Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1431: Go back!

1431: Go back!

"Head, it's not good, we found the enemy's armored troops." Zhao Jun and others just placed the children in the mech, and they heard the bad news from the frontline investigation team.

"Estimulate their way forward." Zhao Jun sneaked in his heart, but still had a trace of luck, asked.

"The direction is out, it is the Baoqi District, it is us here, we are exposed." Not long after, the investigation team estimated the target of the enemy armored units.

"Damn." Zhao Jun snorted, and a flying body entered the armor control cabin.

Dr. Yan just sat in the vice seat and saw Zhao Jun's face entering severely. He quickly closed the control cabin and suddenly was shocked.

"Speed ​​retreat." Zhao Jun ordered in the team channel.

"Yes." Needless to say, the captains know what happened.

Zhao Jun controlled the mech to lead the crew to quickly evacuate the Baoqi District. What the doctor seemed to feel, he asked aloud: "Head Zhao, tell me what happened?"

Zhao Jun did not answer, his fingers danced fast, and the speed of the mech was once again increased by one level.

"Tell me, is there something in the Baoqi District?" The doctor is not stupid. Zhao Jun’s attitude proves her guess.

Zhao Jun still did not answer. First, he did not know how to answer. Second, he did not think that the answer could solve anything.

"I want to go back." How can the doctor worry about protecting relatives and friends in the seven districts.

Zhao Jun did not seem to hear, the mech still rushed forward, and when the other side did not form an encirclement, he tried to rush out of the gap.

If the other party only comes to a mechs, perhaps Zhao Jun will give a fight, but the information sent back from the front line is obviously a joint operation of the three armored units, even if he is a member of the mech group. With the ability of one enemy and three, and more than ten times more than the enemy, Zhao Jun will not be brain-dead to bring a group to die.

"You didn't hear it? I want to go back." Dr. Yan excitedly wanted to grab Zhao Jun's hand and wanted him to stop.

Did not touch the other party, I felt a force directly shocked her hand back.

"You TM calmed me down." Zhao Jun sighed.

"The old man is there, my friends and relatives are there, you let me calm down." Dr. Yan shouted excitedly.

The lightness that others talk about can involve their loved ones. Which one can really calm down? Dr. Yu knows that she will not help if she goes back, but she just can't control herself. She just wants to go back, even if she is dead with them, she is willing.

"What can you do when you go back?" Zhao Jun scolded. "They can't find us. There is no excuse to deal with the Baoqi District. Don't mess up."

Dr. Yu silenced. After a few seconds, she gently said: "I really don't deal with Baoqi District? Can you deceive yourself?"

Zhao Jun followed the silence, as the doctor said, he couldn’t deceive himself. The three armored forces surrounded the Baoqi District. There is no doubt that they have the exact news. If this trip is in vain, it is highly probable that the 7th District will be slaughtered as a vent.

"Lao, he guessed it, so I let Xiaoqing go with them..." Dr. Yu understood everything now, and the tears fell silently. She doesn't know whether she hates or regrets, and even some can't face Zhao Jun who saved her life...

"I'm sorry." Zhao Jun squeezed this sentence with difficulty. If he could, he didn't want it. But at the time, they lost contact with the boss. Everything can only rely on themselves. They have repeatedly smashed and killed. Absolutely, the reality forced him to find a relatively safe place, let the members rehabilitate and rest. The appearance of Dr. Yan and Baoqi District is as good as Zhao Jun’s life-saving straw, perhaps selfish, so that Zhao Jun does not want to go and does not want to think about this result......

Sure enough, he is still a selfish person, and there is no ability for the boss to easily solve difficulties.

"I am sorry that I am sorry for them. It is too simple for me to think about it." Dr. Yan laughed and laughed at the tears. This smile made people feel more worried.

Zhao Jun held the lever of his hand and slammed it tightly, but relaxed again in the next second.

"But I have to go back, Zhao head, put me down, I beg you, take them to a safe place, let them live safely..." Dr. Yu said.

"Do you know how far we have left the Baoqi District? Now you have to go, you have to go one day." Zhao Jundao.

"Fur away, I have to go back." Dr. Yan looked at Zhao Jun, and his eyes were determined not to refuse.

Zhao Jun knows that Dr. Yan is making up his mind. He can't help but whisper: "Rely!" Then press a call button: "Mu Captain, then, the armor group is led by you."

Captain Mu heard a big alarm: "Head, what do you want?"

"I have to go back to the seven districts." Dr. Yu was envious of him. Besides, the Baoqi District became the result. After all, it was his reason. If he didn't go back and look at it, he couldn't get through.

"No, the head of the team, Baoqi District is too dangerous." Mu team chief directly refused, he could not watch the head of the team to die.

"This is the order." Zhao Jun is also a person who made up his mind and will not change.

"Rely!" Mu captain also followed a low-pitched voice. He also pressed a call button: "There are ten captains in the regiment and go with the head."

In this case, we can only strive to win the opportunity to survive, and we cannot really let our own head of the family die.

Soon, the ten captains came out in the crowd and followed Zhao Jun.

See Zhao Jun's mechs step a light point, the whole mech will turn 180 degrees, the direction has changed, the ten mechs behind him turned around, the same light and sensitive no seeing any reluctance Stagnant.

"Organic A." Zhao Jun ran for a while, and there was a prompt on the radar, "Open the chameleon system."

Seeing the eleven armor stops nearby. At the same time, the mech is integrated with the surrounding scenery. Unless it is touched by the entity, the existing mechs in disorder will not find them.

This is also the reason why Zhao Jun can frequently escape from the enemy's encirclement, but the other party seems to have discovered this point. Whenever he is surrounded, he uses brute force to destroy the environment to determine whether Zhao Jun has hidden.

They just hid it. After a few minutes, they saw a brigade's mech.

"It seems that their encirclement has been successfully closed." Zhao Jun frowned, and at the same time thanked them for going fast, before the other party had not surrounded the success, wearing it in the neutral. However, the eleven of them were not so lucky and were really surrounded.

“What should I do now?” asked the doctor, worriedly.

"Look at the situation, if we don't find it, we will follow them." Of course, in order to avoid being detected by the other party's radar, it is necessary to switch to pure mechanical control.

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