn't blame anything, if he really wanted to give the other person an explanation, an hour is enough for him to figure out the truth. "I know, within an hour, I will let their wife contact them."

The dean hangs on the liaison, and a sigh of relief hits his heart... Is it true that those mysterious field powers are really sent by the enemy to deal with Ling Lan?

"Damn, after designing Ling Xiao, I still want to deal with Ling Xiao's children?" The dean thought of this possibility, could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and hit the desk in front of him.

This palm grip with the anger and darkness of the dean, directly destroyed the giant desk made of thousands of old mahogany in front of it, and the whole table collapsed on the spot and directly turned into a ruin.

"President, where are you going?" The hall outside is on the site of the main brain, and Su Qing, who is concentrating on monitoring the audience, sees the dean rushing out of the Dean's room, busy and standing up.

"Su Qing, those mysterious field powerhouses, their goal is probably Ling Lan, they want to kill him..." Facing his own confidant general, the dean directly said his guess.

Su Qing's face changed. In the college, people who knew Ling Lan's true identity were the only ones except the dean. He knows that Ling Lan is the only blood of Major General Ling Xiao.

"President, I will go with you!" Su Qing could not bear the anger in his heart, ready to follow.

"No, you give me a big fight, don't let the other party take the opportunity to give me a fish." Although the president is very worried about Ling Lan, he is the dean of the Scout Center, and must be responsible to all students. There is no accident in the big battle.

"Know, Dean!" Su Qing knows the importance of the matter, and he regrets to lead the way.

The dean arranged all of this and rushed to the accommodation area. Due to the limitations of the main brain, the safe area was expelled from the two grades of the big fight. People like the dean were still free to enter. Of course, those ordinary instructors want to enter and exit the safe area during the big fighting period, it is not so easy, the main brain limit is still a lot.

He came to the villa of Linglan. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw the sofa in the living room. He was sitting on the face of a young Fu man with a frosty face. He was the undead person of Ling Xiao, Ling Lan’s mother, Lan Luofeng. Behind him is the butler of this villa, registered in the college Lingnan.

"In fifteen minutes, the dean's adult is still coming." Lan Luofeng slammed the hanging watch in his hand and said coldly to the dean. They have received information from Ling Qin, and Ling Jia’s mechs have already arrived at the edge of the college’s ban, waiting for her final order.

The dean saw this scene, his nose, and he was helpless. He didn't know how to respond. He hesitated, and asked bitterly: "Ling Lan... Okay!"

"Take your blessing, now lying in the recuperation cabin, almost dead." Lan Luofeng's words are sharp, and do not give the dean a little affection.

"It's okay, nothing is fine!" The children had an accident in the college. Their college was responsible. The dean could only accept the anger of Lan Luofeng.

"The other party is a master of the water element. Wearing a costume is a college tutor... Ye Yifan, are you going to give us an explanation?" A pale voice came from above the hall, and the dean looked at the voice. I saw a white-haired, thin, old man slowly walking down the stairs, walking slowly but firm.

When I saw the old dean of the dean was shocked, and immediately jumped up and respectfully said: "Wooden tutor!"

"Hey, remember that I am your mentor? I thought you forgot..." Mushui was cold and dissatisfied with a cold cry, Ye Yifan was his early excellent student, but later, the difference in philosophy, gradually Far.

The dean secretly wiped the cold sweat of his forehead, his face se changed, and his eyes quickly reflected. Mu Shuiqing was his mentor when he was a teenager. He was a field-level master 50 years ago. After so many years, I am afraid I have entered another level...

The dean is a thoughtful person. When he saw Mu Shuiqing appear here, he began to doubt that the other two so-called field powers would be the illusion of wood water. The legendary supernatural powers are able to arbitrarily transform any energy element...

In fact, I can't blame the Dean for thinking this way. Ling Lan is in his eyes, even if it is strong, it is just a teenager. It is impossible to resist the blow of the field-level powerhouse. If it is not the rescue of Mu Shuiqing, Ling Lan absolutely It is impossible to escape from a domain-level powerhouse.

A strong field wants to kill a scout, just as simple as crushing an ant, how easy it is to give Ling Lan a chance to escape. Rs! . ()

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