Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 1488: I know you are not (Happy New Year's Eve!)

"It's not easy to be a man who crosses the future ( Find the latest chapter!

1488: I know you are not.

"Ignore what I have and put hope on others, Zhao Jun, you are really stupid." Ling Lan's cold voice sounded in Zhao Jun's ears, making Zhao Jun shocked.

"Also, do I really exist?" Ling Lan asked coldly.

This question made Zhao Jun calm down quickly, his eyes showed a touch of deep thought.

Ling Lan no longer paid attention to Zhao Jun, she glanced at him indifferently, and turned her head to see the light path that had temporarily changed because of Zhao Jun. At this time, she had corrected the direction and extended to the depths of the void again.

After a pause, Ling Lan turned around and stepped on the light path again, looking for an opportunity that belonged to her.

"Boss Lan, are you really not there?" Zhao Jun asked unwillingly.

"How about existence? What if there is no existence?" Ling Lan asked coldly, turning his head.

Zhao Jun was silent, and a few seconds later he muttered to himself: "Am I really unable to go back?"

"You have to ask yourself," Ling Lan said coldly, "do you want to."

"Why don't I, I want to go back, I want to go back, I really want to go back." Zhao Jun became excited again and shouted vigorously.

Ling Lan's cold eye knife once again stunned Zhao Jun.

"If you really want to go back, even if you are in hell, you can climb a **** way back. You are still here because you don't have the courage at all." Ling Lan's words pierced Zhao Jun's heart.

"After all, you're just a coward."

With Ling Lan's merciless voice, she disappeared in front of Zhao Jun.

"Coward?" Zhao Jun asked himself silently.

"I am not..." If he is a coward, he will not block Li Lanfeng's mortal trick. If he is a coward, he will not fight with Li Lanfeng to death. If he is a coward, he will not suffer here. Struggle and seek opportunities to get out of trouble.

"I'm not!" Zhao Jun's unyielding roar reached Ling Lan's ears again.

Ling Lan raised her eyebrows slightly: "I know you are not." The sound was very soft, as if there was nothing, and in the end only Ling Lan knew what she had said.

"If all of this really just existed just now, it's fine." Ling Lan looked at the emptiness of the world, with hope, and continued on. Lord Kun's fatal blow to Li Lanfeng suddenly paused when it was about to be implemented.

Lord Kun thoughtfully looked at the position where Lord Gan was fighting with Ling Lan, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and continued to attack.

Sure enough, the master won a big victory this time.

"叽~" The terrifying ultrasonic wave made the spirit of Lord Kun suddenly freeze, and the movement of his hand paused again.

In an instant, Lord Kun, the powerful mental power returned, his face solemnly looked at the fighting place of Lord Kun.

"Such a terrible creature appeared in the human world..." Lord Kun has a complicated expression. If he has sound arms, he will personally fight this half-step God Realm creature once, but unfortunately...

Thinking of this, the hatred in Lord Kun's heart ignited again, and the law of pause once again condensed, and smashed against Li Lanfeng severely.

"Boom~" Lord Kun watched the law energy hit Li Lanfeng's body, and his body was directly bombarded by the law into scum, disappearing into this world completely.

"Sneez~" A mocking voice suddenly sounded.

Seeing that the law that was about to swallow Li Lanfeng's body was suddenly frozen.

Lord Kun's heart was shaken, and he looked at this unexplainable scene in astonishment.

"Who?" Kunzhu felt something, and the application looked around solemnly.

"Back!" The voice sounded again, and with this sound, the law that was frozen around Li Lanfeng suddenly swept towards Chairman Kun.

"Want to use my law to hurt me? Dreaming." Kunzhu tried to control his own law, but found that the swept law did not listen to his orders at all and attacked his master indiscriminately.

"Damn it!" Lord Kun had to retreat and dodge this law attack.

Fortunately, this is his law, the other party can only let his law attack back in the same way, but there is no way to direct it to continue to attack.

"Who is pretending to be gods and ghosts?" Kunzhu looked around vigilantly, trying to find out this unexpectedly strong man.

But around this main hall, apart from Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng lying on the ground, there seemed to be no one else.

Lord Kun searched hundreds of miles around the main hall with his own domain rules, but found nothing, frowning involuntarily, and at the same time secretly guarding against this unseen enemy, causing Kun Lord to have a tremendous impact. A sense of crisis.

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