Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1423: strength is not enough.

1423: Not enough strength.

Li Lanfeng's route seems to be a little less difficult than Ling Lan's, because the route he chose is the one with the farthest distance between the two mechs. Of course, the route is far more than that of Linglan. Even so, the number of mechs is four more than that of Linglan.

In fact, the difficulty of crossing is no easier than Luo Lang. And he did not have a second chance. Once he made a mistake, he would be exposed and directly destroyed Ling Lan’s plan.

And this point, Li Lanfeng is absolutely not allowed, so placed in front of him, only success.

In the eyes, the mech reached the first key control point, and Li Lanfeng’s mind automatically showed all the data that the mech was sliding past.

"That's there." Li Lanfeng grabbed a certain point at a glance, just a glance, intuition told him, yes, it is.

Seeing his hand speed soaring, he instantly reached the limit of Li Lanfeng.

Although I found a relatively less difficult route, it does not mean that Li Lanfeng's current ability can really pass through.

To be successful, you must break through your limits and evolve once, just like Luo Lang.

"Success!" Li Lanfeng shouted in his heart, but his eyes were dark and still calm.

The armor flew over and with the curvature, Li Lanfeng’s hands were already out of sight on the console. If you don’t pay attention to his hands, you might think that he just sat in the control cabin and didn’t do anything. action.

Li Lanfeng's forehead was cold and sweaty, because he found that the flying of the mech was almost uncontrollable, and the flight line was deviating. Once the deviation was successful, it would hit the guards.

"No!" Li Lanfeng absolutely refused this ending. Perhaps the idea of ​​refusal was too strong. It has been limiting Li Lanfeng's N-year hand speed and suddenly rose.

This upswing may be minimal, but it is a little bit more, but Li Lanfeng once again stabilized the mech.

"Hey!" The mech was almost wiped the position of the guard armor less than ten centimeters, and it was worn in the past.

Followed by the second, the third...

When Li Lanfeng passed through the last guard armor, he saw the back of the Luolang mech that followed the Linglan flight route.

Sure enough, his route was far away and he eventually fell behind Luo Lang.

Flying out of the passage, you will see a great square. There are many mechs on the square. These mechs have different shapes, but when you look carefully, there is a similarity, that is, the one with them. The team of the team of scavengers has been repaired.

"You stay here for the time being, I will go and inquire first." Ling Lan right hand, said.

"I still go." Li Lanfeng was so willing to let Ling Lan charge, and quickly volunteered.

"You are not strong enough." Ling Lan's control door suddenly opened, Ling Lan has stood at the door.

"There should be no armor inside, we still open the mech, I am afraid it will be discovered by this organization." Ling Lan faintly, regardless of whether this sentence will hit Li Lanfeng.

"But here is the base camp. It is dangerous for you to act alone." Li Lanfeng said here, could not help but sigh, "If we can study the space device speculated in the book, then we don't have to be so cautious." ”

Can always carry the mech, the emperor-level field plus a king-level mech, a high probability to fight against a **** domain. Even if there is a soul domain sitting here, Ling Lan is also a battle.

PS: I can't help myself. I have to go to sleep. Don't give up. I will try my best to make up tomorrow. Also, patiently passed this August...

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