Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1438: the end of the battle (I am bac

143: Battle to the end

Luo Lang reluctantly repelled several armor besieging him. At this time, his mech destruction rate has reached more than 6%. The combat performance of the mech has been reduced a lot. If the fusion of the evil character is added, let his mental strength I have always maintained an extraordinary reaction, and in the early stage, I have knocked out some of my courageous courage, and I am afraid of it. I am afraid that I will not attack it. I am afraid that it will be dangerous at this time.

Luo Lang shook his head sharply. Just now he felt a flower in front of him, and he felt dizzy.

"Is it already reached the limit?" Luo Lang sighed softly, and his mouth showed a bitter smile. Did he want to lose his appointment?

"Don't be discouraged, we can do it." Forever scornful ridicule of his evil character, and say a word of encouragement.

"It turns out that you are also afraid of death." Luo Lang laughed and finally found the opportunity to despise this bad guy who would not speak.

Although Luo Lang is usually stupid and sweet, but when he is mad, the combat effectiveness is not weak.

The evil character does not speak. It seems to be the default. It seems to be a stupid person who disdains that the brain circuit is never on the normal line.

"Reassured, I will not let you die until the last moment." Luo Lang suddenly converged a smile and seriously filled this sentence.

His words are not jokes, not ridicules, and they are sincere. In Luo Lang’s mind, the ultimate calm personality, evil character, and other personalities are never the proliferation of others, but they are regarded as real people. Treat, he treats each personality as if he were a hand or a foot.

The evil character slammed a bit and the look of Luo Lang became deeper. He suddenly understood why he was so calm and so respectful that he liked the owner.

"Maybe, this time, you are right."

"Okay, then we will fight to the end together." The evil character is faintly authentic. At this time, his demeanor is somewhat similar and extremely calm.

This kind of evil charm makes Luo Lang feel more comfortable. He smiled and said: "Okay, fight to the end."

He slammed the joystick, and at the same time, his mental strength, with the support of evil spirits, rose again.

The tattered mech, once again like a cannonball, slammed into the mechs that were carefully approaching him...

Seeing that the enemy was rushing again, the mechmen who besieged Luo Lang gnawed their teeth and pulled the sword. The battle was opened again.

One of the mechs fell, and the wounds on the Luolang mech were filled again.

"Alarms, alarms, mech damage to the maximum limit, the armor is expected to lose combat power after ten seconds. Alarms, alarms..." Luo Lang's mech-light brain suddenly gave a shrill alarm, which means that Luo Lang's mechs Can't fight anymore.

"Sure enough, finally." Luo Lang forced out the final blow, even at the last moment, he would fall in the battle.

"You are doing very well." A familiar and unfamiliar voice came from the ear, as if it were extremely calm, and it seems that it is not.

"Can still miss the appointment." Luo Lang regretfully closed his eyes, the reciprocal of the light brain just happened to zero, the slamming of the mech, directly burst open.

Seeing the whole movement of Luo Lang's mech, it was the control cabin where Luo Lang swiftly swept away.

When Chang Xinyuan designed this mech, he considered how to improve the survival chance of the mech division after the mech completely lost its combat power.

He took advantage of the tremendous destructive power generated by the mech of self-explosion, huge energy and heat, disturbing the enemy's mech sight and various radar search capabilities, allowing the control cabin to quickly escape the line of sight in a short time. What's more extravagant is that these mechs are also equipped with a valuable chameleon system. After the escape, the first time to collect information and integrate with the surrounding environment.

"Great, find out the control cabin." The enemy saw Luo Lang's mech finally falling apart and shouted excitedly.

Luo Lang killed so many of their partners, how could they easily let go of Luo Lang, even if they died, they must also smash his body and whipped into meat to vent their hearts.

But before they can act, they will see a mech from the sky.

The "嘭" mech was heavily slammed on the ground, and the huge vibration caused some armor with a slightly poorer control to stand up.

Ling Lan slowly stood up and saw the mech parts scattered on the ground, the color style was very familiar, the eyes suddenly cold, and she suddenly shook hands in the joystick.

Seeing this sudden appearance of the armor, raised the blood-filled cold weapon in his hand, all the mech-armsmen around him uncontrollably controlled the mech to retreat.

"Don't be afraid, he has reached the limit." He felt that his morale was taken by the other party. The captain of the team's mech was forced to smash a scorpion and cheered his companions, and also raised his courage.

However, his words are not chaotic, Linglan's armor shell is scarred at this time, it is the trace left in the battle, even the sky full of **** suffocating, seriously look, has been pitted, the blade has long been sharp Sense.

But even so, the straight body of the station, the cold eyes watching their mechs, obviously like their mechs, are mechanical objects, but give them an illusion, it seems to be watching a group of ants Full of contempt.

This feeling is really awkward. Finally, this grievance spurted out of the chest and turned into a roar: "Kill!"

All the melees rushed up, the grievances of the chest, the heavy pressure, and the deep fear and weakness of the heart, so that they can only save in this way, once they retreat, they will lose in this life. The hope of becoming a strong.

Ling Lan looked at them indifferently, she jerked a foot, the mech suddenly slammed, and a black light flashed.





Standby A light and shadow stopped, Ling Lan's hand in the sky, a roundabout, standing to receive the sword.


The surrounding mechs fell almost at the same time.

"Ling Lan, it has become stronger again." In the learning space, Ling Lan, who saw this time on the 3rd, was pleased with a hint.

"But she has reached the limit." Standing on the 9th next to the number three, worried and uncomfortable, the eyes are difficult to hide a trace of distress.

The fifth appeared quietly on the side of the 9th. It seems to be comforting and it seems to be telling the truth. "This is the road she chose. No matter what the result is, she must bear it."

"I know." No. 9 is surprisingly no.

"You know, why?" "The fifth smile is a bit I know I know, I want to be distressed, can't I?" On the 9th, I slammed the fifth.

"Oh..." The 9th burst suddenly, letting the 5th be a bit embarrassing, and the smiles that made all the instructors hate for almost a thousand years could hardly be maintained.

No. 9 snorted and disappeared in the next second.

On the 5th, I touched my face. When I just wanted to comfort the No. 9, how did I offend her?

"Women, sometimes it is unreasonable." On the 3rd, a pair of people came over and patted the shoulder of No. 5, and did not wait for the fifth response, and the figure flickered and left.

On the 5th, he took a shot on the 3rd and took some of his disappointment. He smiled slightly: "Isn't it just worrying, what do one two cover up?"

He took a deep look at Ling Lan, who was still in the battle, and the next second disappeared.

The authorities were fascinated by him, and he did not find that he had lost his usual calmness. The person who never cared about other people’s lives and deaths was gone.

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