Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1437: reinforcements?

1437: Reinforcement?

Luo Lang accurately flashed the enemy's attack. The giant sword swept the opponent's control cabin, and the huge force allowed the enemy's armor to fly backwards and slammed into the ground. X23US. COM fastest

The evil spirit personality clearly feels that at that moment, the spiritual power of Luo Lang, no, should also be considered the ultimate spiritual personality, quietly weakened a point.

The huge strength of the mech can only be achieved by the speed of control, and the original speed of Luolang can't be reached at all, so it can only be compensated by mental power.

The reason why this can be done, it is because the armor controlled by Luo Lang Li Feng, it seems to be the ace of the ace, in fact, is the upgraded upgraded Imperial Mech.

The Emperor's Mech is a kind of mech that is mainly controlled by hand and controlled by mental power. It is also a necessary tool for upgrading to a god-level master.

It allows the mechrist to gradually shift from manual control to mental control. It is also a way to improve mental strength. Because of the promotion of the **** level, the mental power must reach a terrible data, less than this data, even if you give it to God level. Mech, can't control it.

The evil spirit looked at Luo Lang (the ultimate calm personality) immersed in the battle, gently sighed, slowly sinking into the spirit sea of ​​Luo Lang, the main personality, supporting his spiritual strength.

These personalities may lack other things, only the mental strength is not lacking. Because they are the existence of spiritual power.

There are more and more mechs around, and their lethality seems to have not diminished... it is almost the same as at the beginning.

"Do we still want to fight?" Some people trembled.

"They can't support it for a long time, we have to avenge the sergeant." The disorder is not lacking in blood, this is why they can always maintain a strong fighting force.

Another group of people are not afraid of death and rushed up.

Ling has already been numb, clearly visible, the sky has no edge, can make Ling Yijian one, relying on her terrible hand speed and spiritual blessing, so that the mech has enough power to break the other side A defense.

After all, there are limits. Ling doesn't know when he can support it. He doesn't know how long Li Feng can support it. But since the battle has not stopped, they can only fight. Only war, must fight, and have a way to live.

"Kill!" Almost at the same time, the three people roared and raised the giant sword in their hands to meet this group of enemies again.

"They are not people..."

Several groups of people died, this time, not as he did before, he did not hesitate to plunge to fill the gap. If you don't fear death, you have to look at the situation. They have killed countless people, but the other party's combat power has not weakened or even stronger.

Ling whispered a circle around her, but did not dare to step further enemy aircraft, slightly shaking the sky in the hands.

"Come on." Ling was cold and cold.

Answering her is a condensation, Ling cold smile, the mech suddenly slammed on the ground, and then flew past.

Since you are not coming, then I am coming!

Ling doesn't want to rest, but even more afraid that the breath in his heart is lax, and if he loses this spirit, it is better to hurry and kill more.

Seeing that the other party does not rest, take the initiative to kill, but also let these hesitant enemies panic.

When I saw the killing, I didn’t even meet, but chose to escape.

"Want to escape? Dream!" Ling Leng laughed, and saw the mech flashing, it appeared next to a certain mech, the hands of the sky stabbed the opponent's control cabin.

It’s another trick, it’s a kill, it’s clean, just like before.

All mechs are flashing far, fearing they will be next.

Ling tried to open Zhang Wei's eyes and fought until now. Even if she is, she has reached the limit. The sweat doesn't know how many people are flowing. If the armor cabin has automatic drying function, it may already be soaked. .

When Ling was ready to kill again, the enemy plane suddenly became confused.


In the opponent's team channel, a loud cry suddenly sounded. This is a cry before death. Obviously, someone is dead again.

who is it? After all, each of the three armies is responsible for one person, and they are not related to each other. Therefore, the two people who are surrounded will kill more people, and they will not know it here.

The only possibility is that, in addition to the enemy in front of me, there are new enemies.

Immediately, they heard the sound of the outside attack.

Enemy! The first time they came up with this answer in their minds.

Sure enough, the call of the next second enemy attack sounded.

"What to do?" Without the commander of the legion, the captain's machine was also killed a lot. For a time, no one immediately responded.




As the screams followed, I immediately understood that the enemy is not just one, but a lot.

"A lot of mechs, rescue and rescue." There has been a mess, many people screaming in the channel.

No one knows how many enemies there are, and here, the captains around Ling are also beaten by half of the gallbladder. At this time, they hear a lot of enemies and they are no longer in love.

"Run!" I don't know who called this.

"Run!" Behind it should be.

When I saw the captain’s machine, I rushed back first. When they retired, those ordinary players retreated quickly.

Ling saw the situation, did not catch up, but immediately turned the direction, rushed to Luolang.

Compared with Li Feng, she is more worried about Luo Lang.

"Enemy!" Another legion, when Ling appeared, suddenly sounded an alarm.

Immediately, a row of mechs ushered in.

Ling squeezed the sky in his hand and rushed over without hesitation.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

When I saw a few flashes of black light, I fell down a few mechs, and Ling has easily crossed the first line of defense, quickly approaching the position of Luo Lang.

"Walk around." The mechs that kept on the periphery shouted at each other.

"What is going on?" At this time someone shouted in surprise.

"Demon. The March 7th Army retired."

"How did they retreat?" The people who did not know the situation were shocked.

"Look at the coordinates xx.xx." Someone found the situation and immediately reminded.

Immediately, everyone locked the screen to that position and found that they didn't know when they had been looking for the armored armor to retaliate.

"Not retreat, they are at large." They saw clearly, their friendly army was not retreating, but fleeing.

The armor that they thought could be easily eaten was like a tiger going down the mountain, smashing their favorite squad, throwing their helmets away, and only hating the niece to give them a pair of legs.

"They killed." They didn't wait for them to understand why this was the case, and they saw the armored army rolling over to them fiercely.

"We don't have enough people here, we ask for support, we ask for support." They are surrounded by a squad, and in part, the number is not enough for the other party to condense.

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