Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1416: Curious!

1416: Curious!

"It’s really an innocent place to break through the iron shoes. It’s all time and effort.” Ling Lan’s eyes turned to the jungle next to the trees.

The person who took the lead saw that the head of one of the three mechs turned to them, and suddenly he stunned.

Did they be discovered?

He didn't have time to speculate and judged, and he heard the mech shouting in their direction: "Come out."

Is it fraud? Still really discovered?

The people who take the lead are somewhat uncertain. I don’t know if I want to go out to fight, or continue to lurk.

Everyone waited for the orders of their heads, their hands had already gripped the joystick, and just waited for the first order, they rushed to kill the three mechs.

The reason why the armored scavengers can survive in Gamma is because no one has caught their handles, the scavengers are cruel, or they kill the witnesses. If they are not low, they will blew themselves directly. It is absolutely not allowed to disclose the scavengers. Organize a little information.

I don't know why, the people who took the lead always felt that the three mechs in front were a little dangerous. He thought about it and decided to gamble on the other party.

Ling Lan saw that there was no movement in the woods, and he looked at Li Lanfeng.

Without order, Li Lanfeng knew what Ling Lan meant. He took the beam gun from behind and pointed it directly at the woods.

Oh, they actually came true.

The leader snorted and immediately ordered: "attack."

It’s really an idiot to hide at this time. The other party obviously wants to attack their hidden places and directly bomb them out.

Under this order, I saw six mechs saved from various positions in the woods. They cooperated with each other in a very tacit agreement, and they attacked Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng who were closest to them.

When Li Lanfeng saw it, a Z-shaped step flashed the first attacker. At the same time, the beam gun on his hand had become a cold weapon.

"When!" I saw the giant sword crossbar, directly blocking the attack of the two mechs.

It is clearly the power of the two, but Li Lanfeng is very easy to block, and does not move, but also through the force of the block, the two people attacked directly back.

On the other side, Ling Lan saw that the other three people had attacked and did not pull the sword. Instead, they quickly slid back and directly evaded the past.

How did the three people be willing to stop, and saw Ling Lan back and dodge, then manipulated the mech to directly follow the attack.

"When!" Their attack was finally blocked by a giant sword.

Can't help but finally shoot?

The three people took a closer look. The armor they had to attack had been far away from them twenty or thirty meters away, and they were blocked. They turned out to be the third mech on the other side. When did he arrive? ?

Originally they wanted to use the location, first kill the two mechs in the shortest time, and then try to kill the armor farthest from them. Therefore, in the blink of an eye, the third mech appeared in front of them, which made them unable to believe for a moment.

"Your opponent is me." They heard the sound of the opposite mech, with a smile, and did not seem to put them in their eyes.

Although the scavenger's mech looks unscathed and even broken, but after the Mech Scavenger organizes the gold medal modification, its performance and combat power are definitely not inferior to the regular trump card. What's more, these people are also experienced ace masters in combat. Although they are not comparable to the thirteen master ace elite armor, they are not weaker than the ordinary armored divisions, and even stronger.

Because these people are more shameless than those mech-staffs in order to survive, the warfare is very mean.

Therefore, the other person looks down on them and does not make them angry. Instead, they make them happy, and they make good use of all possible opportunities. The contempt of the opponent is one.

Perhaps, the scavenger organization will be so ruined that the mech is so bad that it may not have this meaning. I am afraid that the fight is to let the opponent ignore the neglected idea.

The three of them flashed back, no hurry, no divisions to find Ling Lan, but surrounded the later mechs to find their chance to kill.

Although I don't know why another armor is clear that I don't want to fight, but this kind of good thing for them will be stupid to refuse? Still brain damage to a person to attack?


Luo Lang excitedly licked his lips, the video of the mech has become a full-view state, and all the surrounding images are completely presented, so that Luo Lang clearly grasps the movement of each mech.


Luo Lang slipped a step and flashed a very secret attack. At the same time, the giant sword in his hand went up against it and directly attacked another mech from the top.

This is not a defense, this is an attack!

Luo Lang’s attack came too suddenly, but the mech attacked above was also a veteran. When he saw it, he heard the engine roaring and directly interrupted the speed of the down. He just pulled his own armor~www I want to avoid the extremely slamming blow of Luo Lang.

"Think of beauty." Luo Lang chuckled, the original swearing giant sword, suddenly flew out, flew to the attempt to dodge the mech.

"Be careful." The third originally wanted to attack Luo Lang's mechs. When he saw the situation, he could only give up his original plan. He would attack the sword of Luo Lang and temporarily change it into the giant sword that attacked Luo Lang and flew out. In an attempt to shoot down the giant sword.

"When!" The giant sword hit the giant sword of Luo Lang. Because there was no blessing of Luo Lang's power, the giant sword was shot down by the other side.

At this time, Luo Lang was striding, just to the position where the giant sword was shot down. He grabbed it and did not stop. He directly held the giant sword and took a round.

This time, he attacked the mech that he had evaded at first.

This attack is absolutely unexpected. It can be said that at the moment when the Luolang Giant Sword took off, everyone thought that the other party had lost the chance of a close attack. How could he think that Luo Lang had actually designed the following offensive objects? .

The result of unpreparedness is that there is nothing more to do with the mechanized division of the old road.

The giant sword swept the armor hard, and the huge force directly flew the mech out, and fell heavily on the ground. The remaining strength was not exhausted, and a trace of about ten meters was drawn.

Seeing that his partner was hit, the two mechs did not have any confusion. They did not choose to save. Instead, they did not have the offensive in Luolang. When they had no time to change, they took a look at the two. The line of sight is dead and the attack goes away.

It can be said that when his partner is determined to be hit, the two men can still choose the best attack position very calmly, but this mentality proves that these mech-studs are not ordinary people.

Ling Lan saw here, could not help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and was also curious about this group of mechs.

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