Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 167: : Leading a snake out of the hole?

Chapter 167: Leading a snake out of the hole?

"No matter how they play, we can only stand by and avoid the **** deaths to the maximum..." The instructor had some regrets. When they were still scouts, they had never experienced such a big fight.

The two tutors, one person, quickly left the scene, as they said, even if the hands were itchy, they could only be a competent porter, taking the failed students away from the scene and watching the students Fight until the end of the big fight.

Zhang Jingan felt that the pressure had disappeared, and he knew that the other side had a long shot after he hit it. He blinked and quickly calmed himself down. His enlightenment instructor once said that under the battlefield, no matter what happens, they must calm down. Once you lose your calm, you are not far from death.

His whole person was quiet, and then a secret force broke out. The rhythm flowing in the wind, like a note, was generally passed to Zhang Jingan. Zhang Jingan looked at a certain direction and said coldly: "Don't you still come out?"

Since it was discovered, Ling Lan did not cover up. She turned directly behind the big tree and was 20 meters away from Zhang Jing'an. The two are far opposite.

Seeing that the other person is wearing a red school uniform, the seven words on the chest prove that the other party is indeed from the seventh grade of their opponents. The handsome face of Zhang Junxiu is not the familiar seventh-grade leader Qi Long, Zhang Jing Peace of mind, and said: "Zilong's boss - Ling Lan!"

Ling Lan raised her eyebrows and seemed surprised that Zhang Jingan knew her name.

"There is no secret in the seventh grade. It is not a secret. If you want to know, you will know." Zhang Jingan is faint. If this is the case, if it is not this big fight, I am afraid he does not know that the seventh grade still hides such a super Master, originally thought that the other side is stronger, it is only the level of the ninth grade Lu Jing, now it seems. It is his intention to miscalculate.

"It seems that you have been eyeing me in the morning! Now this situation should be designed by you. We can finally be single-on-one... But, do you really think that you are my opponent?" Zhang Jingan laughs. Not laughing, in his eyes, Ling Lan's move is undoubtedly too arrogant.

Ling Lan did not answer Zhang Jing'an's question, but looked at each other with a blank expression. Let Zhang Jingan not touch Ling Lan’s real thoughts for a while.

In fact, Ling Lan is now communicating with Xiaosi in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Small four, where are those people now?"

It turned out that just now, Xiao Si suddenly reminded Ling Lan that the people he monitored had finally acted.

"Three kilometers away from here." Xiaosi confirmed the location of the other party. At this time, Xiaosi is in a state of sharing with the main brain. He is well aware of all the situations inside the college, and according to Ling Lan’s request. He did not give Ling Lan a means of shielding here, as long as it is a caring person, you can find the location of Ling Lan.

"Small four, it seems that the things you found are very accurate." Ling Lan's eyes murdered in the blink of an eye, the reason why he provoked a big fight, a large part is to lead the snake out of the hole, it seems that the other party is really unable to withstand .

However, I have to solve this problem as soon as possible... Ling Lan glanced at Zhang Jingan in front of him, although this person is very arrogant. The character is not embarrassing, but Ling Lan does not want to mix him into her and the other side of the hunting game, let him die unfortunately, she decided to speed up and quickly expel him from the big fight.

Zhang Jing'an is excited at the moment, Ling Lan's faint self-imposed force makes him know that the other is a master, which makes him see the hunter. Since the seniors graduated from the college, he has a small sense of the mountains. Especially when he is more and more skillful in using his mutated spirit, he feels that there is no more rival among college students! This makes him proud and at the same time somewhat lost. The taste of being alone and losing is actually not so good.

Perhaps this boy can let him play a good game, loose and bone! Although Zhang Jingan thinks that Ling Lan can bring him fun. But I don't think Ling Lan's strength will beat him.

Zhang Jingan wanted to fight, and he went straight. There is no rubber stick, and there is no such thing as a fancy trick. It is a straight punch. Perhaps Zhang Jingan believes that he wins the game, so there is no need for complicated moves, and it is easy to roll the other side with strength alone.

I saw Zhang Jingan just taking a step in a flat, but this simple step, let him step across the distance of 20 meters, and instantly came to Ling Lan.

In fact, this is just the illusion of sight. Ling Lan’s eyes clearly see that in a very short time, Zhang Jing’an took ten steps and came to her in the blink of an eye. At the same time, Zhang Jing’an’s grip Right fist, followed by hitting her face.

No matter the speed of the rushing or the final punch, the speed reached an extreme. Zhang Jingan even had the illusion that in the next second, his fist would hit the other's body and then fly him out... his mouth smiled. Just bursting, but instantly solidified.

