Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1338: Anyway?

1338: Anyway?

When the guest and the host were happy, the main person took the person away. When everyone left the horn, Ling Lan’s original smile was gone and disappeared. Δ┡E『Δ" novel WwㄟW. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

"Boss, what's wrong?" Originally happy to break into the disorderly heaven, and suddenly sighed in the heart, busy asking.

"Do you think that the earthquake master really helped me?" Ling Lan smiled and laughed.

"You said, there are other plans?" After all, Tianfang is a person who has been mixed in the adventure world for countless years.

"In disorderly zones, the 13th Lord has always regarded it as his own territory. How can he be willing to let the new forces join? In particular, there is obviously a huge force behind it..." Ling Lan closed his eyes slightly, and he just opened, not only It is only necessary to face the suppression from the 13th main face, but also be careful about the calculations in the dark. It is not easy, it will be more difficult than in the federal military.

But what about this? Ling Lan suddenly opened his eyes, and a fierce man flashed past. No matter how hard the road ahead, she has to dominate this place, calling the king the emperor, she is qualified, and the federal army is clamoring for revenge for the father.

"Here, I will give it to you." Ling Lan said.

"Boss, are you leaving?" Tianfang was surprised.

"Opportunities are fleeting, I have to fight every second." Ling Lanyao looks in a certain direction, maybe there is a chance for her to rise, but at the same time, it may be a life of nine deaths...

"White!" Ling Lan shouted faintly.

Suddenly behind her, she suddenly took out a small white round ball and jumped directly into Ling Lan’s arms.

Ling Lan gently touched the white head, whispered: "Wait a minute, you have to work hard."

"Oh..." Rest assured, Master, I will definitely fight for you! Xiao Bai is very arrogantly patted with a tentacle and is not a chest ball body.

"No matter what happens, try to delay me to come back." Ling Lan confessed this sentence and disappeared into place.

Two people are waiting there at the port square below the horn.

Ling Lan looked at Luo Lang with a faint look: "What?"

Luo Lang lowered his eyes and whispered back: "I have already eaten the 2nd generation of the Nuwa, no problem."

"I don't mean this, the one who made the golden water, can you suppress it?" Ling Lan calmly said.

The problem of Luolang’s new combination can overcome others, but she can’t beat her.

Luo Lang’s eyes showed a struggling color: “ my best.”

"If I need to take a shot, I will say." Ling Lan looked at Luo Lang deeply, and seemed to be able to see through Luo Lang, so that Luo Lang could not help but duck down.

"Let's go!" Seeing Luo Lang's resistance, Ling Lan took back his sight and dropped the sentence faintly, and disappeared into the same place.

Li Lanfeng looked at Luo Lang with a smile and seemed to see something: "When the break is continuous, the endless troubles..."

After all, it also disappeared in place.

Luo Lang's eyes fluctuated a bit, and then he returned to calm, and then he followed the footsteps of Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng and disappeared into place.

The heaven on the deck looked at Ling Lan's original position. At this time, it was already in an empty position. It was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he smiled bitterly: "Luo Yang, I feel very incompetent now."

"You can only watch the young people rushing to the front line, fighting to fight, but they are shrinking behind, can't do anything, isn't it?" Luo Yang knows this feeling, because he also has.

"I think I have lived in fifty-six years..." Tianfang jerked back and strode to the exit.

"Where are you going?" Luo Yang quickly followed, and asked aloud.

"Training room, cultivation. Can't be too far away from them, otherwise it's too faceless." Tianfangtou did not return to the ground.

"You have trained enough recently..." Luo Yang helplessly said that since he knew the strength of Luo Lang Li Lanfeng, Tianfang has been self-abuse in training.

"Not enough. I asked Luo Lang. When the boss trains them, every day is half dead and dragged back by the boss." When Tianfang used to listen, he felt that this group of dolls had a tendency to self-abuse, and training was not such a training method. Don't you understand how to combine work and rest? But now, the heavens have profoundly realized that only this cruel death training method will enable them to reach this height at this age, and they will not be weak when facing those who are in the disorderly zone.

Damn, he also wants to be such a person. He used to think that he was training properly. Now he feels that he is wasting his time. Why is there no reason to know Ling Lan’s boss earlier? If it is earlier, perhaps he is now a helpful combat partner. It is. However, it’s not too late to wake up. The boss said that the battle has just begun. There are more brutal battles waiting for them. He must improve his strength as soon as possible and become the strong fighter of the battle, not the weak one who is protected. .

Tianfang went directly to the training room to train and threw everything from the horn to Luo Yang.

Luo Yang was originally a staff officer. He understood that Tianfang’s choice was correct. After all, Tianfang is already a strong field, but he has not yet entered the title. If he feels this time, he will be lucky enough to enter the title. Help. So, if you don't say anything, you will take over everything about the horn.

When the earthquake returned to his own palace, he had not sat down yet, and he saw his personal attendant greet him: "The main person of the earthquake, the other masters are waiting for you online."

"It’s really troublesome." The Lord was helpless. The next second he appeared behind the desk in his study.

The main body of the earthquake sits down and presses the light brain on the desktop, and a virtual screen appears in front of it.

This thing is in the center, it is a very common way of contact, but here, only the high-level forces of the major forces can have it, and it is very expensive.

Although the major forces hate the country's disorderly blockade ~ ~ but there is no way to do this, after all, disorder is not capable of producing such things, they want, can only be squeezed by high prices in various countries It is also to be scraped off by the adventure world as a channel.

The thirteen masters of the disorderly zone and the major forces are very complicated about the adventure world.

Although they are grateful to the adventure world, they set up an external channel for them, but at the same time, they also hate the adventure world very much, because the adventure world is helping them bring rich and advanced materials, but also extract their precious wealth.

In fact, the relationship between the thirteen masters of the disorderly zone and the three kings of the adventure world is really not good.

Soon the screen jumped out of the seven or eight figures. If outsiders saw it, they would inevitably exclaim, because these people are the masters of the thirteen masters.

An old man with a white head and a flowing white beard, the first one asked: "Is it a shocking master, the people who sent this time, how do you feel?" He is the Lord of the Thirteen Lords.

"The strength is good, the space is suspected, and it can be leveled against." The main character of the earthquake is "because the age is too light and some are unsettled."

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