Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 164: : The strongest student in the college!

Chapter 164: The strongest student in the college!

"Rely, can't get in! The whole accommodation area was surrounded by the light source guardian shield." It turned out that the five or six grades wanted to join in the fun, and if they saw the situation, they fled back to the accommodation area. Did not give these students the opportunity to take advantage of the cheap, directly use the light source shield to completely block the residential area, now the people inside can not go out, people outside can not walk in.

"What should I do?" One student was a little scared.

"What can I do, find a place to hide, wait until the end is over, let's come out again... Hey, this seventh-grade person is more than a hundred people less than us. The big fight is definitely our ten-year victory. We participate. The big fight is absolutely right.” The people who spoke were somewhat proud and looked like they were heads.

"Captain, why do you say that?"

"I have checked the information. Every time the winner of the big fight will get countless resources from the college, but if you don't participate, you will not be eligible to enjoy it. Otherwise, why should I take it out and mix it?"

"What if you meet a student in the seventh grade Super Class A?" They are all ordinary class people. Even if they are in the seventh grade for three years, they can't cope with the genius of Class A.

"Stupid, so we have to hide, really bad luck, we will admit defeat, once we admit defeat, the other party can not start with us, if you start, press the help button, the tutor will come to save us, at that time, The person who starts will lose the qualification of the big fight..." It seems that the captain, in order to fish in troubled waters, did take some effort to understand the rules of the big fight.

"It seems that someone is coming, hiding..." The captain felt that there was a sound coming close, and quickly took the team members to the side of the woods to hide.

At this time, there are several places, people in the seventh and tenth grades have officially met...

Ling Lan heard the announcement of the main brain, and they nodded when they aligned. Seeing Qilong Han Jijun and Luo Lang Lin Zhongqing, they quickly left the Sun Moon Plaza, the originally bustling Sun Moon Plaza. Suddenly, only Ling Lan stood alone on the stage. Look in a certain direction.

"Small four, where is the top of the class for ten years?" Ling Lan awakened to try the water first, to see to what extent the tenth-level powerhouse has reached.

Xiaosi immediately displayed the top position of the 10th grade on the plane map of the Scout Center Academy with red dots. Linglan flew and quietly left the Sun Moon Plaza.

"Captain, isn't it hidden?" Somewhere in the college, six people stood in a striking place. A bright red school uniform proved their class, and one of the team members looked at one of the serious juveniles.

"As for the gang of the seventh grade, is it worth hiding?" The serious teenager did not answer, but a member of his side did not agree to raise his eyebrows. There is no concern about the so-called big fight.

"I heard that their top leader Qilong is very powerful..." the stunned team member reminded.

I don't know why he always feels that there is a danger to come. Although he doesn't know what it is, many times he relies on this feeling to let him through the crisis again and again. This time, this dangerous feeling is going to be More intense than ever. It’s just that he can’t say it because he’s said that no one in the team is willing to believe him.

"Last year, he challenged the eighth grade, that is, now the top of the ninth grade, Lu Jing failed, and Lu Jing can not support the captain's 30 strokes. They are definitely not the captain's opponent." Another team retorted.

"Yeah, the captain is now the only fighting genius in the Scout Academy! He is the strongest student in the college!" Another player adored the face, "If the captain announced the news, the seventh grade Where do the **** dare to make a big fight?"

At this time, the serious teenager said: "Well, this energy is not as good as solving a few seventh grades. I don't want to see things three years ago..."

There was an anger on the face of the teenager. He was the pride of the year, but he lost to the third-level Star Scout Academy three years ago. This year, the tenth grade led by him was actually The seven-year-old elementary school brothers challenged to launch a big fight, which is just a slap in the face! Do you really think that they are bullying this year?

"Someone is coming!" one of the team members suddenly reminded me.

I saw a team of seventh-grade students in blue school uniforms exploring the brain in the bushes not far away...

"Rely, we are so unlucky, when we come up, we will encounter the first team of Jing'an in the tenth year." The captain who led the team saw the face of the most powerful scout student called this year. We hurry back and run away.

"Hey, why are they missing?" One of the team members turned back uncomfortably, only to find that the six people standing there were gone.

"Not good, fast flash!" The captain's voice did not fall, he felt a huge shock from his foot, and the whole person flew up, and then he slammed into the ground, and his chest was dull.

The captain jumped up and looked at the teammates around him. He found that the situation was very bad. The weakest member, even the mouth spit blood, suffered a serious internal injury.

At this time, six figures have appeared in front of them, it is the six people who originally opened Zhang Jingan 100 meters behind them.

One of them rushed over and knocked at the stick of the seven-year regular class captain.

