Chapter 134: The top five in the class.

The two men had a different ceremony, and then they began to fight. After you came and went a few strokes, the crew’s voice, which was still noisy, began to get smaller. Finally, their eyes were attracted by the two fighting people in the field. past.

"Thank you for the little broken child's thanks to the fighting, very solid."

"There is now calm, cautious, and does not use the so-called shackles to destroy the integrity of the martial arts. Ah Quan can't find the flaws of the other."

"Aquan's attack has been resolved by the other side." The offensive and defensive of the basic fighting is very balanced, unless there is a person who fights far beyond Lin Zhongqing, otherwise it is difficult to break through the basics of this kind of practice. .

"Your student, this counterattack is perfect, hey, these little **** can get their proud peacock tails to close up." In the captain's room, staring at the old screen of the big screen, seeing their own Seeing that the crew is not doing a good job, the ten cuts are also angry.

For the interaction of Ling Wujun, Lao Lian certainly sees it very clearly, and now he is satisfied with their fighting spirit. However, when Ling Ling told Lin Zhongqing to play, now Cheng Yuanhang’s introduction knows that Lin Zhongqing’s strength does not belong to Class A’s top level. He began to wonder if the little guy is somewhat blind and confident.

Although the Aquan was on board his ship, fighting was among the bottom of all the crew. However, his crew is not an ordinary crew! Each of them has experienced a ruthless war, but it is a hacker who climbed out of the sea of ​​corpse...

Laolian believes that even if they are the weakest Aquan in here, these Class A students of Scout Academy can't beat it. I just didn’t expect to thank the facts I saw in front of me and smack my face...

Sitting on the side of Cheng Yuanhang pretending not to see the old face like a palette, very lightly sip a cup of tea in his hand, no sound, but a smile on his mouth indicates that he is in a very good mood at the moment.

"Lin Zhongqing, come on!" "Lin Zhongqing, come on!"

The students of Class A of the Scouting Academy were excited and cheered for their classmates. Even Li Yingjie, who has never dealt with Lin Zhongqing, is also serious on this occasion. He hopes that Lin Zhongqing will give his strength and give them a face to face.

At this moment, Aquan, who has been playing for a long time, seems to be a little impatient. The original fighting technique has actually appeared a tiny flaw...

Opportunity or trap? Lin Zhongqing's heart was moving. At this time, his ear seemed to sound Ling's scream: "Strongly hit the right threat!" That place is the flaw of the other side.

Lin Zhongqing couldn't think about it at all. He just followed the order and used all his strength to force him to box.

"Hey!" This is the voice of the fist to the flesh. Lin Zhongqing’s move is very fast, so that the other party is caught off guard and can’t avoid it and hit it directly!

Seeing that A Quan Teng Teng Peng stepped back a few steps, his right hand subconsciously pressed his own right flank, his face was pale, and his face was severely painful. It seems that Lin Zhongqing’s punch is a solid hit on him and he has not been able to be unloaded.

A crew member with a red cross on the upper arm changed his face and went straight into the crowd. Picking up the emergency treatment device hanging on the waist and quickly scanning the other's body, and then anxiously said: "The internal organs have broken bleeding, and quickly sent Ah to the nursing cabin." This should be their ship doctor.

The words of the ship doctor let a few powerful crew members quickly take action and send Ah Quan to the nursing cabin. The faces of the crew who were boring at the beginning began to condense, and they found that the group of children were not as simple as they thought.

There was a brief silence in the fighting room. Ling saw that the starship crew had already faced their existence, which made Lin Zhongqing look a bit.

Lin Zhongqing received a hint from Ling, once again said: "My fighting skills are not yet sophisticated, hurt the big brother, please forgive me!"

"However, if the crew of your ship is such a strength, then the next fight will be necessary." Lin Zhongqing's words made the crew look red, which is obviously a slap in the face of their contempt.

"So, the strength of other students in your class is stronger than you?" A cold voice came out behind the crew.

The crew members sneaked away and shunned, and the people in the mouth were greeted: "Instructor!

Ling’s eyes narrowed slightly, a man wearing a federal uniform and a cold and chilly body appeared. He was about thirty-five and six years old, and he was a young one in the crew, but he

Let the crew who are older than him be very respectful and even fearful.

From the pressure passed from the other side, Ling knows that this person is probably the strongest of these crew members.

