Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1441: What do you want to know.

1441: What do you want to know.

As the night fell, the old man sat alone next to a fire, slowly roasting the meat on his irons.

"Oh..." The oil dropped into the fire and made a harsh sound.

"You are here, just cooked." The old man suddenly said.

Suddenly a thing flies out of the darkness and shoots at the old man.

The old man catches his hand, is a jug of wine, or the federal military special for white wine.

"Thank you!" Daddy's eyes lit up, and he opened the bottle and slammed it.

"It's so sad." The old man wiped his mouth and recalled.

"For decades." With this voice, Ling Lan slowly came out from the darkness.

"Oh, why do you think so?" The old man laughed.

"Before I came here, I saw the Lord." Ling Lan was at the side of the old man, and he found a place to sit down.

The old man's drinking action paused. He drank a big sip of wine again, then slowly let go: "Is he let you come here?"

"No, he didn't tell me." Ling Lan took the iron in the other hand of the old man indifferently, took it back, and blew it against the barbecue that was scented.

"Then how do you find it, or when it is shielding the signal." The old man did not understand.

"Sure enough, you know what the Lord has..." Ling Lan looked up and looked like a smile.

The old man did not answer. He looked at the fire silently. He seemed to be thinking about something and seemed to be remembering something.

Ling Lan was not in a hurry. She continued to blow the meat in her hand. It didn't feel hot, and she took a bite and tasted it.

Oh, yes, it’s delicious. Linglan eyes brightened, and in a few seconds, he solved the meat with almost five pounds of weight on his hand...

Well, the front battle plus the bandage of Li Lanfeng, the physical exertion is too large, so the appetite is better.

I feel that my barbecue is very popular with the young man around me. The old man spontaneously picks up a few skewers and grills it on the fire.

They are focused on baking, one is focused on watching, and despite the silence, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

The old man felt that the fire was almost the same, and he just put down the jug in his hand. He pointed a few strokes on the meat. He had several deep scratches on the meat, and the old fingers flicked. The seasoning was sprinkled, and the aroma of the nose spread quickly, and the delicious barbecue was officially released.

The old man handed the barbecue to Linglan, and he picked up the jug around him again.

He rubbed his mouth and said, "Ask, what do you want to know."

Ling Lan took a bite of meat and chewed a few mouthfuls to eat it. This opened the door: "You should be with the dry master."

I looked at Ling Lan with amazement: "Why do you say that?"

"How can the federal trust a person, and will not leave behind, not to mention the disorderly piece of land, will not be assured to anyone." Ling Lan faint.

"You really came from the federal government. They have doubts about disorder." The old man seems to be prepared in his heart.

"So sure?" Linglan's mouth is slightly tilted.

"On the armor of your men, this kind of performance and equipment, that is, the Federation and Caesar can have it, and your appearance... Caesar wants to make such a whole is the ultimate trump card, many have entered the pseudo-level or even The emperor's, it is estimated that it is very difficult." The old smoldering eyes, these people shot, they can not beat him.

"So, the Lord really betrayed the Federation?" Ling Lan asked.

"Is not it." The old man sighed.

"How can this be explained?"

"If the federation did not restrain his people, he would have no worries."

"I am a bit strange. When the federal sent you to come, you should also want to restrain him. Why do you fall behind so much? Now it is hiding here..." Ling Lan looked up at the old man.

The old man suddenly heard a bitter smile: "Trust these two words..."

"You have been betrayed." Ling Lan immediately understood. "If you don't guess wrong, you should be the master's hand."

“Why is this speculation?” asked the old man.

"Since the federal sent you, your strength is definitely not weaker than that of the Lord. Otherwise, you can't shoulder the heavy responsibility of restraining him. In that year, the strongest one should be you and the leader. Others want to be seriously injured. You probably don't have this ability. The only one that can hurt you and make you unable to recover is only the same level." Ling Lan calmly said her speculation.

"I just don't understand. Since you are responsible for the responsibility of supervising the master, why is it so undefeated?" Ling Lan couldn't figure this out.

"It’s really hard to stand firm in disorder. We have thousands of people who have come to the present. The numbers that are alive now are not a hand. At that time, in order to survive, who would have thought of others? Only when the watchers help each other, they support each other to survive..." When the old man remembered, his eyes crossed a bit of pain, and the comrades who fought together fell on the way, but eventually survived, but the farther and farther, the final break. .

"So, you believe him." Ling Lan understood. "I didn't expect that he eventually left you."

The old man understood that Ling Lan left the meaning of this sentence. The original lord could kill him for a hundred. He smiled bitterly: "Maybe old, more missed before, so I still want to leave some people or remember what." ”

"It is also possible that he thinks that you are not threatening him, and that you are not in the way." Ling Lan hit the nail on the head and did not leave any feelings for the old man.

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