Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1417: talking to smart people.

1417: Talk to smart people.

"Leave the mouth." Ling Lan decisively said.

Luo Lang had already prepared to take the opportunity to destroy one. He heard Ling Lan’s instructions and was originally prepared to eject the magnetic shock flap on the left leg side. He immediately stopped and changed to disorderly dodge.

Seeing Luo Lang's mech plucked a few phantoms, at an unimaginable pace, it was hard to get out of the dead corners of the two men.

At the same time, the giant sword in his hand was finally controlled, and there was almost no preparation. It was hard to use the powerful arm to control the mech to come directly to the truth.

This is already a stunt class, or there is no prelude to prepare, and it is impossible to prevent this from happening.

This unexpected attack made the two people dodge.

"嘭嘭" two sounds, the two were hit by the giant sword in the whirlwind rotation, the two mechs suddenly fell out and slammed on the ground.

Luo Lang was unforgiving, quickly catching up, and the giant sword in his hand was cut away from his nearest mech.

Because he remembered the boss's instructions, he chose to attack the position of the chest position of the armor, the waist is the control cabin, which is related to the life of the controller. If you want to kill, you should be the first choice.

The chest is the main drive position. Once it is destroyed, it will make this mech completely paralyzed. Want to leave a live, obviously this position is the best. But in the same way, the protection ability of this position is the most powerful. If the attack power is less than the protective force, the attack is useless.

But this is not difficult for Luo Lang, especially he also controls Chang Xinyuan as the captain of them. Oh, now is the head of the team, the team of the team that has been carefully crafted, the performance is not inferior to the top king. How many grades are there.

Luo Lang’s attack was quick and awkward, and he did not give the other party a chance to respond. At the jungle grove, a white light suddenly appeared, and the back of the super-Luo Lang screamed away.

The sneak attack came quietly.

Luo Lang did not seem to be aware of it, and the giant sword in his hand was decisively cut towards the target.

"Hey!" The chest of the mech in the Great Sword, suddenly sparked. The armor of the mech of the armor was directly broken, revealing various metal parts and metal lines inside, and flashing sparks.

Obviously, this blow has reached the demand of Luolang.

And the white light that almost hit the back of the Lang Lang mech, but at the last one meter distance, was successfully intercepted by another white light, and could not hurt the Luo Lang mech.

Ling Lan, Luo Lang trusts his boss will inevitably protect him. Ling Lan will not stay watching his younger brother being attacked.

Luo Lang did not care about this. After succeeding, the right foot of the mech suddenly slammed, and he saw his mech rising from the ground. The giant sword in his hand slammed into the other machine that was about to stand up on the other side. A.

The position where the mech fell to the ground was very close to the jungle. Just as Luo Langjian arrived at the mech, a huge mech suddenly burst out in the jungle, a sharp conical spear, and slammed The operating cabin of the Lolang Mech.


A loud noise, because the power is too strong, the entire ground actually vibrated, splashing a lot of dust, blocking the line of sight.

Then there was another "砰", with the sound of broken metal...

The dust slowly fell and dissipated, and finally I saw it.

Seeing Ling Lan on one knee and squatting, the right hand firmly held a mech on the ground, and the armor that Ling Lan was holding, the limbs were desperately trying to prop up the body and struggle, but they could not make it. Open the right palm that doesn't seem to have much power.

In front of Ling Lan, Luo Lang stood there, with one hand in a flat, holding the sword of the giant sword, and the position of the sword of the giant sword was deeply inserted in the chest of the armor lying on the ground, obviously It is the kind that goes straight through and goes directly underground.

Only in a flash, they solved their two mechs, and when they came out, they were pressed by one side of the other hand and they could not resist.

Whether it was the three mechs that fought with Li Lanfeng, or the last one of Luolang, they were shot at the beginning, and the mech that had just climbed up, they stopped the battle in unison, and they put their sights on Linglan. On the body, and the unbearable head, they can only look silly.

Being their head is undoubtedly the strongest of them, and their strongest mech-trainer, even the other side can do it, and is easily restrained, this gap, let the other side understand, control The mechs of these three mechs are not ordinary mech-trainers. No, even the strongest elite armor divisions of the thirteen masters are not able to match... Legend has it that the thirteen masters have many emperors. The guardian, is this the legendary imperial master?

They are also veterans. It is very clear that the position of the imperial master in the disorderly zone, the number of imperial masters in the disorderly number to tell the truth, and quite a lot, but each one can be regarded as a prince . It is the most powerful person under the thirteenth master.

These people are much more powerful than those who are strong in the title field. The strongest in the title field is only the steward guard of the thirteen masters, and is still the servant of the thirteen masters. The imperial prince, in addition to those self-organizing forces, and the 13th Lords reached a cooperation agreement, even if it is to join the thirteen main camp, it is also the guest of the thirteen main courtesy, not only has a real power status, but also all Disordered dreams of free body.

A master-level sergeant is enough to let them out of this scavenger squad. What's more, the combat strength of the three mechs is definitely a royal level. Even if they have more people, they are not enough for the other party to play.

Mecha scavengers are all able to reach out and become a good person. When they are acquainted with knowledge, they must be Junjie. Otherwise, they will not be able to mix up in Ink. If you can't see the enemy, you won't do that useless work. Simply give up the struggle.

After struggling for a while, I found that I could not find a chance to escape. I stopped at the loss and said with a smile: "This grand lord, I admit defeat, I will not escape. Anything, please, I absolutely cooperate, so Can you let me go first?"

Dagong is the honorary title of the disordered masters and is the embodiment of status.

While this head struggled, he still calmly contacted the two partners who were hit and found that everyone was alive. Clever, he quickly guessed what Linglan needed. Since their life was in the hands of the other party, the head chose to cooperate decisively.

The mech pickers are not at the last moment, and they don't want to die, because behind them, there are relatives who need them to support, and they can't afford to die.

"You are very smart, I like to talk to smart people." Ling Lan faintly, while releasing her right hand, manipulating the mech slowly stood up.

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