Chapter 165: Zhang Jingan team!

In a jungle trail somewhere in the college, a team of white squads are dying, and the embroidered characters on the chest prove that the team is in the seventh grade.

"They chased it..." One of them seemed to have sensed something. His face changed and he told his teammates the bad news.

The captain knew that it would not help to continue running. I originally hoped that the other party would just pass by and be able to let go of their team. Now it seems that the other party is obviously eyeing them. He bit his teeth and ordered the players to say: "You go first!"

"Captain!" All the players were exclaimed, and the obvious captain was prepared to leave the chase alone.

"Reassured, I can't stop it, I will admit defeat! But we can't fold the whole team." The captain thought very clearly, they were not the opponents of the team that followed up, even if they all left the battle, the result was lost. . The big fights finally judged whether to win or lose, and a large part of them looked at the number of people who were last retained. The number of people who participated in the big fights in the seventh grade was small, and one can be left.

"Captain, you take them first!" The team members who fell to the end suddenly stopped and stayed there. Since it is necessary to leave an enemy, it is not as good as his weakest player. Even if he leaves the big fight, it will not affect the team's strength.

"Xiao Ming..." The players looked at them, but they were friends who grew up all the way.

"I don't want to go, do you have to fold here?" The student named Xiaoming couldn't help but anger.

The captain saw that Xiaoming was too far behind, even if he was too late to change, this time he could not allow him to hesitate. So he slammed his feet and decisively ordered: "Let's go!"

The players had to take back their nostalgic eyes, bite their teeth and follow the captain and ran forward, and soon disappeared.

A young boy in red, who was flying far behind, saw the young boy in the middle of the road, Xiaoming, and stopped.

As soon as he paused, several red teenagers behind him also stopped their pace, and they were dressed in red uniforms. A cross is clearly embroidered to prove that they are students of the 10th grade.

"Oh, it seems that they want to sacrifice one, to retain other players, captain, what should we do?" The youngest person who stopped the first step asked the team leader behind him.

"Ishigaki, did you record the information of the people who escaped?" The captain asked in a hurry to a red dress next to him.

"Captain. No problem, as long as they don't exceed two kilometers, they can't run away." Shi Yan said proudly, he is awakened to lock the talent, as long as the information of the object to be locked is recorded in the mind, no more than two kilometers. Within the scope, you can find out your opponent.

“How long will they be able to escape your search?” the captain asked.

"Four minutes!" Shi Jie decisively replied.

"Yuan Chen. The following people will give you a play!" The captain said to the person who stopped first. "You only have three minutes and thirty seconds!"

Yuan Chen excitedly rubbed his head and said: "Enough is enough!" When the voice just fell, he flew down from the tree and fell directly to the seven-year-old white boy Xiaoming who stood in the middle of the road waiting for them to come.

The person who keeps up with the team of the seventh class in the seventh year is the Zhang Jingan team who is looking for prey.

Bai Xiaoming saw that there was only a red boy in front of him. He nervously grasped the short stick in his hand, and his eyes did not autonomously squat on both sides, seemingly looking for other players.

"Reassure, only me to deal with you!" Yuan Chen's words let him put down the peace of mind. Also inevitably worried about his teammates.

"Poorly, I was betrayed by my teammates, leaving a victim!" Yuan Chen’s mouth was awkward, but the short stick in his hand was merciless and rushed up and gave the other party a stick.

Bai Xiaoming is very agile. When he sees the other side attacking, he jumps directly and shuns the attack.

"Not bad... It seems that I still want to dying." Yuan Chen excitedly licked his lips. Raise the short stick and continue to attack. This time, his attack speed is much faster, like a squally shower. It seems that the first blow was just his random attack, not his real strength. Not only that, but he still does not forget to stimulate his opponent in his mouth. "Unfortunately, your strength is too bad, and you can't stop me from doing a few tricks, which is destined to be abused by me."

Bai Xiaoming was not aware of Yuan Chen’s words. He just gritted his teeth and tried to resist. He finally defended the other side’s violent offensive. Even so, Xiaoming already felt that his right hand holding the stick was numb by the strength of the other party, and gradually lost consciousness. He knew that if the other side attacked this way, he would not be able to stop it...

A bang! This is the sound of a short stick hit*!

"Ah!" Xiaoming screamed, the whole person was knocked out by the force of the hit, and the numb and slow-moving right hand finally failed to block the fierce blow of the other.

