Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 135: : When fighting is going on!

Chapter 135: When fighting is going on!

L19 quickly left the fighting room, it seems to be closed to confinement, Ling Lan found no one to accompany, it seems that the discipline of the crew on this starship is very strict, this is not the ordinary hired starship can do.

Linglan’s mouth was exposed, and I almost knew what the starship was.

The original five people agreed that Luo Lang was the second to play, but Ling Lan calculated it, decided to change the position, let the monk first. Of course, Ling Lan also told the second weak candidate in Wushu.

Although the Wushu was somewhat confused, but there was no opinion. Before coming to the stage, Ling Lan whispered: "First put a dozen tricks, wait for the other party to vent and then attack."

Li Yingjie’s victory was actually very inexplicable. It was counted as the other party’s initiative, but no matter what, it was a defeat for the opponent. This will inevitably lead to the unsatisfactory and winning of the remaining members of the Golden Scale team. They urgently need a victory to save their faces.

Ling Lan estimates that this time, the other party will not give them the opportunity to take the initiative to attack, they will definitely attack and fight, and they want to quickly win the game. If they can't stand the offensive, they can't talk about the victory. It is.

Therefore, Luo Lang, who is not good at dealing with this kind of mad attack mode, is not suitable for playing the game now. Once he is estimated to be a few strokes, he will be beaten by the players and will soon be defeated. Ling Lan didn't care about winning or losing, but he didn't want Luo Lang to learn nothing and lost. Therefore, she must first crack the opponent's attacking tactics, let the other side think. The attack is invalid.

The martial arts are different. The best thing he can do is to deal with this tactic of attacking. I believe he can definitely cope with it. This is the reason why Ling Lan wants him to play the second game. Wu Hao wants to win. Ling Lan did not want her little brothers to get nothing.

Of course, in order to ensure that the monk can win the game, Ling Lan still reminded the monk to make him ready.

Wu Hao nodded and understood that although the two were considered competitors in the class, this does not mean that he is not convinced of Ling Lan's judgment.

When they got on the stage, they went to each other for a ceremony. The monk's opponent is a big man of about 30 years old, looking at the burly figure of the other side. As well as the strong muscles of the exposed arm, you know that this is definitely a power type fighter. Wu Hao’s heart was secretly vigilant, and Ling Lan’s reminder once again came to his mind. He wanted to see it again. He immediately decided to defend the attack.

Sure enough, as Ling Lan expected, the opponents who played this time are not as casual as Li Yingjie’s opponents, and they are more casual. The opponent’s fighting attitude is very serious. There is no such thing as humility, and it is a squally shower. A burst of kicks and kicks, the dance is called tiger and tiger.

Because of the preparations in his heart, the monk was faced with such a fierce and fierce pattern of violent attack, but he was not too flustered. He calmly and carefully evaded, just like a canoe, with no fear of floating waves, no matter How fierce the other party is, he can always find a place to stick to. Not completely falling below the wind.

It’s hard to get through the opponent’s round of offensive. Maybe the other side can’t attack for a long time, and the offensive is obviously slowed down. The monk who has already prepared for counterattacks has not done much consideration. A set of advanced military combat techniques belonging to the Wu family was madly displayed from its hands. The anti-customer rushed to attack, and this sudden change made the team of the Golden Squad team only able to cope with it for a time, and the situation suddenly reversed.

When the instructor saw this, his brows were slightly wrinkled. He almost confirmed that the other party used the tactics of Tian Ji’s horse racing. I did not expect that they could accurately judge the two weakest people in the Jinling squad, and this one and the former scouts were afraid. It is the top three among the five.

The instructor hasn't figured out one thing. The wind in the field suddenly, the monk is close to the body, and both fists are shot at the same time. This short and fast attack makes the other party out of defense and is directly hit by the monk.

This attack of Wushu used a second inch of strength. It seems that the attack power is not strong. In fact, the other party obviously ate this dark loss, and the footsteps of this inch were unstable, and even a few steps were taken.

Wu Hao saw the situation is not forgiving, followed closely, double fists like a shower like crazy hit the other's abdomen (height problem, can only find that place to fight), however, this attack of the monk makes the other party have to Blocking, the abdomen is the weakest place in the human body. The monks are small and small, but the strength is not small. They can't help the other person to be careless. They have to retreat continuously to try to remove the attacking force.

At this moment, the violent attack of the monk suddenly stopped. He regained his back and jumped back to his original position, pulling the distance between the two, and then proceeded to the other side with a courtesy: "Thank you for your permission, Uncle." !"

