Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1422: one can not be less.

1422: One can't be less.

In the mech, the Luolang instantly sweats. Whether it is the master or the ultimate calm personality, he can only watch his own armor slide too much, not directly through, but slip to one of the sides. Guarding the door armor.

"Do not!"

For this fact, not only is the protagonist of Luo Lang unacceptable, but the ultimate calm personality is also unacceptable.

Although the personality is different, the same thing is that Luo Lang’s personality does not accept failure.

"still have a chance."

The strong belief inspired Luo Lang, only to see his eyes round, the hand speed that had reached the limit, and improved again in an instant, at that moment, the speed of Ling Lan control was reached.

In the preoccupation, the master and the ultimate calm personality have not been found. When they do not accept failure and look for opportunities, the two personalities have reached resonance. The two personalities are perfectly integrated. At that time, Luolang was not the master + The ultimate calm personality and cooperation, but become a new Luolang.

He has the calmness of the ultimate calm personality, possesses the super-control ability of the master's mech, and because of the complete integration of the two personalities, Luo Lang originally did not reach the required spiritual strength, and at the same time skyrocketed, reaching the support of the mech completion Ling Lan is the minimum requirement for crossing the action.

"Give me over!" Luo Lang is pressing his teeth, his hand speed exceeds his original limit, it will bring back. But at this time, Luo Lang did not feel at all. He just stared at the boss who passed through a frame mech in front of him, and while he was desperately controlling the sliding arc of the mech, he tried to correct the original mistake.

Mech dangerously wiped the mech, and at the last minute, Luo Lang succeeded.

The preoccupied Luo Lang had no chance to be happy, because he had to keep up with the pace of the boss and challenge the next through action.

Behind him, Li Lanfeng, who saw the success of Luo Lang, suddenly stunned his eyes, and his eyesight was extremely high. Of course, he found that Luo Lang had become stronger in the moment.

In fact, when he saw Luo Lang follow Ling Lan's movements, Li Lanfeng knew what Luo Lang wanted to do.

The first reaction, Li Lanfeng judged that Luo Lang had a great probability of failure. In fact, it is true.

Seeing that Li Lanfeng is about to fail, Luo Lanfeng’s cold sweat is only high, and he has not had time to make a corner. Luolang has been dangerously successful.

Whether it is an instantaneous correction action or a successful crossing, it proves that the current Luolang is more powerful than the previous one.

"I can't lose." Li Lanfeng's dark eyes became darker and darker.

Spirituality, Li Lanfeng believes that it is enough, but the speed of manipulating, because of physical factors, has always restricted the progress of Li Lanfeng. Although after re-experiencing Ling Lan, learning to raise the body and mind, it is to solve the problem of physical fitness, but after all missed the best repair time, Li Lanfeng's body, still limits the growth height of Li Lanfeng.

In fact, in Ling Tianjun, Li Lanfeng can only rank seventh in terms of whether he controls the average speed of the armor or the limit hand speed.

Qi Long, Luo Lang because of Ling Lan from the bottom of the foundation, plus physical enchantment, hand speed needless to say, in Ling Tianjun, is the first two. The two deputy commanders Yang Mingzhi Liu Furong, the former 10 squad leader Gu Da, is now the head of the 10-machine group, and Li Lanfeng’s buddy Zhao Jun, their hand speed is higher than Li Lanfeng.

You said that Commander Ling Lan?

Are they the captains of the family? This ranking is only for humans.

Of course, the speed of the hand is fast, it does not represent the real handling ability of the mech. If you hit the ground, Li Lanfeng may not lose to others. In fact, in Ling Tian, ​​it is recognized that the two most difficult people to fight, in addition to Qi Long, the rest is Li Lanfeng.

Qilong’s hard-hitting is the strength of Qilong’s fight, the more he is going crazy, the younger he can’t fight, and this name has been with him. Although up to now, Ling Tian people still do not understand exactly who this Xiaoqiang refers to, but since it is said from the boss's mouth, it must be a very strong person or a creature?

Imagine a person who can never fight, what do you want to fight? It will only get more and more exhausted. In the end, there is only one idea. Why is it not over yet? Yes, I still admit defeat.

And Li Lanfeng, that is simply not knowing how to fight, every action, it seems to be a trap, you beware, it has nothing, normal, you are not wary, well, the next second will be recruited. That is the more grievances, the last, ah, ah, I don’t want to fight, and the meter counts, I admit defeat, I surrender, ask for let go!

Therefore, even if Li Lanfeng suddenly evolved like Luo Lang, he was weaker than Luo Lang’s many speeds, and there was no way to jump like Luo Lang’s success, and the speed of Qilong was the best. Reflects.

This is the difference and limitation of physical fitness. It is like a scorpio, directly in front of Li that he can't pass, and there is nothing to help.

The difference in talent forced Li Lanfeng to seek his method to keep up with Linglan's footsteps. The accumulation earlier was finally a qualitative change under this opportunity.

Li Lanfeng, whose mental strength is stronger than Ling Lan, finally opened up a new evolutionary path in terms of mental strength. This road has no skills to counter the sky, but an auxiliary ability that seems to be of little use. But Li Lanfeng knows that this is what he wants most at the moment, because this auxiliary ability can help him better control the mech and make up for his shortcomings in hand speed.

Analyze the various data of the action and provide a number of possible successful routes or methods. Although the final decision is still in Li Lanfeng himself, with this ability, he is more confident and becomes the first person under Ling Lan.

Yes, Li Lanfeng never gave up on this goal, even if he fell in love with Ling Lan, willing to lie under the other side, did not give up this goal.

Because he is more greedy, he not only has to be the first person in Ling Lan's heart, but also the first person to be a partner, two first people, one can not be less.

After Li Lanfeng saw Luo Lang’s success, he completely let go of Luo Lang.

Of course, he can't let go now, because the crisis of Luo Lang just came to him.

Like Luo Lang, if you can't control it accurately, Li Lanfeng's mech will also touch the armor of the goalkeeper, and the exposure will become him.

The route Li Lanfeng chose is different from Ling Lan’s course of action.

The route of Ling Lan is the shortest and closest to the straight line, but it is undoubtedly the most difficult. Only Ling Lan's kind of enchanting can be perfectly traversed. The successful evolution of Luo Lang can barely break the chain. On several occasions, it is dangerous and dangerous, and it is extremely thrilling. This also shows that Luo Lang and Ling Lan's mech control, there is still a huge gap.

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