Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1397: trial.

1397: Judgment.

Zhao Jun gripped the joystick in his hand, and his palm was constantly sweating, but it was instantly evaporated and left no trace.

Zhao Jun is nervous, and his heart is being crushed by a mountain.

Originally, he thought that he was not afraid, but when he really wanted to give an order to confront a 10,000-person machine group, Zhao Jun suddenly understood that he was not as fearless as he imagined.

Although he had experienced several major battles and led his own armored squad in the first line, at that time, he did not have much fear, because he knew that there were trusted partners behind him. Once he can't resist it, his partners will lead the way to support.

This is the affirmation in my heart, so that when he is fighting, there is no burden, just concentrate on playing. But now, in this strange New Mexico, he did not have reinforcements, only they fought alone.

Another point is that the former battle, the boss or the military masters grasp the direction, he is just an executive. At this moment, all actions will be measured by himself. No one is helping, it is wrong, it is his decision. Fortunately, if it is a misjudgment, it is the result of the whole armor regiment being overwhelmed.

Zhao Jun finally understood what an independent head should shoulder.

Can they really be a pair of five? Zhao Jun hesitated.

"Head, the other party is close to us less than five kilometers." The front line of the team leader reported the latest situation of the enemy.

"Do you still fight?" Zhao Jun’s forehead sweat came out. Can he afford the trust of the 2,000 mechmen?

"The head of the team has been four kilometers." The speed of the mech is extremely fast. Not long after, the distance is shortened by one kilometer.

"Zhao Jun, don't be nervous, think about the boss, what will he do." Zhao Jun left his hand on the joystick with his left hand, some trembling right hand.

"I don't make trouble, but it doesn't mean that I am afraid of things. Since some people are not afraid of dying to come up... then, let's go." In the mind, Zhao Jun appeared in Linglan's attitude towards being indifferent after being deliberately found by his opponent. Boss, Never feared.

"Since there must be a battle, then do not think about how to avoid the war, but consider **** each other and kill the future." Yes, the boss has always been murderous, like to solve the problem completely, and will not tolerate.

"More than half of the winning percentage, why not Bo?" Yes, the boss is still a decisive person, even if the situation is worse, he can always lead everyone out.

"Zhao Jun, I believe in you!" Zhao Jun said in his mind when the boss of the old man was handed over to him, he said to him.

Yes, the boss has always trusted them. Even if they make a big mistake, the boss’s punishment is cruel, but that trust has never been reduced.

"Oh, since the boss believes me, Zhao Jun, why don't you believe in yourself?" Zhao Jun suddenly grinned. Although he hates this never-ending war in his bones, as long as the partners are still fighting and everyone needs him, he will not withdraw from the front line.

"Since the boss believes me, Zhao Jun, why can't you believe them?" Although the first two sentences are the same, the latter half is different. One sentence Zhao Jun is trying himself, but one sentence is questioning himself.

"All the members of the team, with the team as the unit, scattered and cooperated with the ambush." ​​Zhao Jun double-eyed and flashed, and smashed the ground to reach the operational order.

"Yes." I heard the commanding voices of the captains.

Soon, the mechs began to spread, and the team was the unit to find the best place to slay. The chameleons opened, allowing their mechs to blend into the surrounding environment.

In the distance, the fast-moving 10,000-level mech force from the Lord did not know what was happening here.

"What's the discovery in front?" Each unit has a probe team to probe the front line. From the main force, it still attaches great importance to front-line exploration information. Every one kilometer, the head of the staff responsible for intelligence sorting will ask In front.

"At present, no enemy armor units have been found." Although they are in the jungle area, whether it is a radar or a variety of far-sighted devices, the feedback signals are safe.

"Everyone is careful. According to the news from the command center, in this direction, we should be able to encounter a unit of the squad or the lord." The team channel heard the reminder of their head.

"I hope we don't get too bad, these two units don't want to join hands." A captain asked with some concern.

"It shouldn't be. The relationship between the Lord and the Lord is not good. The relationship between the people under them is also very poor. It is rare to see the time when there is peace." Someone retorted.

"That was the former, the new lord who came up now, I heard that it was still supported by the stimulator." There seems to be some gossip about a captain.

"Impossible, we are away from the Lord, how can we watch the earthquake force rise?" Another captain objected. Their relationship with the main body of the earthquake is also very general, although not as bad as the former owner, but it is not good to go anywhere. As for why the relationship with the Lord is so bad with the Lord... I have to talk about the field of the two, a thunderbolt a fire system, which is considered to be homologous, but who is the most powerful attacking law The two masters do not accept anyone, this is the second time, the relationship is not so good.

"Don't be embarrassed, even if the relationship is good, it may not be able to join hands, and they are against each other." The captain looked at the essence at a glance.

Although the melee will start, there will be alliances, but everyone knows very well that this year my alliance, next year is likely to be an enemy, no one will be really feeling because of the cooperation in just a few days. Everyone is only a superficial harmony, and sometimes it is a problem of the distribution of interests, and each other is black.

"As long as we don't cooperate, we are still afraid of who." Another captain said very arrogantly. This is not his bragging. In the past few years, the Lord has been stationed in the state of Gamma as a victor, and they are in the middle of all the armored units, even if they can’t sit on the first place, the top three are stable. These years, almost never lost, no wonder they are proud.

"Well, don't chat, even if there is nothing in the past, everyone should be careful." The head of the team came forward to end the topic.

At this point, some of the mechs have entered the ambush circle of the Zhao Jun machine group.

"Captain!" Seeing a lot of mechs in the past, the mech players who lie in the forefront are a bit eager to move.

"Don't worry, let go." Their captains are very calm, and now they have entered a small part. Now they start the ambush and can't maximize the results. They still have to be patient.

In Lingtian, once on the battlefield, the mechrist must obey the command of the captain unconditionally, and the first-level deduction is absolutely strict. Who dares to violate, the punishment system can make you live in **** forever.

The mech-trainers who knew this point, after the captain spoke, did not say anything, and waited patiently, waiting silently.

PS: I tried hard to get through the card and squeezed it a little bit. I don't believe it.

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