The captain's reaction was still very fast. One of them shook away, and the rubber stick in his hand swung the way. Only when the rubber stick was about to hit the other side, suddenly the other person's figure disappeared, and then he only felt that his stomach was hit by the smashing, and the whole person flew out again, and in the air, a blood spurted out!

Just a blow, he was seriously injured!

These people are definitely not opponents! The captain’s heart suddenly raised this idea. The original pain of the body would make him feel dull. But I don’t know why, his fingers are even more sensitive than his intelligence. He even pressed the confession button directly, and the help button is also bright. It’s up.

He just fell to the ground, the tenth-level team member followed up the attack, and as soon as he went down, he saw the contactor illuminate a white light and bounced the stick directly! At the same time, the two received a notice from the main brain at the same time: "Attack the target once, deduct the points 1!"

"Rely. What is actually deducted points!" The tenth-grade team member shouted in an angry voice when he saw the information sent from the contactor.

Zhang Jingan looked at the ordinary class captain who fell to the ground. Cold and cold: "The reaction is quite fast, and you can press the acknowledgment button in the air. You are fluent. You are too careless."

"It seems that this guy's reflex nerve is very strong!" Another person looked at the captain of the regular class in seven years with great interest and felt very keen to study it.

"We admit defeat!" The seven-year ordinary class captain was terrified in his heart, and quickly shouted a reminder that the opponent who admit defeat could not start again. The other players also responded quickly, and during their conversation, they also pressed the confession button.

"Cut. It's not fun!" They originally hoped that the other side would resist it and play it well. I didn't expect this team to have a little courage. After a blow, they chose to admit defeat.

These people in the tenth grade did not expect it at all. The seventh grade was so decisive, and the reaction quickly chose to admit defeat. Because Ling Lan used the mental control to give these people a hint, they met opponents whose strengths were too different, and they did not take unnecessary resistance. Directly choose to accept the loss and retain life.

In fact, the big fighting is not so **** at first, everyone who participates in the big fight knows who their opponents are, that is, ordinary classes to find ordinary classes, excellent classes to find excellent classes. Special classes to find special classes, are almost the strength of the people choose to fight, so both sides can improve their strength and also get a certain combat experience.

Only in the later period, the big fighting began to deteriorate. In order to win, the master first cleaned up the students in the ordinary class, met the psychologically distorted people, and even did not give the ordinary students the opportunity to admit defeat, directly killing the matter. The injured party decided to return blood to the blood. The same phenomenon occurred when the master killed the ordinary students. Finally, the ones were out of control and the casualties were heavy. They had to be banned by the college.

Ling Lan certainly knows the tragedy in the history of the big fight, in order to put an end to this possibility, Ling Lancai made a psychological suggestion, almost let her mental power reversed. When you find that the strength is too big or serious, you will directly admit defeat. Even if you are in a coma, your body will press the confession button because of this suggestion.

"Let's go, after they admit defeat, the mentor will come over and take them away soon." Another team member reminded that it is a waste of time to stay here.

"Well, I feel that there is a small group of mice coming close. I don't know what level this is coming in. I hope that we can have fun." One of the players sensed that a team is approaching and his eyes are faint. A red light.

"Go!" Zhang Jingan directly dropped the word, then disappeared, and then several others followed.

Seeing that there was no one in the air, the team members of the seventh grade regular class suddenly relaxed.

"It turned out that this is the top team of the first class of the ten-year class. Our strengths are far from each other. They can't pick up a single move..." The captain's mood was very low. "I don't know if Qilong can resist it..."

"Zilong lost to the ninth grade Lu Jing ~ ~ nine years of Lu Jing beat Zhang Jingan, I am not optimistic about the results of this big fight!" Some players are pessimistic.

"What do you say? Do you forget that there is still a boss on the top of Qilong, we have seven years of true innocent king Ling Lan sitting in town?" Another member is not convinced, "One move? Captain you can be in Ling Where does Lan’s boss support it?”

The captain who was stabbed by the players was not angry at all, but the spirit was aroused: "Yeah, how can I forget that we still have Linglan boss? Anyone is defeated by her in her hand, absolutely no worse than Zhang Jing'an. Where to go."

"However, we lost our face this time. It was not long before the opening was kicked out of the battle. Going back and practicing well..." the captain exclaimed.

His words made all the players ponder, yeah, they are the first people to leave, really shame! In their hearts, they strongly raised the idea of ​​becoming stronger. If there is a big fight in the future, they definitely don’t want to be the first students to leave!


Because of the time code, the text may not be very good, the pro will be a bit. We are seeing you again on Monday! ()

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