Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 168: : Is the mission really right?

Chapter 168: Is the mission really right?

"How far is it from us?" This instructor should be the captain of the team. He couldn't help but frown at the report.

"One kilometer is less than." The instructor of the search returned.

"Xiao Lai, you pay close attention to the surrounding environment, don't let other instructors discover our traces." The captain decisively arranged.

"Yes, Captain!" Searching the instructor Xiao Lai to lead the life.

The captain waved his hand and heard a few slams, and the five figures disappeared directly from here.

In the south, Ling Lan is rushing wildly, but she is conscious of the small four to help her find the most suitable hunting ground.

"Small four, is it here?" Ling Lan suddenly stopped and asked Xiaosi.

"Yes, there is no Scout student in the area around the kilometer." Although Xiao 4 does not know why Ling Lan is so concerned about the existence of Scouting, the needs of the boss are exactly what the younger brother is responsible for.

"Okay, then we are waiting for the prey to enter!" Linglan chose the hunting ground to be the jungle in the depths of the college. It is far away from the major school buildings. The average person will not choose to come to this dark place, unless he wants to I am hiding from the students who have been opportunistic for 24 hours.

Ling Lan jumped a little in the forest and disappeared silently.

Less than a minute, the team of five mentor appeared in the place where Ling Lan disappeared.

"Just here, the monitor searched for his figure a minute ago, he entered the jungle, and then disappeared here." Xiao Lai pointed to the direction in which Ling Lan disappeared.

"Can't get the exact location he hid?" The captain looked at the silent jungle and asked again.

"There is no way to find out. There is almost no surveillance equipment in this place. Unless you use the satellite system that the main brain is responsible for." Xiao Lai regretfully said, "I have no way to invade the main brain of the Scouting Center Academy to gain control of it. Its level is no better than us. The military has a low head."

The captain said: "Just a minute passed, he definitely did not run far, we chase!" After the first jump into the forest, the players did not hesitate, followed him into the forest. Just to solve a 13-year-old baby, they have nothing to worry about.

The crowd flew for a while, and the captain suddenly stopped and carefully touched the surrounding environment with his eyes closed.

"The breath of the other party has disappeared. How did he do it?" The captain's face was very unsightly. If he was escaped by the target this time, it would be difficult for them to go back. It is extremely rare to know that the chances of being able to resolve each other silently are extremely small. Therefore, the leader has already issued a death order, and the kid must die in this big fight.

“Did we catch up?” one of the team members asked. They definitely don't believe that a 13-and-a-half-year-old child will walk faster than them.

"Of course it is impossible!" The captain snorted, and he could detect the movement they had just entered the place. Of course it could not be this possibility.

But he also believes that by their speed. It is impossible to catch up with the other party. The biggest possibility is that the other party has a wonderful hidden method, hiding it and making him unable to detect it.

"He should be nearby! Let's take a look at it, check it carefully, don't miss any suspicious places." The captain immediately decided, "And, don't forget what we are doing..."

The captain glanced at the team in a cold eye: "Kill him, don't give me a soft heart! That's our mission!"

"Yes, captain!" The four men led the death. There was still some relaxed expression, and it suddenly converges. They each chose a direction and slowly searched the past.

"Sure enough, they are coming to kill us..." Xiao Si did his best to present the movements of the five people in Ling Lan's mind.

"Oh, how is the position of the guy going so far? I have to find us!" Xiao Si jumped up in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Don't worry!" Ling Lan appeased Xiaosi. She stared at a mentor who was already close to her. Even if she was a mentor... she must look for a chance to kill.

As soon as these people approached, Ling Lan knew that she had been since the assassination of six years old. It also ushered in the second big crisis in her life. These five people belong to the fighting masters in the middle and late stages of the gas level. Especially the captain is more satisfied with the top of the competition. Like her, she only waits for an opportunity. With the sentiment, you can enter new fields.

The other side is getting closer to her hidden point, Ling Lan's heart is more calm, her heartbeat becomes extremely slow, it seems to be in a state of hibernation, she is still there.

One step, two steps, three steps... The other party has already walked to her front, and the shoes on her feet even almost stepped on her fingers, but even so, Ling Lan is still so clear, the sky is not shocked, and the lines are not moving.

Just when the other party wanted to move closer, the grass next to the next meter suddenly moved slightly. The man turned around and looked alert, ready to look at the situation there. At this time, Ling Lan suddenly moved!

Ling Lan's right hand holds a cone-shaped weapon, transparent color, braving a trace of cold, is the ice cone formed by the ice edge condensation, this is the biggest weapon Ling Ling can now condense. You said, is Ling Lan’s right hand not broken? Why can I still use weapons?

