Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1430: it is just right.

1430: Just right.

"Is not to say, as long as you contact your boss, can you solve these problems?" Dr. Yan looked at Zhao Jun hopefully, and hoped to hear some good news from his mouth.

"But you know, the whole process of adding ink, there is no way to send a signal." Zhao Jun face is gloomy, smart as he, the first time they know they are calculated.

Dr. Yu knows that Zhao Jun is telling the truth, but...

"With my strength, I can't satisfy your consumption." She is worried inside. The raw materials she can pick are almost the same. If the war does not stop, she must find another new raw material base. This is for her. For such a weak woman, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult.

"I know..." Zhao Jun sighed slightly, and he wondered what he was worried about. In fact, if he can not want to squeeze such a weak woman with a cheeky face, in order to follow his all the way to kill the partner, he has to harden his heart, and this responsibility that should not belong to the other party is pressed against this weak woman. On the shoulders.

As long as he persists until the end of the war, he will definitely repay this girl. Zhao Jun quietly pinched his fist and reminded himself to remember the other people's kindness to them these days.

At this time, Zhao Jun did not know that his boss Ling Lan had already taken Li Lanfeng and Luo Lang to this place.

“Is it clear?” A huge armored regiment was stationed in a valley, thousands of miles away from the Baoqi District.

"Check it out, they are currently hiding in the Baoqi District." The mech squadron responsible for the investigation came back to life.

"嘭", the armor of the regiment commander, a boxing in the rock wall, suddenly appeared a big pit.

"Baoqi District, really do not die." The commander's voice is very cold.

"What do you do now, head?" asked the captains of several armored squads on the side.

"Since they don't want to die, then satisfy them." The commander was cold and authentic.

"You can protect the seven districts under the ownership of the demon master." Another captain is hesitant. After all, they belong to the league. If they handle this, will they be dissatisfied with the demon?

"It’s killing, and then pushing it to the new lord." The commander had already thought about the countermeasures.

"Understood." Everyone realized.

"A sister, the old lady is looking for you." Dr. Yan had just applied medicine to a wounded person and saw that he had been following her to study medicine. The 12-year-old Xiao Qing ran in breathlessly.

The doctor's hand suddenly slammed, and looked suspiciously: "Find me? What?" "I don't know, the old man said nothing." Xiaoqing shook his head. "I know, I will go right away." The doctor stood up with a cry, washed his hands, and went out to see the old man.

Laojiao is the head of the Baoqi District. It is a place where war is everywhere, and it is the ability of the old man to get a safe area for them to live in peace. Everyone did not know what the old man called, and the old group of followers always respected the old man who was called, and the newcomer, he followed him.

The old man is generally fine, but once he speaks, there must be something important.

When I walked into the door, I saw that the old man was sitting on the fire and holding a branch. It seemed to be baking something. It didn't take long for it to be scented. "Daddy, are you looking for me?" asked the doctor to open the door. "Sit." The old man pointed to the position around him and said. "Okay." Dr. Yan sat down obediently. These young people were all old and old, and they all respected the old. "I heard that you saved some people." The old man whispered. He has always been doing what the children want to do, regardless of the situation in the Paul 7 district. "Well, they saved me, and I can't help but save them." There is grace and revenge, and the old man taught them like this. "Well, it's just like this." The old man's mouth showed a faint smile, but his eyes turned serious. "But all things must be right, everything can't be too much, otherwise it will be counter-attacked."

When the doctor stunned, I couldn’t understand the meaning of the old man’s sentence for a while. "Baoqi District can get a peace on the battlefield because it has never been involved." The old man reached out and touched the doctor's head, just like when she was a child, "but once caught in it, Baoqi District No more peace, Xiao Yan, you have to make a decision."

Dr. Yan bowed his head and meditated. After a few seconds, I looked up again, and my eyes were firm and determined: "Daddy, I understand."

The old man looked at her deeply and sighed in his mouth: "If you want to do it, go do it."

"Sorry, dad, I let you down." Dr. Yan was very guilty.

"No, you can make a decision, I am very pleased. You really grew up." The warm hand of the old man once again covered the doctor's head, and the love passed down was never reduced by half. "If you want to go, you will leave early, even if they are so concealed, they will know if they want to know. It will be harmful if they stay," the old man reminded. "I understand." Dr. Yan was shocked. "And, with Xiaoqing, they go together, they follow you, better than stay here." The old man continued.

Dr. Yan slightly frowns, Xiaoqing, the biggest one is 12 years old, and the youngest is only seven years old. This kind of age makes them experience the cruelty of the battlefield. Are they really ok? "Leaving here will only make them mediocre. The future of these children in Baoqi District depends on you." The old man seemed to understand the doctor's thoughts and explained. "I know, old man." Although the doctor is not very recognized, but the old man's arrangement, even if it is more difficult, she will not refuse. Most of them, use her life to protect Xiaoqing. "If it is not too late, let Xiaoqing take good things and leave immediately. Unless the war is over, don't come back." The old man is undoubtedly an activist. "Okay. I will take them away immediately." When the doctor felt the urgency of the old man, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Duanzi, doctors want to take some children with us?" Suddenly received Zhao Jun's notice, many captains are somewhat difficult to understand, they are fighting, not to be a child nanny.

"I am wrong." Zhao Jun face is grim.

“Ah?” Zhao Jun’s inexplicable admittance made everyone look awkward.

"I take it too seriously. The Baoqi District thinks that it is really a seven-zone area. Here, I can get some breathing space. In fact, this is just an empty talk..." Zhao Jun heard Dr. Yan said to take the children with them. When he left, he understood it.

The so-called protected area is just a game that the upper-level person arbitrarily sets, and can be cleared anytime and anywhere.

Those who can become captains here are not stupid, and immediately realize the meaning of Zhao Jun’s words.

"Isn't that we hurt the seven districts?" Some captains are annoyed, not because they don't like the children, but they don't think it's a good idea to bring the children to the battlefield, but now they understand, stay here, these kids may not There will be good results.

"I just hope that I still have time." Zhao Jun looked at the sunset in the west indefinitely, hoping that his worry is just mediocrity.

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