Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1441: See also family training?

1441: See also family training?

At this time, in fact, the enemy has already lost their war. At this time, they have already learned that the friendly forces outside have retreated, leaving only their team to fight alone, and the continuous flow of Lingtian mechs, no The commander’s command is to let their psychological defenses collapse, and it’s almost like no time to fight.

Ling Lan’s sentence of killing the hundred miles allowed Ling Tianjun to hunt down hundreds of miles before he returned.

Zhao Jun opened the control cabin and jumped with the doctor.

Dr. Yan flew to the armor of the old man, and anxiously shouted: "Daddy, daddy, you are fine." The old man's mech has fallen to the ground, and she is not worried.

The old man’s control cabin opened with a bang, and the old man climbed out from the inside with some difficulty. He said weakly: “Nothing, hoe.”

After a break, I finally got the strength to move.

When the doctor saw it, he quickly took out the medicine she had made from the medical kit and handed it to the old lady.

"Use us." A cold voice rang behind her. The doctor hurriedly turned back and saw a soldier full of suffocating gas standing behind her. He had a can of medicine in his hand, even if it was sealed, but she The intuition tells her that this medicine is not simple.

"Thank you." Dr. Yu was pleasantly surprised.

She picked up the can of medicine and wanted to open it to the old man, but she saw the old man reach out and said: "I am a little hurt, don't waste such a good thing."

Ling Lan said lightly: "This medicine may have some benefits for your old patients."

“Really?” The doctor’s eyes suddenly brightened. She was a doctor. The original intention of the beginning was not to worry that the old man was bothered by the old injury?

"If this is the case, this medicine is too precious." The old man moved, "I will leave it to those who need it more." The old man who looked at Ling Lan was searching for and rescued those fallen armored divisions, reminding him. .

"Enough is enough." Ling Lan looked up slightly into the distance. "This war game is almost over."

"According to previous experience, it is indeed time to end." The old man smiled bitterly.

Ling Lan’s mouth is slightly curved, and her so-called end is not just about this war.

At this time, Dr. Yu opened the medicine can and handed it to the old man. The old man didn’t have a guest. He took it and took it.

"This time, thank you for taking them in." Ling Lan glanced at Zhao Jun standing behind her side, said.

"No, staying and not staying is not my idea." The old man replied, his brow slightly wrinkled, although he had just drank the medicine, but he already felt a slight reaction.

Of course, the expression of the old man is not too good for Ling Lan. Ling Lan made a request to signal the old man to concentrate on healing.

The old man nodded and found a space to sit down. Not long after, his expression was still picked up, and the doctor who had been paying attention to him was shocked.

"The niece pharmacy is like this, the more painful it is, the more effective it is." Zhao Jun explained quickly.

The doctor nodded and said that he knew it, and he waited patiently.

At this time, the search and rescue was over, and the captain responsible for the search and rescue was heavy. This time, they lost two captains. Fortunately, the other two captains left a sigh of relief and poured the niece pharmacy. .

"War!" Ling Lan closed her eyes and caught a trace of pain. When she opened her eyes, she resumed her usual coldness.

"Take them home." Ling Lan was low.

"Yes, boss." The captain took the lead, even if they sacrificed here, they will bring it back and eventually bring back the place where they grew up.

"Boss." Followed Luo Lang, looked at her with some concern.

"What's wrong?" Ling Lan raised an eyebrow.

"Lan Fengge's situation seems to be a little bad." At the end of the battle, he went to treat Li Lanfeng.

Ling Lanxin was shocked, and a flash came to the door of Li Lanfeng's mech.

"What happened?" Linglan frowned and asked as he saw the medical soldier in the doorway.

"Ah, the boss of the report, the head of Li is all wounded, the time is too long, plus the function of automatic drying in the control cabin, the underwear and the skin are glued together, if you want to separate, it will tear the wound again..." The medical soldier was full of pain and seemed to have experienced the pain of being torn apart. This pain is not in one place, but in the whole body. It is almost alive.

"Zhao Jun." Ling Lan shouted.

"To." Zhao Jun came to Ling Lan by a flash.

“Build a temporary medical tent right away.” Ling Lan ordered, “On-site treatment bandaging.”

Ling Lan knows very well that the longer this drags, the greater the damage to Li Lanfeng. It is obvious that Li Lanfeng drank the niece remedy, and the strong self-healing ability of the niece remedy will make the wound heal quickly, if not separated from the underwear in time. Once the healing area is mixed with foreign objects... then it is not just peeling, but also digging meat.

"Yes." Zhao Jun also knew that he could not delay, and quickly took people to open a temporary treatment room on the spot.

"Coughing cough..." Li Lanfeng suddenly coughed a few times, and some blood was flowing out of the corner of his mouth. His body collapsed, not only the outside, but also the inner injury. If there is no life-saving agent of Li Yuyu, I am afraid that this time he really Hopeless.

"The head of the army, we Li family also has family training." Li Lanfeng weakly smiled at Ling Lan.

"Well?" Linglan frowned. "Don't talk, stay with strength."

"Can't help but say, wait, I bandage myself." Li Lanfeng looked suddenly serious.

"What do you mean?" Ling Lan had some anger in his eyes.

"Can't let others see..." Li Lanfeng smiled bitterly.

Ling Lan remembered the enchanting face of Li Lanfeng, and some understood.

"Just bandaging the body." Ling Lan explained, "I will stare."

"Not only there, can't..." Li Lanfeng insisted on holding the road. "Although there is no abnormality in Lingjia's family training, but it's good, if not... more, less." He grabbed Ling Lan's hand, "relationship To my future, don't, just... let people, let people... go back to the base camp, find, find... oh..."

Before I finished, Li Lanfeng couldn't support it anymore, and the whole person fainted.

Ling Lan's brow wrinkles more tightly. It is obvious that Li Lanfeng's injury does not allow him to return to the base camp for further treatment.

"Boss, we are here." Zhao Jun has set up a temporary tent.

"Boss?" The medical soldier's face is uncertain, is this going to be treated?

"Ready to clean up the drugs and bandages." Ling Lan took the opportunity to make a decision. The future is not to be said. Now, Li Lanfeng must be saved first.

"It's the boss." The medical staff quickly ran to prepare drugs and bandages.

Ling Lan picked up Li Lanfeng, and one of them went to the temporary treatment room that Zhao Jun built.

Ling Lan carefully placed Li Lanfeng on the Not long after, the medical soldiers brought the required drug bandages and set them aside.

He just picked up the scissors and wanted to cut the clothes. He heard Ling Lan say, "I am coming, let's go out."

"Ah?" The medical soldier was in awe.

"Well?" Ling Lan swept the past, clearly without a hint of coldness, but the medical soldiers still felt as if they were frozen.

"Oh. Oh. Good, good." I don't know what I was talking about, and when the medical personnel reacted, I actually ran outside.

He patted his chest gently, and the head of the army was so imposing. I am afraid that only the head of the team can survive, and it will scare you at a glance.

"Although I don't know what your family training is, it is not easy for you to be so jealous. Maybe I will come, even if there is any problem, it will be easier to solve." Ling Lan sighed, then picked up the scissors and started cutting. Open underwear that has been contaminated.

Wait... my Ling Lan, are you forgetting that you are a big niece? How can I see a man's naked body? Although it is **** and fuzzy.

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