It turned out that the front and Zhang Jing'an had a punch, Ling Lan's right arm was nothing, but she deliberately showed weakness, as to who would be in the middle of it... that is not Linglan needs to consider.

However, the ice cone in the right hand is not the most reliant weapon of Ling Lan. Her real killing is the mental impact.

In this era, spiritual assault is a skill that is a domain-level fighting master, or a ace sergeant. It is only possible to have it. It is true that both of them need to have a great spiritual ability to advance, but they have spiritual ability. It does not mean that they will use mental power to attack, unless it is the talent with this awakening to have this ability, such as the virtual ability of mental variation, is a kind of mental attack.

However, Ling Lan is a wonderful, she did not awaken the talent of the attack class, but because of the teaching space, she used the self-abuse to practice this invisible but powerful killing trick. This is why Ling Lan dares to hunt five qi masters who are similar to her ability.

In fact, the movement of the grass that attracts the attention of the other party. It was also Ling Lan’s use of mental power to quietly pull it. Undoubtedly, this time, Ling Lan designed very well, and all the reactions of the other party were in her calculations.

A fierce mental shock caused the other's head to be suddenly hit by a force. Zhang Jingan, who had just stepped into the junior level, was unconsciously stunned to the end, but the mentor who had reached the middle level of the enthusiasm was only Shocked for two seconds. Then I woke up.

But this is two seconds, but it is enough to let Ling Lan kill the other couple back and forth. The ice cone made by the ice edge is decisively inserted into the chest of the other party. Ling Lan has no hesitation in the move, and immediately quits and does not look at each other. The result will go straight away!

The blow that had just been made has revealed her murder. As long as she stays a little, she will be surrounded by the other four. At that time, she will be fierce.

When Ling Lan left, the ice cone that pierced the other's chest suddenly shattered, turning into countless bright spots of light instantly disappearing into the air, without Linglan's ice edge blessing. The ice cone is no way to continue to be the same, which is why Ling Lan chose to use the ice edge to turn into a weapon. Finally, the five people will know what her weapon is to kill.

"Xiao Lai!" The captain who came to exclaimed, the first player killed by Ling Lan, is the awakening invading talent who can invade the search target of the monitoring equipment. Because the intrusive talent belongs to the awakening of the spiritual system, it has great resistance to Linglan's spiritual shock, but after all, he can't completely immunize Ling Lan's spiritual shock, so he finally died under Ling Lan's sneak attack.

Xiao Lai horrifiedly held the blood from the chest, and nodded in his mouth: "I don't want to die. I don't want to die..." I thought it was an extremely easy task, just killing a 13-year-old boy student, they can both Is the elite there...

"Xiao Lai, stick to it!" The captain took out the medicine and gave it to the other person, but he also knew that it was useless, unless the blood was replenished in three minutes to maintain the minimum blood volume of the other party, and then replaced within two hours. A new heart, otherwise even a **** can not save him.

But now. They are in the Scouting Center College, and they are pretending to be assassin to assassinate the college students, they can't ask for first aid, and there is no way to get this assistance. In other words, he could not return to his own territory with Xiaolai in three minutes.

Ling Lan, who is hiding on one side, bites his palm, hoping that the pain can reduce the uncomfortable feelings in the heart. The person who just killed is not the human being who knows the virtual space in the learning space, nor is it the Warcraft planet mech in the battle. The enemy, not even the betrayal who knows to betray oneself.

He is probably a soldier. He is an upright soldier who does not know the truth and simply accepts the task... but she can't be soft because of this, she can't die, she can't die, she has already sworn, she has to be safe in this life. Living alive, living freely, anyone wants to block this Even if the avatar is demon...

"Captain! Is this mission really right?" Xiao Lai's eyes widened with doubts and swallowed the last breath.

"Xiao Lai!" The captain whispered, and the tears in his eyes whispered silently. As Xiao Lai said, is this mission really right? Why kill one and a half children? Is it because the father betrayed, so the child will betray it? Why must we prevent it before it happens?

The captain slowly smeared the small eyes of Xiao Lai and raised his head again. His eyes were full of coldness: "Xiao Lai, you still don't understand now, we don't need to know what is right or wrong, enter the organization, the task is the first! Rest assured I will kill him to avenge you, the blood of his comrades will not flow in vain." The captain's murderousness became full, the whole person's breath gradually became unstable, and even the riots may be faint.


Sprinkle flowers! Finish 100 pink plus! In fact, I sent it at nine o'clock in the previous chapter. I didn't expect to be on the line. I found out that I didn't send it out... I almost broke it! But this is also good, two chapters come together!

Hey, don't know when the 150 pink plus will come? Now I am really debt free! ()

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