Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1396: hate fighting?

1396: Hate fighting?

In the colorful palace, in the conference room on the side of the Linglan Palace, Li Lanfeng, Luo Chao and Han Zengya are busy.

Ling Lan sat in the first place, at this time holding his head and closing his eyes.

Han Zengya, who is using the most advanced light-brain receiving signal, has a touch of color on her face. She quickly deciphered the signal and then stood up and walked to Linglan.

"Boss, this is the first report from the frontline battlefield." Han Zengya handed over the documents in his hand.

Ling Lan opened her eyes and reached out to open it. The mouth suddenly smashed.

"How? Is there a problem?" Sitting next to her, Li Lanfeng, who is studying the topographic map of Indo, feels the slightest pressure from Linglan, and quickly asks.

"Well, Zhao Jun and the one armor of the main armor encountered." Ling Lan handed the information to Li Lanfeng, "He chose to face the confrontation."

"Zhao Jun has always been this kind of style of play, and then I have encountered it. If I don't face it, it will weaken everyone's morale." Li Lanfeng explained with a smile.

"He is in the jungle." Ling Lan glanced at Li Lanfeng faintly, apparently saying that you continue to round, I see how round you are.

Li Lanfeng smiled for a while, but fortunately, the goods have always been shameless, and even hard to say: "Because in the jungle area, everyone thinks that they will use various warfare, ambush and other combat plans, Zhao Junyi will come up and kill. It’s a surprise, maybe it’s a miracle.”

"Well, I am waiting for the strange effect you said." Ling Lan did not dismantle Li Lanfeng's duck mouth hard, although he was somewhat dissatisfied with Zhao Jun's chosen combat plan, but Ling Lan decided to let go, then Zhao Jun wanted to do it on the front line. OK, she will not object, at most when she comes back, the other party into the training room to temper. As for whether or not to lose a little bit of life, it depends on how Ling Lan’s mood was at the time.

Li Lanfeng can only give Ling Lan a smile. What can he do, who makes Zhao Jun his buddy party, even if he knows that Zhao Jun’s decision is not the best, he has to explain to the other party in love?

Ling Lan interrupted this topic. Zhao Jun’s battle has just begun, and it is not clear about the battlefield situation. When nothing is clear, it is irresponsible for the parties to make arbitrary judgments. Ling Lan decided to wait for the event, when Zhao Jun reported the situation, then analyze it.

Ling Lan fell into meditation, his fingers tapped on the table, and the action inherited from his father became a habitual action when Ling Lan thought.

Several other people saw the situation, suddenly put their hands and feet light, afraid to make a sound, and affect the thinking of the boss.

Suddenly Ling Lan looked up at Luo Chao, who served as a secretary, and asked: "Luo Chao, is Zhao Jun’s medical personnel and pharmacy adequate?"

"This time, Minister Li’s level for Zhao’s head is S-level. As long as it is not particularly chaotic, it should be able to support the end of the war.” Luo Chao quickly replied.

"S grade, that is, each mechurer is equipped with two cans of female cockroaches." Ling Lan nodded and turned to Li Lanfeng, "Lan Feng, you know Zhao Jun best, you think this war, Zhao Jun will not Too messy?" Ling Lan is aggravating the tone in the Taizi. It is obvious that Ling Lan thinks that Zhao Jun will definitely be chaotic, that is, it is not clear which level the chaos has reached.

"Zhao Jun ah... calm when calm, he is crazy enough when he is crazy." Li Lanfeng frowned. "He and Qilong, once entered the battle mode, are very hot, even crazy. But this Kind of blood and madness, the two are completely different."

"Zilong is the joy of enjoying the battle honestly and physically. Looking at the Qilong battle, even if it is crazy, it will be difficult. We can all feel the excitement and pleasure of Qilong’s opponents, plus its peculiar physique and talent. Let Zilong be very suitable for evolution in battle." Li Lanfeng said here, eyes with a hint of envy, this trait, they all envy and hate, they want to evolve in battle, can succeed once, it is lucky The goddess suddenly couldn’t think of sending a kind heart to them, absolutely the possibility of infinitely close to zero. Qi Qilong, the success rate of evolution... He has to doubt that Qi Long is not the illegitimate son of the goddess of fortune, there is absolutely a shady.

"But Zhao Jun is not... his blood and madness are all forced out. It can even be said that he is quite disgusted with the battle, even though he feels like a fighting madman." Li Lanfeng has some cold eyes and has known Zhao Jun for so many years. After doing the buddy for ten years, Li Lanfeng, who was originally good at making a heart, certainly saw through Zhao Jun’s hidden heart.

Li Lanfeng’s words let Luo Chao and Han Zengya, who have been listening to them, show their horrified expressions, not just them. As long as they are in the Lingtian Independence Army, they ask which team leader is best fighting, and most like to fight, the top three in the top are Qilong and Zhao. Jun, and Luo Lang. Li Lanfeng’s words mean that they always think that is wrong.

However, Ling Lan is not surprised by this: "I felt it before, but this is Zhao Jun’s private affairs. I am not convenient to say anything."

"In the end, it is still the family background. The civilian status is destined to have a very low starting point. It can be beyond the ordinary talents of the ordinary people, so that the whole family has pinned countless hopes on him, plus the three-star star is a resource-poor place. To the too good subsidy, all this is bound to Zhao Jun can only rely on himself, step by step to climb up. Under pressure, in order to become stronger, sometimes only the sword can go slant." Li Lanfeng analyzed.

When I heard this, Luo Chao’s eyes brightened: "So, like Ziron, he used non-stop battles to seek the possibility of evolution."

Li Lanfeng nodded: "Yes, many times, Zhao Jun is fighting through the battle, forcing himself to enter the limit, and finally find a breakthrough and successfully advance."

"Just, he is not like Zaron. He really loves fighting, enjoys fighting, and is eager to fight. But reality forces him to do this." Luo Chao’s eyes showed a pity of color, and a lonely figure appeared in his mind. The child figure, nothing, can only fight and fight, fight bloodshed and then bleed, to make himself stronger, and finally admitted to the men's first military school.

"This is why he has no way to master the skills in the title field, distorting his will, and will eventually become a demon to bind himself." Ling Lan faintly said, "Perhaps, this war is an opportunity for Zhao Jun to dispel his demons." ""

Li Lanfeng’s eyes suddenly brightened: “Really?”

Ling Lan nodded: "The opportunity is there. I used to protect too much. Although it made you safe, it also reduced your chances of growing up... Waiting for Zhao Jun to really understand what it is to shoulder thousands of lives on his shoulders. When he is responsible, his problems can be solved."

PS: First guarantee one more. Cry~

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