Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1339: solve directly.

1339: Direct solution. E"┡小说WW』W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

"In the space field, this is a bit of a hassle." Another golden middle-aged man frowned slightly, and he was the Lord of the Thirteen Lords.

At their level, of course, it is clear what exists in the space field. Even if they encounter a strong space, they will feel a headache. It’s not that you can’t deal with him, but someone who has mastered the space field and wants to escape. No one can leave him.

It can be said that the strong in the space field is an unkilling existence. If the other party is only a solo traveler, they will certainly join forces to kill once. Even if they fail, they will not turn up any storms. But behind the other side is standing in the light and the color. Once it fails, the five colors will inevitably lead to the disorderly zone. In fact, the three kings of the adventure world have been in a disorderly zone for a long time, and there is no justification for them to settle in. The 13th Lord does not want to give this opportunity to the other party.

"The Lord did not come?" Kun saw a circle, his brow slightly wrinkled.

"This time, he lost his face, I am afraid that I am not willing to communicate with us now." The main faint voice, with a hint of disdain.

He did not agree with the Lord, and he had long been on the bright side, so he did not hide his thoughts.

"Hey, I want to ask him how to look at it. After all, only he has played against the space field. There should be more things now." A woman with a fascinating makeup painted her mouth and smiled.

"The demon Lord, I don't want to hear you with such disgusting laughter, which will make me want to kill you with a knife." A man with a clown makeup, suddenly showing a sly in his hand, squinting at the Woman road.

"That's why you can kill, my card owner, the little girl is waiting for you on the bed." The demon Lord suddenly flattered and looked down at the card owner's eyes.

"Hey!" The image of the card owner suddenly disappeared. Not long after, the demon Lord followed the black screen.

"They, it is estimated that they are fighting again." One has a big dark circle, a look of ghosts, and also looks like an over-indulgence, a weak and powerful, he is the ghost of the thirteen masters.

"No matter what they say, how do you treat these colorful people?" A long, blue-faced, handsome, handsome young man asked, he was the owner of the thirteenth master, don't look younger. The age may not be smaller than others, but he has the secret of law, so that he can stay young.

"The only thing that has to be solved is that we can't let the five colors shine." The Lord is faintly authentic, "the disorderly zone, it is not allowed to touch the risky world."

"They will have big deals with major forces next time."

"Some of the forces we have cultivated in secret can be used." Kun said.

"Understood." The other main nodded back.

After this sentence, the virtual screen in front of the main body is restored to black again.

Although outside, the thirteen masters are in power, and there is a little friction to start the war. Today, you will fight with him. Tomorrow, he will fight with me. Some will become dead opponents. One will not be willing to bite each other. If the main owner of the earthquake, such as the demon master. In fact, this is not the case. The 13th Lord does not want everyone to think that the king does not see the king and hates each other. Even if they don't agree again, they will put down their prejudice once they have something and sit down and discuss.

The thirteen masters can linger in the disorderly zone for decades, because they secretly joined forces to control the whole disorder, successfully stopped the appearance of the fourteenth master, and stabilized their power and status.

The lord returned to his colorful palace, just sat down, and thought of the grievances on the horns, suddenly angrily shot to the handrail.

"Hey!" The stone chair armrests suddenly shattered into pieces, and the maids standing on both sides shook fearlessly and dared not speak.

"I must kill the kid." The lord is savage, and he has not eaten this squandering for so many years.

He has foreseen that tomorrow, his message of helplessness to Lancome will spread throughout the disorderly zone. The **** is stepping on his face and making a name for himself.

"Come to, gather all the protections that remain in the palace at this time." The lord is the character of the singer, how can he swallow this tone, and immediately summon the guards, ready to start with the horns.

"Yes!" The personal attendant hurried back.

Not long after, I saw five people of different physiques, and people of different ages came in, including Ji Ming and Yu Shangfei.

"See Lord Lord." The five men respected and waited for their master's instructions.

"You choose the elites of your team. You must clean up all the people in the horns in three days, and one will not stay." The Lord is cold and authentic.

"Yes, the Lord is the Lord." Five people led the life and have not yet got up. Then the eyes of the Lord suddenly burst into anger, and their eyes swept behind them, shouting loudly: "Who?"

The five men turned back in horror, but there was no one behind them. Just when they were at a loss, the space suddenly twisted and then there was a line out of thin air.

The line slowly opened, revealing a black mouth, a military boot from the inside, stepping on the white and innocent white jade on the ground of the temple, a "clam" sound.

The mouth is getting bigger and bigger, and finally the person’s true body and face are revealed. The white face is beautiful and unparalleled. The young one is too much. At first glance, like twenty-three four, look at a few more eyes, and feel that there are only ten Six or seven years old, youthful, and childish.

"Hey!" The second leg of the other party stepped out of the hole, behind the black windbreaker, swaying, dancing, simple attire, but could not stop the dazzling radiance of this person, a true millennium, inscribed in the heart, then difficult forget.

"It's you, Blue Dragon!" The eyes of the Lord's haze are staring at Ling Lan. "It's very good. It's a paradise. You don't have to go. There is no door to hell."

"From the moment you went to We have no possibility of reconciliation." Ling Lan said faintly, "If this is the case, it is better to solve it directly, so as to avoid future troubles."

"Ha ha ha..." The lord suddenly smiled and smiled. "Blue 霄, you are too arrogant. I really think that the space field is invincible. However, I am very satisfied with your unclear practice."

艮 艮 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右

With this sound, the five guardians violently violently rushed to Linglan.

Suddenly two figures appeared, a black light flashed, and several chains danced.

"Hey!" Continuously silent, the five guards were strongly defeated.

"Your opponent, but we, don't bother our boss's interest." Li Lanfeng held a sickle in his hand and smiled.

Ps: Two more finishes, I bet my own today, win, so add a chapter. Do you want to continue to gamble tomorrow? If you lose, it will be really broken.

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