Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 1487: You are looking for death.

"It's not easy to be a man who crosses the future ( Find the latest chapter!

1487: You are looking for death.

Ling Xiao disappeared suddenly, and Ling Lan didn't lose much. When Ling Xiao appeared, Ling Lan was prepared that he would disappear quickly, just like Xie Yi did.

"Is it worth it?" Ling Lan frowned, did she recall the regret Xie Yi asked?

"They showed up to tell me something, but in view of the law, they can't say it directly, so they can only remind me from the side." Ling Lan understood something in her heart, but her answer was also her true thoughts. Since there has been no change so far, then It means she hasn't realized that opportunity yet.

Ling Lan knew that this might be her last chance, but she also knew that if she forced herself to find the so-called answer, she would go astray. Therefore, she is not anxious, and still moves forward.

If she finally dissipated and couldn't find the opportunity, she could only say that Ling Lan was not strong enough and could not pass this life and death barrier. Don't blame anyone, you can only say that you are still too weak and do not have enough strength to control your own destiny.

I don't know how long I walked, when Ling Lan felt that she was almost exhausted, she suddenly saw someone squatting not far away from her.

Ling Lan was surprised at his appearance, but it was only natural to think about it.

In just one step, Ling Lan reached the person's side.

"Zhao Jun!" Ling Lan faintly shouted.

Zhao Jun seemed to be awakened. He looked up and saw Ling Lan, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

"Boss Lan, are you here to find me back?" Zhao Jun said emotionally.

Ling Lan looked at Zhao Jun who was different, a thought flashed in her eyes, and she slowly asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, I blocked the blow of Kun Master for Lan Feng, and I am here when I wake up..." Zhao Jun was very distressed.

"How long have you been here?" Ling Lan glanced at this silent world and thought of another possibility.

"I don't know, it seems that a lifetime has passed, and it seems to have just come." Zhao Jun was a little confused.

"What do you think now?" Ling Lan asked seriously.

"I want to go back, our partners are still fighting, and I must return to them to fight together." Zhao Jun's eyes are anxious. He seems to have been trapped here for a long time and fights for a long time. It seems that he has just arrived, right. Knowing nothing here means nothing to do.

"Boss Lan, you are here to take me back, right." Zhao Jun looked at Ling Lan with hopeful eyes, and in the heart of the little friend, Ling Lan was omnipotent.

Ling Lan suddenly noticed something, she glanced at Zhao Jun, did not speak, and then slowly stepped back, gradually pulling away from Zhao Ju.

"Boss Lan, why are you backing?" Zhao Jun was puzzled. He wanted to follow Ling Lan, but found that he couldn't move.

"Damn it, why are you sealing me up here? Boss Lan, what is going on? What is going on in this inexplicable world?" Zhao Jun shouted angrily, wanting Ling Lan to give him an answer .

Ling Lan, who had withdrew more than ten meters, looked at Zhao Jun who was struggling with anger, and said indifferently: "Zhao Jun, in this world, no one can rely on. Pin your hopes on others. You are looking for death."

"Looking for death?" Zhao Jun was startled by Ling Lan's words, and the original struggle stopped.

"Yes, I won't take you away. If you don't want to die, just break free from this world." Ling Lan said coldly, "Incompetent people are not worthy to live."

"Oh~!" Zhao Jun roared, the result he was looking forward to, it would be like this, Zhao Jun was furious, is this still the boss Lan he admires?

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