Yuan Chen saw him laughing, which was originally estimated by him, so he was unsuccessful, and quickly followed up quickly, preparing to smash the other side.

At this time, the stone scorpion that was quietly watching the tree suddenly snorted.

Zhang Jingan raised an eyebrow and asked: "What happened? Shi Yan?"

"Nothing, Captain! It’s just that the little mice that had escaped actually wandered back!" Shi Jie told his discovery to everyone.

"Don't you want to hit a carbine? Or want to sneak? Is this too much to look down on us?" Another team member couldn't help but laugh.

"This is better, lest we bother to chase after it." Zhang Jingan thought it was a good thing, so he shouted to Yuan Chen below, "Yuan Chen, play slowly, the little mice are back, you have time ""

Zhang Jing'an's words made Bai Yixiaoming panic, and his heart was angry and anxious. Why did the gas players choose to come back, and they were very likely that they would be wiped out.

In the white Xiaoming heart, even if he was angry and then anxious, he could not restrain a thick warmth from hitting his heart. He knows that the players choose so much and don't want to give up on their part.

When Yuan Chen heard Zhang Jing'an's words, the speed of the original attack suddenly slowed down. He sneered at the white dress Xiaoming who was desperately resisting in front of him: "Oh, it seems that your players respect you very much. Well, I chose to come back to save you... However, this choice is too stupid. Your team is really bad. Who is the captain? You can’t say that you’re insulted, you don’t know what you know... Under his leadership, You can't be a strong team, you can't be a strong person, just like now, you can only be our stepping stone!"

"Our team is not bad, I don't know, but I know that my team is better than your team. At least we are more human than you." Bai Xiaoming replied coldly. It doesn't matter if he says that he doesn't care, but he can't insult his captain and friends.

"Looking for death!" Bai Yiming's ironic words completely angered Yuan Chen, and the attack speed increased again. The rubber stick continually hit the other's body without mercy, and then slammed it out again, which repeatedly slammed Bai Xiaoming was severely injured and could not help but spurt a blood.

Not far away, on the tree pole of a big tree, I am paying close attention to Linglan here. There is a cold and chilling ice ball in the palm of my hand. The other benefits of the ice edge are not seen, that is when the black hand is under You can go to the weapon without having to worry about it.

Ling Lan is aiming in a certain direction, there is a figure lying there... She is smug, and when she makes a finger, she will play the ice ball out...

"Hey!" On a big tree, a white teenager who was secretly optimistic about the play on the big tree, intuitively hit the back with a force, this force will not make him feel pain, but Let him completely lose his balance and fall directly from the tall tree.

He looked back, but there was no one. There seemed to be some sparkling fluorescence in the air, just waiting for him to look at it, but it disappeared. It seems that it is only his illusion.


This unexpected scene made Zhang Jingan and others shocked. Yuan Chen originally wanted to attack and suddenly stopped and looked back at the unexpected visitors who disturbed his battle.

Compared with other people's surprises, Zhang Jing'an's face faintly reveals a dignified look, can close to them silently without letting them discover, no doubt this white boy is not simple, it is likely that the other side has a unique hidden ability. Zhang Jingan directly ruled out why the other party is stronger than him. He does not think that the strength of the B class will be strong.

The white boy screamed and struggled to climb up from the ground, and the funny look made everyone look at him with interest.

Xiao Ming, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, saw the face of the white boy and couldn’t help but exclaimed: "Xie Yi, how come you?"

"It turned out to be a seventh-grade to save your classmates? Really have a classmates friendship." Yuan Chen saw the number of the embroidered chest, and gently hit his own hand with a short stick. Left hand, like laughing and laughing.

Xie Yi took a picture of the dust on his body and looked upset. "You can't afford to see me too. In the face of the first-grade team of the tenth grade, if I have this idea, I will be absolutely brain-destroyed. In fact, I just didn't hold it. The big tree, I accidentally fell off, if you can, you should not see me..."

"You said, is it possible?" Yuan Chen was cold and authentic.

Xie Yi suddenly squinted and muttered in his mouth: "I know that if you don't hold the tree, you will have this result... Cough, I am really pitiful, but when I watch a movie, I am involved in it. ...or, the seniors will be merciful, and it’s just a matter of meaning."

Xie Yi said here, his eyes are shining and shining, and a pair of people who want to discuss with the tenth grade seniors make the tenth grade people depressed. Is this guy really a defective product?


This is the supplement yesterday! ()

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