The man suddenly reacted and looked at his own feet. Sure enough, he unknowingly withdrew from the position of the fighting platform to stipulate fighting, which means that he was unconsciously forced out of the fighting range by the martial arts. It has indeed lost.

Dahan couldn't help but smile: "It's a very powerful Scouting student, it is indeed that I lost."

Dahan quickly walked to the instructor and bowed his head and apologized: "Sorry, instructor, I lost."

"l18., go back to confinement for three days!" The instructor sighed slightly, also gave punishment, lost to Scouting students, is a shame for adults, and he gives a little punishment, will make their shame some.

Dahan gratefully respected a military ceremony and then turned and left. It seems that he also automatically ran to close the confinement. Closing confinement is not a bad thing. Sometimes calming down may have a good harvest. Many people advance to improve their ability. It was obtained through confinement.

However, the two consecutively consciously closed the confinement, let Linglan five people look at each other, they only have one message, that is, this starship is probably an active warship disguised as a mercenary. And the place they are going to this time is not the well-known original planet notified by the contact, I am afraid it is a secret planet blocked by the military.

The Scouts who won the two wins were a little fluttering at this time. They even shouted out to win all the following games. Compared with some sorcerer Scouts who had lost their senses, some Scouts were very calm and thought that the following game was not so easy.

Especially Qi Long and Luo Lang, the look is very serious at this time, because their boss told them that they have chosen the strongest two of them in the Golden Scale team. According to Ling Lan, it is obviously sent to the door. Abuse.

The third appearance was Luo Lang. The chosen opponent was a young man of 22 years old. He was very gentle and had a sly smile on his face. It seemed to be very harmless.

However, Ling Lan accurately told Luo Lang that this person is not so simple. It is the second strongest of the six people in the Golden Scale team, and it is still a sturdy character. When Ling Lan said this, his face was obviously a bit mournful. It seems that Lu Lang’s game is probably not going to end well.

The instructor thought that the other party would choose their third weak team according to the process of Tian Ji's horse racing. I didn't expect the other party to pick up the second strongest team of the Jinlin team, and it was the one who was full of conspiracy.

The instructor couldn't help but shook his head. I felt that Ling Lan might be disappointed this time, because this young man, even if the instructor himself is right, feels very tricky because he has too many fighting traps and too many temptations, even him. It is inevitable that it will be recruited several times, which is the most difficult one in the Golden Scale team...

Do they think this player looks weak? The instructor carefully looked at the black-bellied kid of the Golden Scale team and found that he really felt this way. Did they really count? Still have any purpose?

The instructor’s line of sight again casts on Ling Lan and tries to find some hints on them. When he discovered that these scouts only reached the height of their chests, they suddenly stunned and then laughed. He even unknowingly put the other party in the same position. The other party is obviously only a child of about ten years old. How can he judge the strength of the Golden Scale team? Perhaps it is only a coincidence that the first two games can be won. Ok...

"Luo Lang, after you go up, don't think too much, don't worry about whether there is a loophole in the other side, as long as you seriously play your basic body skills, you can see the tricks." Can't bear to see Luo Ling loses Ling Lan or still I gave Luo Lang a little suggestion.

Luo Lang nodded and rejoiced: "Know, boss." Even if you know that you are looking for abuse, but you can lose good points.

Luo Lang knows in his heart that he can never compare with the other party. Although the other party does not seem to be old, the other party must have experienced countless wars. Climb out in life and death, in fact, fighting The experience is definitely several times more than him. It is a veteran who has fought in battle, and it is his luck to fight with him before hunting.

Perhaps the last l18 attack did not play a role. The other party saw that Luo Lang was cautious and did not feel complacent because of the victory of the first two games. So he simply gave up the attack and began to tentatively circle the circle. Of course, In the confrontation, they also deliberately exposed some defensive emptiness, small flaws, etc., in an attempt to lure Luo Lang to take the initiative.

However, because of Lang Lan’s reminder, Luo Lang turned a blind eye to this. He was extremely careful. He would not act rashly until he figured out the strength of the other side.

In this way, the opponent seemed to think that it would be useless to continue, and he took the initiative to attack.

Scouting basic fighting techniques, although the offensive and defensive balance is appropriate, but in the end, in fact every attack is based on its defense, that is, the defense of Scouting Basic Fighting is extremely strong, or even arguably perfect.


Make up yesterday! Calvin. ()

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