The other party's momentum also affected Lin Zhongqing. Lin Zhongqing felt that he was overwhelmed by an invisible pressure, but he was extremely proud of his bones. He didn't want to humiliate the college, shame his class and lose face to the Ling team. Even if a good tooth bites, the pain caused by biting the oral meat makes himself recover from the pride of his face. He replies: "According to my strength, I can only squeeze into the top ten, and the top five, I think There is no qualification for dyeing the finger""""

"Yes? Then I have to look at your class. You are not qualified for the top five." The instructor looked around the crew and let the crew stand up straight and stand up.

"Golden Squad." The last sight of the instructor fell on a certain team. "This time you are playing!"

"Yes, the instructor!" The six men of the Golden Scale team couldn't help but be surprised. They didn't expect the instructors to send them to play.

The instructor's appointment made the other crew members very surprised. They couldn't think of the instructors being so big, they sent their members of the Royal Mech Team to play. Are these little farts really so strong?

"Can you call the top five of your class out?" After the instructor arranged the starship to go out to the crew, he turned his head and asked Lin Zhongqing.

Lin Zhongqing subconsciously looked at Ling Ling, Ling’s low right hand, and his fingers twitched and flicked.

Han Jijun, who stood next to Ling, felt that he was gently pushed out by a softness. His body could not help himself. Now he walked in front of the two steps and walked to the front of Ling, as if he saw Lin Zhongqing’s inquiry and took the initiative. The explanation is the same.

Han Jijun is a smart baby, and instantly understands who pushed him out to be a shield. When he stood firm, he directly introduced the top five of his class to the Xie Guan: Qianlong, Wusong, Li Yingjie, Luo·; Liang, Ling.

Wu Hao looked at Lin Zhongqing and Han Jijun in the field and quietly asked: "How to arrange?"

“Hey, is it just a simple discussion?” Ling lost the problem.

"How do you say?" Wu Hao frowned.

"Thinking, I will do it according to the method of horse racing. Now I want to learn something. It is best to hard-hitting." Just look at how the Wushu chose them. Ling actually did not thank him. Her eyes were on the instructor. Jin scales Xiao Xie did not Xing Ling, if it is even an official fight with this, perhaps more interesting.

Wu Yi Li Yingjie and the two of them discussed it, chose to win the game, they are eager for victory, do not want to accept failure.

Qianlong and Luolang did not care, they said that they listened to Ling’s arrangement.

The choice of Wu Hao and Li Yingjie made Ling's brow gently smashed, and this fear of losing is not so good. But Ling did not say much, just nodded and said. There are a total of six people in the Golden Scale team. Ling will see which ones are weak and which are stronger. Her eyes turned and she asked Qianlong to call Han Jijun back to discuss.

In the end, several people decided to take the initiative to propose that Scout Academy can freely choose opponents. After all, they are weak, and the request is normal.

Han Jijun will Ling their meaning even if the official said, the instructor did not hesitate, directly agreed.

Li Yingjie was the first to play, and Ling chose the one with the worst strength of the Golden Scale team. The instructor browed and looked at Li Yingjie’s battle seriously. He saw Li Yingjie’s strength and vinegar, and the crew’s flag was so thankful that he did not fall into the wind.

"Tian Ji horse racing? Interesting." The instructor's mouth showed a smile, this group of children is very competitive, but this is not a bad thing, if there is no such strong emotion, they are not a **** boy?

Li Yingjie's Dao Xie fighting technique is obviously worse than Lin Zhongqing, and the opponent is more than N times higher than Lin Zhongqing's opponent. On several occasions, the opponent almost grasped the loophole in his action and knocked him down. Xin Ying Li Yingjie's family martial arts and secret skills belong to high-end goods. Every time he feels bad, he uses Li's life-saving tricks to let him escape the must-kills that must be done several times.

In this way, you came to the ground to fight a hundred strokes, the team members of the Golden Scale team feel that they lost their big faces, even for such a small child can not make up ... he looked up to the coach ~ ~ There is a request inside.

The instructor frowned and didn't want to shake his head decisively. He certainly knows what the other party is asking for, but that action is the card of the mech, and he does not think that he won the game with this card.

What is the meaning of life.

The team members who did not receive the support of the instructors seemed to have lost their battles. Li Yingjie seized an action hole that was unintentionally exposed by the other party and took three steps back.

The team member was stunned and angry. He wanted to save his face immediately. The posture of his hands suddenly changed. The five fingers were weak and he was facing Li Yingjie.

The instructor's face changed greatly and shouted: "Stop!" The team member was awakened by this loud drink. His forehead was cold and sweaty, and he quickly put his hand in the position and stood up.

"This. Update fast", we admit defeat." The instructor thanked, "l19, immediately the girl went back to confinement for three days.

"Yes!" L19 bowed his head and replied, because of the height problem, Ling saw the complex expression on his face, and that Si Siqing. Rs()

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