Because, he felt his fist was resisted by a soft, and he could not move forward.

At the moment when Ling Lan was hit, he also clenched his fist to meet Zhang Jingan’s fist. Although the two fists seemed to be in a fierce collision, they did not make any noise. It seems that these two fists did not use force at all, but they touched gently and friendlyly.

Zhang Jing'an knows his own strength and absolutely gives him 80% of his strength. The reason why this happens is that the other party gives his strength with the same strength and a wonderful softness. Offset.

Zhang Jing'an did not play his role, but he fell into a stalemate. He now chooses to withdraw again, or continue to increase his power to attack. As long as his strength is stronger than the other, he will break the deadlock and even both. The power of all counterattacks to each other.

Zhang Jingan certainly refused to give up, and originally thought that he was the strongest person, so he gave a dark voice, and the whole face suddenly became red, violently abdomen, and then his wrists continued to tremble, and the four segments fluctuated. Ling Lan went straight.

This is the killer that the enlightenment tutor taught him. He can instantly send out four insane powers, and each force is accumulated in the strength of the previous one. In the end, it will produce a terrorist power that is eight times higher than his own. Of course, the enlightenment instructor repeatedly warned that it was not necessary to use it, but Zhang Jingan thought that this was a good time to use, because this is the battle of honor for their strongest students in the 10th and 7th grades!

Ling Lan looked at the other party's gesture and judged that the other party was likely to use the trick of accumulating strength. She decisively used the inch, and the two dark forces collided many times. The last two forces could not hold each other, even though Burst open.

Ling Lan and Zhang Jing'an were blown out by this huge force. Even the thick tree that they stood was directly blown up. The broken trunk fell directly from the air and hit the ground.

Linglan’s iron bridge in the air controlled his body and landed steadily on the tree stalk of a big tree not far behind. Zhang Jing’an did not have the ease of Ling Lan’s, and flew out after five or six meters. He grabbed a branch with his left hand and used this power to bring himself back to the tree and let himself stand still. However, his right hand was low and his arm was shaking with his body.

Ling Lan left his hand to his right hand and said coldly: "Sure enough, it was the first person in the tenth grade. One stroke broke my right arm."

Zhang Jingan also held his right hand at the same time, his face was ugly and said: "You are not weak!" Similarly, his arm was also shaken by the other side. Just that move, the two were both injured. At this time, Zhang Jingan has no superior mind at the beginning, he knows that Ling Lan is the same level master.

"However, even if we do, we still score a high and low!" Ling Lan seems to make up his mind to split a win or lose, just finished, even in spite of the injury to the right arm, a slam on the foot, the whole person by the foot on the branches The rebound force, such as shells, generally slams into Zhang Jingan.

Zhang Jingan's face is dignified. He knows this time, I am afraid it will be the time to win. Fighters like their level of strength, the outcome is only a moment, to see who is better.

This time Ling Lan chose a left-handed attack. Of course, she could only use her left hand. However, she did not seem to have much confidence in her left hand, so she chose to use a rubber stick.

Similarly, Zhang Jingan also chose a short stick. He held it tightly with his left hand and greeted him. Seeing that the two had to touch each other, he saw Ling Lan’s sudden face horrified and shouted: “Flashing...”

Zhang Jingan was not moved at all, and the short stick of his left hand took the power of his whole body and smashed it.

Humph! Want to use this trick to let me be fooled? no way! The thought in Zhang Jingan’s mind just flashed past, and I felt that my back brain was hit by a force...

He felt that his body had no power at The last glance of the coma fell down and saw the opposite of Linglan’s horror and chose to turn around and escape. It seems that he saw something terrible...

Oh, it turned out that he didn't lie to me... Zhang Jingan was very regretful at this time. If he listened to the other party's reminder, wouldn't he be sneaked?

When Zhang Jingan fell down from the tree and did not reach the ground, a figure swept through it, and placed it on the ground lightly. At the same time, Zhang Jingan’s confession button was pressed, and then disappeared without a trace. No trace.

A kilometer away, a team of five people dressed in tutor costumes is staying somewhere, and a 27-year-old youth tutor is opening his spirits, sneaking into the latest surveillance signals and searching for them. The location of the target.

"The other party has changed position now, moving from the southeast direction to the south direction." The instructor opened his eyes and said to a 35-year-old male tutor next to him.


This is one of today's more, 100 pink plus correction code, I hope to be updated before twelve o'clock! ()

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